Girardinia diversifolia

Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis, Kew Bull. 36: 145 1981. (syn. Girardinia adoensis (Steud.) Wedd.; Girardinia armata Kunth [Illegitimate]; Girardinia chingianae S.S.Chien; Girardinia condensata (Hochst. ex Steud.) Wedd. .; Girardinia cuspidata subsp. grammata C.J.Chen; Girardinia diversifolia subsp. ciliata (C.J.Chen) H.W.Li; Girardinia erosa Decne. .; Girardinia formosana Hayata ex Yamam.; Girardinia furialis Blume; Girardinia heterophylla (Vahl) Decne. .; Girardinia hibiscifolia Miq.; Girardinia javanica Wedd.; Girardinia leschenaultiana Decne.; Girardinia longispica Hand.-Mazz. .; Girardinia palmata Blume [Illegitimate] .; Girardinia suborbiculata subsp. grammata (C.J.Chen) C.J.Chen; Girardinia vahlii Blume [Illegitimate]; Girardinia vitifolia Wedd.; Girardinia vitifolia Franch. [Illegitimate]; Girardinia zeylanica Decne.; Urera palmata Gaudich. (Unresolved); Urticaacerifolia Zenker (Unresolved); Urticaadoensis Hochst. ex Steud.; Urticaferocissima Sweet (Unresolved); Urtica furialis Bojer ex Blume; Urtica girardinia Steud. (Unresolved); Urtica incisa B.Heyne ex Wall. (Unresolved); Urtica linkiana Heynh. (Unresolved);                           Urtica buraei H. Lév.; Urtica condensata Hochst. ex Steud.; Urtica diversifolia Link; Urtica heterophylla Vahl; Urtica heterophylla D. Don; Urtica lobatifolia S.S. Ying; Urtica palmata Forssk.);
Tropical & Subtropical Old World: Angola, Assam, Bangladesh, Burundi, Cameroon, China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Ethiopia, Guinea, India, Ivory Coast, Jawa, Kenya, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Northern Provinces, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Swaziland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tibet, Uganda, Vietnam, West Himalaya, Yemen, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe as per POWO;
¿ gee-rar-DIH-nee-uh ? — named for J P L Girardin, French chemist and agronomist … The Eponym Dictionary of Southern African Plants
dy-ver-sih-FOH-lee-uh — different (diverse) shaped leaves … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: Himalayan nettle, Nilgiri nettle • Assamese: সৰু চোৰাত saru surat • Bengali: বিছুয়া bichua • Dogri: बड्डी सद्दर baddi saddar • Garhwali: कंडेली kandeli • Gujarati: આગ્યા aagya • Hindi: बिछुआ bichua • Kachari: ing-geo • Kannada: ದೊಡ್ಡ ತುರಿಕೆ dodda thurike, ಸುರಸುರಿಕೆ surasurike • Khasi: taintham, teing-thap • Konkani: कस्ती खातखुतली kasti khatkhutli • Kumaoni: शिशोड shishod • Ladakhi: ཟོཟོཏ་ zozot • Lepcha: kuju • Malayalam: ആനച്ചൊറിയണം aanachoriyanam, ചെന്തോട്ടി chenthotti, കൊടിത്തൂവ kotiththoova • Manipuri: ꯁꯟꯊꯥꯛ santhak • Marathi: आग्या aagya, खाजोटी khajoti • Miri: paji-jimang • Mizo: kang-thai, tai-teh • Nepali: अल्लो सिस्नु allo sisnoo, भ्यान्ग्रे सिस्नु bhyaangre sisnoo, चाल्ने सिस्नु chaalne sisnoo, काली सिस्नु kaali sisnoo, लेख सिस्नु lekh sisnoo, ठुलो सिस्नु thulo sisnoo • Nyishi: podrays • Pahari: भाभर bhabhar, कारला karla • Punjabi: ਏਇਨ ein, ਸਨੋਲੀ sanoli • Sanskrit: लघुकच्छु laghukacchu, रोमालु romalu, सन्ततिवर्धिनी santativardhini, वातविध्वंसिनी vatavidhvamsini • Tagin: posh phon, poso • Tamil: பெரிய காஞ்சொறி periya kaanjori, யானைசொறியன் yanaichoriyan • Tangkhul: anzar • Telugu: గడ్డనెల్లి gaddanelli, రక్కసిచెట్టు rakkasi chettu • Tulu: ಮಲ್ಲ ಆಕಿರೆ malla aakire • Urdu: بچهوا bichua
Names compiled / updated at

Herb- 06112010;
06/11/2010– 11:30 AM; Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-  Kokrajhar, Assam;

(8 replies, 2 pictures, 15.11.10; with A Synopsis of Girardinia);

Girardinia for ID : Patni Top : 011111 : AK-2:
Picture taken at Patni Top on the 5th of Sept,11.
Found growing wild in the form of small shrubs.
Looks like Girardinia.
Kindly confirm.

