Some general Efloraofindia discussions/ reports/ links etc.:
19 new species of flora and fauna in Sikkim:
A book on a new industrial model based on trees:
A garden for Blind:
A tribute to Sh. T. Pullaiah- Author of so many books:
Article on “FlowersofIndia” web site:
An Incredible mass-flowering Year:
Astawarga or Astavarga of Ayurveda:
Author citation & classification systems adopted:
Avian Silence: Without Birds to Disperse Seeds, Guam’s Forest Is Changing:
AVIS – IBIS (Avian Information System – Indian Biodiversity Information System) launched:
Banana tree with record yield!:
Beautiful Ashikaga flower park:
Beware of Exotic Plants:
Biggest & huge flowers:
Biodiversity Act and Taxonomy in India:
Biopiracy and research:
Biotechnology and Environmental Biosafety:
Bird and butterfly attracting trees:
Books specially local flora of TN:
Brutal murder of the Sandal Tree:
Certificate Course in Taxonomy of Plants and Animals:
Changing Urban landscape:
City Farming Workshop:
Convert your Home Garden into Health Garden today:
Crafting India’s Landscapes:
Dead wood is good wood:
Digitization of herbarium:
Do trees sing?:
Dr. Nathaniel Wallich (1786-1854) & SIR WILLIAM ROXBURGH:
DVD of One Hundred Volumes of [the] JBNHS:
Eco-landscaping & Eco-house..:
Endangered species list for states of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and :
Envis Bulletin on Special Habitats and Threatened Plants of India:
Exchanging seeds in Pune:
Extracts relating to ‘Indiantreepix’ discussion threads in Final Report of BSI/ZSI Task Forces:
Family of the week:
Field Botany Course at BNHS:
Field guide to mountain trees:
Find scientific names for Botanical/ Telugu/ Hindi/ Tamil/ Kannada/ Trade/ Popular names:
Flora & Fauna of A.P.:
Flora of British India:
Flora of South India/ W. & E. Ghats- Well documented on net- Reason?:
Flora of the Indian epics period:
Flowers of Sahyadri- A wonderful book for flower identification:
Free ebooks and floras on net:
Free Journal Access:
FRLHT, ENVIS CENTRE ON MEDICINAL PLANTS announces Improved web site:
Fungi Index:
Girdling and debarking:
Glossary of Botanical Terms:
Gond laddus:
Grass seeds and weed killer:
Greening Solutions- ‘Let the Seed Sprout’:

Habitat Loss..:

Herbal garden Punjabi bagh:

Hogenakal Tree islets:

How to write in Hindi:

Identification of trees by bark..:

Identifying trees if you know their leaf type:

IDSahydri Mobile Field Guide:

Image Resource of Flora of India:

Image Resource of Flora & Fauna of India:

Impact of street tree canopies on pollution and microclimate in Bangalore:

Indian medicinal plants being exterminated:

India ranks 9th in world having most endangered species with count of 687:

Indian Rainforests: 

IUCN redlisted species for south India:

Kaas impression:
Kaas Plant List:
Kodavas passion for rearing flowers: 
Latin names & their meanings: 
Library vs Internet based research in Botany:
List of plants of West Kamang dist in the Tengha River valley, Arunachal Pradesh:
Restoration and conservation of natural resources:
Seasonal Beauties:
Some Botanists of the yesteryears:
Trees and Bushes that Attract Birds and Butterflies:
Western Ghats Trees: