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6. Top 10 contributors over the years

Top 10 posters on 1.1.23
List of top 10 posters as on 1.1.23 is given below:

Top Posters as on 1-1-2023Total
1.J M Garg99,270
2.Saroj Kasaju39,097
3.Gurcharan Singh36,471
4.Aarti Khale14,123
5.Dinesh Valke13,282
6.Usha Desai12,000
7.Nidhan Singh10,613
8.Balkar Singh8,572
9.Pankaj Sahni7,823
10.Surajit Koley7,786

milestones to encourage members

All time top 10 posters up to May 2022

Here are All time top ten posters on efloraofindia up to the end of May, 2022:
1. J M Garg                  94,733
2. Gurcharan Singh      35,956
3. Saroj Kasaju             35,402
4. Aarti Khale                14,017
5. Dinesh Valke            12,961
6. Usha Desai               12,000
7. Nidhan Singh            10,535
8. Balkar Singh               8,570
9. Suraji Koley                7,786
10. Pankaj Kumar           7,714

Waiting for others to pick up soon

Top 10 posters as on 1.7.21
J M Garg- 82376 (1-1-21) +834 (Jan) + 643 (Feb) ­+ 801 (Mar) + 803 (Apr) + 753 (May) + 892 (Jun) = 87,102

Gurcharan Singh- Old id 1000 + 22,951 (before Oct, 20) + 475 (Nov) + 75 (Dec)= 23501+ 1278 (Jan, 21) + 925 (Feb) = 26,704 + 1409 (Mar) + 829 (Apr) + 610 (May)=29,552+ 668 (June) =30,220

Saroj Kasaju- 23,824 (1-1-21) +824 (Jan) + 355 (Feb) + 575 (Mar) + 323 (Apr) +480 (May) +463 (Jun) = 26844

Dinesh Valke- 12,252 (1-1-21) +15+17+ 28+12+4+9 (Jun)= 12,337

Aarti Khale- 12001 (1-1-21) + 227+83 +179 +183 +87 +78(Jun)= 12,838

Ushadi =12,000

Nidhan Singh- 10354 (1-1-21)+6+4+4+7+15+11=10,401

Balkar Singh- 8560 (1-1-21)

Surajit Koley- 7189 (1-1-21)+0 +0 + 73+83 + 153+168(Jun)= 8666

Pankaj Kumar- 7273 (1-1-21)+5+7+234+47+22+13 (Jun)= 7601


All time Top 10 Posters as on 1.1.2021

Most Active Posters-  All time– as on 1.1.2021 are listed below (position in bracket () is of 29.8.20 to which I have added position of Sept, Oct., Nov. and Dec.’2020, where ever available. NA means not available.):

J M Garg (80417)+951+1008+NA+NA=82,376+
Gurcharan Singh (22951)+NA +475+NA=23,426+
Saroj Kumar Kasaju (20171)+706+968+1226+753= 23,824
Dinesh Valke (12252)+NA=12252+
Aarti S. Khale (11193)+158+273+244+133=12,001
Ushadi (11197)+0+3+0+0=12000
Nidhan Singh (10354)+ NA=10354+
Balkar  (8560)+ NA=8560+
Dr Pankaj Kumar  (7273)+NA=7273+
Surajit Koley  (7189)+NA=7189+

Thanks to all of you for your valuable contributions and bringing efloraofindia to this level.


All time Most Active Posters as on 29.8.2020:

me (80417)
Gurcharan Singh (22951)
Saroj Kumar Kasaju (20171)
Dinesh Valke (12698)
Ushadi (11197)
Aarti S. Khale (11193)
Nidhan Singh (10354)
Balkar (8560)
Dr Pankaj Kumar (7273)
surajitnotavailable@gmail.com (7189)

me (73349)
Gurcharan Singh (22624)
Saroj Kumar Kasaju (15569)
Dinesh Valke (12252)
Ushadi (11162)
Aarti S. Khale (10199)
Nidhan Singh (10109)
Balkar (8559)
Dr Pankaj Kumar (7016)

me (64966)
Gurcharan Singh (22542)
Dinesh Valke (11093)
Nidhan Singh (9955)
Saroj Kumar Kasaju (9845)
Aarti S. Khale (8863)
Ushadi (8614)
Balkar (8558)
Dr Pankaj Kumar (6791)
It will also worthwhile to add here those, who have posted more than 3,000 messages (as above this there is no record till somebody comes within top 10 posters):
Sh. Tanay Bose– 6656 as on 18.1.19 (no longer active)
Sh. Prashant Awale– 4168 as on 30.12.14.
Dr. D. S. Rawat  more than 3000 messages
Dr. Tapas Chakrabarty – more than 3000 messages
Dr. Satish Phadke older Id – more than 3000 messages
Smt. Alka Khare – more than 3000 messages
Dr. Neil Soares older id – 3129 as on 18.1.19 (mostly inactive now)
Dr. Vijayasankar Raman – 2997 as on 18.1.19
Sh. N Muthu Karthick – 2877 as on 18.1.19
Smt. Bhagyashri Ranade–  2683 as on 18.1.19
Sh. Anurag Sharma – 2524 as on 18.1.19 (mostly inactive now)
Dr. Giby Kuriakose – 2232 as on 18.1.19




me (51939)
Gurcharan Singh (22507)
Dinesh Valke (10000)

Inline images 1

Nidhan Singh (9539)

Inline images 3

Balkar (8558)

Inline images 4

Aarti S. Khale (8227)

Inline images 5

Ushadi (7159)

Inline images 2

tanaybose15 (6656)
Dr Pankaj Kumar (6289)



me (38860)
Gurcharan Singh (22416)
Dinesh Valke (9243)

Inline images 2

Nidhan Singh (8964)

Inline images 1

Balkar (8558)

Inline images 5

Aarti S. Khale (7634)

Inline images 6

Ushadi (7147)

Inline images 4

tanaybose15 (6656)
Dr Pankaj Kumar (6097)



Most Active Posters – All time- on efloraofindia as on 31.12.15

me (28464)
Gurcharan Singh (21887)
Inline images 3
Balkar (8554)
Dinesh Valke (8518)
Inline images 2
Nidhan Singh (8446)
Inline images 1
Aarti S. Khale (6868)
Inline images 4
Ushadi (6673)
Inline images 6
tanaybose15 (6656)
Dr Pankaj Kumar (5743)



Top contributors on 17.9.14 : 

No. of messages  Name
19212+ Dr. Gurcharan Singh
19594   Sh. J.M.Garg
 7961    Dr. Balkar Arya
 7402    Sh. Dinesh Valke
 7037    Sh. Tanay Bose
 5898    Sh. Nidhan Singh
 5652    Sh. Pankaj Kumar
 4679    Smt. Aarti Khale
 3967    Sh. Prashant Awale
 3934    Sh. Surajit Koley


Top contributors on 09.6.13  

   3865 Dr. Usha Desai
   3032 Surajit Koley
   3480 Aarti S. Khale

Updated on December 24, 2024

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