If you know the genus, you already know the species. There is only one in Western Himalayas
Girardiniadiversifolia (Link) Friis (syn: Girardinia heterophylla (Vahl) Decne.; Girardinia palmata (Forssk.) Gaudich.

I have also the photos of Girardinia heterophylla but the leaf structures and inflorescence is quite different in my photos.


Girardinia zeylanica:
find few photos of species observed at Perambadi, Kodagu (Coorg), Karnataka on 29.10.2011 .
Habitat: Evergreen forest (waterbody nearby)

The accepted name for this stinging plant is Girardinia diversifolia.

My photographs of Girardinia diversifolia.

weird looking fruiits or is it green buches of flowers? , nice pics. though ..
looks like you have quite a few plants of APAMARG in the back there… if your farrming practice is organic… it would be a good source for apamarg roots collection (mostly now they use panchang) for for some serious therapies…
do you harvest stuff?

Thanks, but my property at Shahapur is not a farm. It is a forest, totally wild. Have over the years added quite a few native plants. Nothing is harvested but exotics are exterminated.


VoF Week: Gerardinia diversifolia from way to Valley:
Gerardinia diversifolia from way to Valley

Yes … Very good photographs

Thanks for sharing a plant from Urticaceae
Girardinia diversifolia


VOF Week: Urticaceae sp. — along Govindghat–Ghangaria Trail.:
Urticaceae plant — along Govindghat–Ghangaria Trail.
Looks like Girardinia diversifolia??

Yes it is Girardinia diversifolia


FOR id 3112012-AK-1:
I had these plants for the second time now, first time in Hulikal  Karnataka and for the second time in Dandeli. I had brushed against these very spiny flowers (or seed pods?) and skin started to swell and immediately got a burning was terrible! 🙂 Can someone id this please?

I think, Girardinia zeylanica of Urticaceae family.

I think … is right.

Pachmarhi … about 3600 feet ft asl
Date / Time: 19 SEP 13 at 04:41 PM … Altitude: about 3529 ft asl
Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis … (family: Urticaceae)

Nice pics … this cannot be approached more…

Excellent Shots of one of the bichhoo Buti

Yes this caterpillar I have experienced several times. Attaching a Bichchhu foto.


identification no 210714sn2 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Some more help in Id.

location:ambyvalley rd.,lonavala,pune
plant habit:herb?
height:less than 2 ft.
other info:said to cause itching

Plant for ID-PC-44-27.09.2015 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
please identify the plant from Uttarakhanda.

Girardinia heterophylla (Urticaceae) to me.

Girardinia diversifolia (accepted name) : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Location: Champadevi , Nepal
Altitude:  5000 ft.
Date: 12 November 2016
Nepali Names:  अल्लो Allo  / अल्लो सिस्नु  Allo Sisnu / भ्यान्ग्रे सिस्नु Bhyaangre Sisnu / चाल्ने सिस्नु Chaalne Sisnu / काली सिस्नु Kaali Sisnu / लेख सिस्नु Lekh Sisnu / ठुलो सिस्नु Thulo Sisnu

Yes, I think this must be Girardinia diversifollia, the ‘Giant Himalayan Stinging Nettle’ but your selection of just close-ups (with the last image of foliage out-of-focus) do not match well what I am familiar of this species including my own photos and experience up-close. Please take and include in your posts shots of habitat and habit of plants as well as close-ups as it can be hard to gain an overall impression of what one is looking at.
I first came across this plant in Nepal but it is also widespread in the Kulu Valley, H.P.  I do not recollect ever coming across it in Kashmir though as I have commented in other posts, have not spent much time at the elevations where this is found in N.Pakistan & Kashmir  i.e. 1500-2400m.  Stewart does not record it from the main Kashmir Valley.
There is a line drawing of the plant in ‘Flora Simlensis’. Collet found it to be common in forest at Simla remarking that Roxburgh called it a most ferocious-looking plant with the stings producing acute pain but it is of short duration. He said the stems furnish a fine silky fibre, used in Sikkim (little was known of Nepal at the time) for ropes, twine and coarse cloth.
A Britisher who was a volunteer TB-vaccinator for The Britain-Nepal Medical Trust (his father was a doctor who helped in the early years of this NGO charity) never forgot the first time he was ‘stung’ by it – getting through his jeans like a “hot knife through butter”.  He was wary afterwards.  One of the risks of plunging too readily into vegetation at certain elevations in Nepal is this plant. It was a ‘rude’ awakening for me during my first visit to Nepal back in 1990 to encounter this and leeches – which I had not come across in Kashmir or the Indian Trans Himalaya…
Flowers of Himalaya say it is found from Pakistan to Bhutan, India, Myanamar & China @ 1200-3000m on wasteland, shrubberies & edges of cultivation.
Flora of Bhutan describes its habitat as subtropical and warm broad-leaved forest more rarely cool broad-leaves forest @ 850-2750m.  Fibres (which are one of the longest in the plant kingdom) much used to make ropes, bow-strings and coarse cloth.
Roy Lancaster, a British Plantsman within his two books on Nepal recounted an occasion when a porter claimed to have been bitten by a demon when it was still dark early one morning.  The ‘demons’ because there were lots of them turned out to be this Giant Himalayan Stinging nettle!
But this is SUCH an important plant which has enormous additional potential for Nepal to help against soil-erosion and protection against landslides & damage from earthquakes in villages at elevations where its growth can be encouraged.  I am not suggesting it can ‘stop’ a major earthquake or major landslide but on a smaller scale it could make a real difference, reducing damage and even saving lives.   I have been drawing attention to this (there are already many NGOs and Womens’ Groups in Nepal encouraging the use of fibre from this plant) for a couple of years now but not one person has commented let alone any response from those who need to act to “make things happen” in Nepal.  Perhaps someone reading these comments will contact me and take up the cause:
This remarkable plant warrants greater efforts to encourage planting on a LARGE SCALE in and around villages in Nepal.  And following the recent earthquakes and awareness that the country is prone to earthquakes, measures that can be taken to reduce the impact of landslides are of major importance.  They should, as a PRIORITY, include propagating this valuable plant and planting in suitable locations. It is something which local villages can be involved with themselves, having the not inconsiderable advantage of incurring little or no cost and there being the bonus of products to be made by weaving its fibres and income to be generated for WOMEN in the villages.  The villagers would be doing something positive.  Many villagers are already familiar with the plant, which occurs naturally, so it is not a matter of introducing a strange, alien species, which may end up doing more harm than good.
It has been recognised for some time that the ‘Giant Himalayan Stinging Nettle’ (GIRARDINIA DIVERSIFOLIA) has a tough root system which helps bind soil and prevent soil erosion – which has long been a serious problem in many Nepali Villages.  It can grow on slopes and poor soils not suitable for cultivation of crops, indeed appears by itself around some abandoned yak herders huts. 
It should be viewed as a valuable crop as the fibres within it (which I understand to be the longest in the plant kingdom) can be woven into many products, which can be sold (even the head-bands for the bamboo baskets worn on backs, which for centuries have been the main means of transport of goods in Nepal (pack animals are not generally used in the way they are in the Western Himalaya).  As it is the women who do the weaving, any sales go into their pockets.  The world over, money which is controlled by women tends to be MUCH BETTER SPENT – not least in the poorest communities.  There is even the bonus that the plant is utilised in religious ceremonies and its weaving maintains traditional skills and traditional way-of-life –  so it really is a WIN, WIN situation.
For further information see:—saviours-of-landslip-prone-nepalese-villages or contact me directly.
There are lots of ways efloraofIndia can be of use let us hope helping to reach influential people is one of them…..

Thank you for the detailed and valuable information. Fibers from this plant is used to make fabric called Allo which now a days is famous for making Coat and even exported.
By the way only one Girardinia is listed in Nepal so far.


Girardinia diversifolia—-for sharing and validation : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Pics taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Lonavala, Pune in Dec.16

… yes to Girardinia diversifolia.


Plant for ID :: Satara :: ARKAPR-03 : 11 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Requested to please ID this plant. This was seen near Satara, MH in Sep 2015.

Did you touch the plant? How did it feel?

Unfortunately, I do not recollect touching this plant.

Yes, appears like a urticaceae member. Mostly itching plants.

You are very fortunate that you did not touch Tragia plukenetii. Otherwise you would have remembered its sting!

…, from the appearance of leaves – I get a strong feeling that the plant must be Girardinia diversifolia.

Thank you very much for pointing out. I thought that I had seen a strongly 3-lobed densely hispid capsular fruit on the second image which prompted me to think of Tragia.

Thank you very much … for the ID.
Tapas da, if not the fruit, what is the fruit like thing in the second image? Also, what is the appendage in the first image called?

I have no answer to your questions. I do not know what this structure in the second image may be if not a capsular fruit. The auricled appendages (not stipules) surrounding some branchlets in the first image are equally puzzling for me. May be someone can clarify.

The fruit-like structure in second image is indeed fruiting body … photo of an opened capsule seen at Useful Tropical Plants.
I do not know about the appendage in first image; I thought it was stipule.


Please help with any valid name(s) of Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis in native script; one of them is listed as anachoriyan – for its synonym Girardinia heterophylla (Vahl) Decne. at ENVIS – FRLHT. The name is quite close to Malayalam name of the plant ആനച്ചൊറിയണം aanachoriyanam.

The name anachoriyan may be transcribed as ஆனசொறியன். Yes, it has a slight Malayalam touch in it. The Tamil-ized version would be yanaichoriyan, யானைசொறியன்.
The plant is also called Periya kaanjori பெரிய காஞ்சொறி in Tamil.

Thank you very very much …!!! Great help.

via Species‎ > ‎G‎ > Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis … family: Urticaceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
¿ gee-rar-DIH-nee-uh ? — named for J P L Girardin, French chemist and agronomist … The Eponym Dictionary of Southern African Plants
dy-ver-sih-FOH-lee-uh — different (diverse) shaped leaves … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known asHimalayan nettleNilgiri nettle • Garhwalikandeli • Gujaratiઆગ્યા aagya • Hindiबिछुआ bichua • Kannadaದೊಡ್ಡ ತುರಿಕೆ dodda thurikeಸರುಸರಿಕೆ surusurike • Konkaniकस्ती खातखुतली kasti khatkhutli • Kumaonisishond • Ladakhiཟོཟོཏ་ zozot • Malayalamആനച്ചൊറിയണം aanachoriyanamചെന്തോട്ടി chenthottiകൊടിത്തൂവ kotiththoova • Marathiआग्या aagyaखाजोटी khajoti • Nepaliअल्लो सिस्नो allo sisnoचाल्ने सिस्नो chalne sisno • Punjabiਏਇਨ einਸਨੋਲੀ sanoli • Sanskritलघुकच्छु laghukacchuरोमालु romaluसन्ततिवर्धिनी santativardhiniवातविध्वंसिनी vatavidhvamsini • Teluguరక్కసిచెట్టు rakkasi chettu • Tuluಮಲ್ಲ ಆಕಿರೆ malla aakire
botanical namesGirardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis … synonymsGirardinia heterophylla (Vahl) Decne. • Girardinia leschenaultiana Decne. • Girardinia zeylanica Decne. • Urtica diversifolia Link • Urtica heterophylla Vahl … status at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.
September 19, 2013 … Pachmarhi

Names update:

¿ gee-rar-DIH-nee-uh ? — named for Jean Pierre Louis Girardin, French chemist and agronomist … The Eponym Dictionary of Southern African Plants

