Efloraofindia Taxonomic Research Forum
What had initially started as a site to share photographs and get identity of unknown plants, I find in recent months, it is taking shape as Forum where new inputs from members are leading to the re-interpretation of identity of many plants. Many of us very happy to identify their specimens from local floras, and most of the times once we identify the specimen from local flora, we don’t find need (and often there is no need, because that is the purpose of local floras: fewer names to sort from) to cross check the identifications. Interactions on this group have in recent months led to the correction of many local flora identifications and more importantly discovery of several new records in regional floras. There are often very involved discussions, not met in even usual research interactions at various research institutes. Some recent such discussions have been on Solanum indicum complex which threw in several new species of our areas, Ocimum longifolia complex, Alternathera species in India, Acmella species in India and more recently discussion on specimens of Physalis minima complex uploaded by me and Dinesh ji. Truly most of these discussions are initiated by Satishji and Dinesh ji, provided professional touch by Shrikant ji and Vijayasankar ji and interesting inputs by Garg ji and Tabish ji. The group has more recently become more resourceful with the introduction of Tanay (ji), Muthu ji, Satish Chile,  Balkar ji, Satish Pardesi ji and several other members contributing actively. With discussions continuing like this, our website may soon become a Forum/Centre for active Taxonomic Research, I keep on interacting in several other groups, but find none (even some International ones) reaching a fraction of interaction that we find on this group.  Congratulations to all members. Three cheers for efloraofindia Group, and three cheers for our pioneers Tabish ji and Garg ji.  (Dr. Gurcharan Singh- 11.4.10)
Last night I was telling my friend about the activities in this group, which provokes knowledge by discussions and reviews. As Gurucharan singhji  mentioned, the group is gaining momentum to become a Knowledge Forum on Plant taxonomy. Interactions from experts here, kindles me to learn and search more.
I love to be part of efloraofindia. (N. Muthu Karthick- 11.4.10)
The key to the success of this group, to my mind is the approach to write without hesitation what comes to your mind at the first sight of the plant photograph. If all of us wait for writing only when one is 100% sure about the identification, then perhaps 90 % of plants on this group would remain untouched. I have been stressing on this forum, and Dinesh ji and Satish ji (and now Tanay) give it a practical shape, make a guess, even if it is a wild guess. Once any member finds a name given for a plant which appears doubtful, it is a real impetus to go deeply, find more information, and come up with improved identification. This is the fuel for this group, and is the key to the high success rate of identifications on this group. Let us make sure that this tempo continues. Let us also make sure that we keep on interacting in cordial atmosphere, and find the interaction a joyful experience. (Gurcharan Singh- 11.4.10)
One more thing is the very-2 positive role moderators play (along with other experts & members) (sometimes behind the scenes as they are part of the ITPmods group, whose membership is only restricted to the moderators of this group). They are also setting very high standards required of them. I am thrilled with the views & guidance provided by our experts. Let their tribe increase. (J.M.Garg- 11.4.10)