Images by Raghu Ananth (Id by Pudji Widodo & Mahadeswara Swamy) (Inserted by Nadeem Waqif & J.M.Garg)



Flora of Uttara Kannada | ID request – 26Nov10AR02: 9 posts by 7 authors; Attachments (7)

Local name. Ram Adike, Ramana Adike (areca); 

Myristica magnifica (Fam. Myristicaceae)
(Hope the ID is correct)

Tall tree, 100 feet plus approx.; fruit size-large, 7cms approx;
Areca farm, Ameenahalli, Uttara Kannada

This should be a palm!! from Palmaceae.
I may be wrong but fruits in your hand is seems much bigger than the one on tree…

It is one of the Areca species, a kind of palm. The tree is not
Myristica magnifica.

I believe this is Areca plam

Terribly sorry for the citing the tree as – Myristica magnifica, an
IUCN threatened red listed tree species.
I still think the regional name should be correct.

Maybe Actinorhytis calapparia

I have doubts for Actinorhytis calapparia. This is not found in India.
I MAY BE WRONG THOUGH. Yes this is there in Indonesia!!
Secondly, I said the fruit may belong to a different plant not this palm.

I strongly feel this is Actinorhytis calapparia only. Previously this was known as Areca calapparia, Seaforthia elegans etc.. 
Though this is endemic to Carebbean, it has been introduced to S. Asian countries and has been in cultivation
A reference can be found in Gardening in India By G. Marshall Woodrow, G Marshall (link  There are other references too.
The nuts are called ram supari in Hindi and seems to have greater medicinal properties.  It is also used in rituals in South India, especially during Upakarma. 

I agree, although the canopy shape is slightly different, to me it is Actinorhytis calapparia. In the past, we had a lot.  But now it is hard to find, unless in the cemetery.


The Plant List Ver.1.1
 Palmpedia  Dave’s Garden

Gardening in India By George Marshall Woodrow, G Marshall (1999) 

CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants: Common Names …  By Umberto Quattrocchi (2012- Details)