Multiplier effect of experts on Indiantreepix
While updating ‘Indiantreepix Database’, I am surprised and astonished by the amount of interest generated (and information provided) by our experts like Singh ji, Pankaj ji, Santhosh ji, Vijayasankar ji, Tabish ji, Dinesh ji, Anil ji, Sethi ji, Vijayadas ji, Satish ji, Navendu ji, Neil ji, Devendra ji, Nayan ji, Prashant ji to name few (there are many more)- adding a new dimention called multiplier effect. And our flower hunters have not been far behind. In some cases, experts & flower-hunters are the same.  If experts are there to help in identification of certain category of plants- flower hunters/ ameteurs will try to photograph & post them more. This has happened for Orchids due to Pankaj ji & Navendu ji, Himalayan Flora due to Singh ji & Tabish ji, Western Ghats Flora due to Santhosh ji, medicinal Flora due Vijayasankar ji, Ferns due to Vijayadas ji, Grasses due to Anil ji, Fungi due to Sethi ji, Maharastra Flora due to Satish ji, Neil ji, Dinesh ji & Prashant ji, Central India Flora due to Nayan ji, Rajasthan Flora due to Devendra ji  etc.  It is due to this that we have such an increase flow of interactions in 2009 on ‘Indiantreepix’. What we currently lack now is an Expert from Eastern Himalayas & an expert on succulents. 
With so much of help from experts, I have no doubt that we will be able to photograph & compile a large percentage of Indian Flora. My hats off to the untiring efforts of the Experts & flower-hunters!!! (J.M.Garg- 25.10.09)