dy-ver-sih-FOH-lee-uh — different (diverse) shaped leaves … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: Himalayan nettle, Nilgiri nettle • Assamese: সৰু চোৰাত saru surat • Bengali: বিছুয়া bichua • Dogri: बड्डी सद्दर baddi saddar • Garhwali: कंडेली kandeli • Gujarati: આગ્યા aagya • Hindi: बिछुआ bichua • Kachari: ing-geo • Kannada: ದೊಡ್ಡ ತುರಿಕೆ dodda thurike, ಸುರಸುರಿಕೆ surasurike • Khasi: taintham, teing-thap • Konkani: कस्ती खातखुतली kasti khatkhutli • Kumaoni: शिशोड shishod • Ladakhi: ཟོཟོཏ་ zozot • Lepcha: kuju • Malayalam: ആനച്ചൊറിയണം aanachoriyanam, ചെന്തോട്ടി chenthotti, കൊടിത്തൂവ kotiththoova • Manipuri: ꯁꯟꯊꯥꯛ santhak • Marathi: आग्या aagya, खाजोटी khajoti • Miri: paji-jimang • Mizo: kang-thai, tai-teh • Nepali: अल्लो सिस्नु allo sisnoo, भ्यान्ग्रे सिस्नु bhyaangre sisnoo, चाल्ने सिस्नु chaalne sisnoo, काली सिस्नु kaali sisnoo, लेख सिस्नु lekh sisnoo, ठुलो सिस्नु thulo sisnoo • Nyishi: podrays • Punjabi: ਏਇਨ ein, ਸਨੋਲੀ sanoli • Sanskrit: लघुकच्छु laghukacchu, रोमालु romalu, सन्ततिवर्धिनी santativardhini, वातविध्वंसिनी vatavidhvamsini • Tagin: posh phon, poso • Tamil: பெரிய காஞ்சொறி periya kaanjori, யானைசொறியன் yanaichoriyan • Tangkhul: anzar • Telugu: గడ్డనెల్లి gaddanelli, రక్కసిచెట్టు rakkasi chettu • Tulu: ಮಲ್ಲ ಆಕಿರೆ malla aakire • Urdu: بچهوا bichua

botanical namesGirardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis … homotypic synonymsUrtica diversifolia Link … more at POWO
accepted infraspecificsGirardinia diversifolia subsp. diversifolia … heterotypic synonymsGirardinia leschenaultiana Decne. • Girardinia heterophylla Decne., nom. superfl. • Girardinia zeylanica Decne. • Urtica heterophylla Vahl, nom. superfl. • Urtica heterophylla Wall. ex D.Don, nom. illeg. … and many more at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Himalayan nettle
Nilgiri nettle
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
সৰু চোৰাত saru surat
  • Many thanks to Brahmananda Patiri for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
বিছুয়া bichua
  • for synonym Girardinia zeylanica Decne. … Bengal Plants Vol. 2 by Sir David Prain
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
बड्डी सद्दर baddi saddar
  • Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ GARHWALI ~~~~~
कंडेली kandeli
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
આગ્યા aagya
  • for synonym Girardinia zeylanica Decne. … Biological Diversity of Gujarat … the content is no longer available
  • in all probability, this name borrowed from Marathi language of the neighbouring state of Maharashtra, of which the meaning is one that causes burns, or burning sensation. In Gujarati language, this word could be mistaken for આજ્ઞા aadnya, of which the meaning is: હુકમ hukum = command; આદેશ aadesh = order
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
बिछुआ bichua
~~~~~ KACHARI ~~~~~
  • for synonym Girardinia heterophylla Decne. … Flora of Assam Vol IV by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, A Das
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ದೊಡ್ಡ ತುರಿಕೆ dodda thurike (or simply ತುರಿಕೆ thurike)
ಸುರಸುರಿಕೆ surasurike
  • for synonym Girardinia leschenaultiana Decne. … Alar – an authoritative Kannada-English dictionary corpus created by V. Krishna … name variants – ಸುರಸುರಕೆ surasurake, ಸುರುಸುರಿಗೆ surusurige, ಸುರುಸುರಿಕೆ surusurike, ಸುರುಸುರುಕೆ surusuruke
~~~~~ KHASI ~~~~~
taintham, teing-thap
  • for synonym Girardinia heterophylla Decne. … Flora of Assam Vol IV by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, A Das
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
कस्ती खातखुतली kasti khatkhutli
  • for synonym Girardinia leschenaultiana Decne. … Enumeration of plants from Gomantak India with a note on botanical excursions to the Castlerock area by V D Vartak … name variant – कष्टी खातखुतली kashti khatkhutli
~~~~~ KUMAONI ~~~~~
शिशोड shishod
~~~~~ LADAKHI ~~~~~
ཟོཟོཏ་ zozot
~~~~~ LEPCHA ~~~~~
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
ആനച്ചൊറിയണം aanachoriyanam (or simply ചൊറിയണം choriyanam), ചെന്തോട്ടി chenthotti, കൊടിത്തൂവ kotiththoova
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~
ꯁꯟꯊꯥꯛ santhak
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
आग्या aagya
खाजोटी khajoti
~~~~~ MIRI ~~~~~
  • for synonym Girardinia heterophylla Decne. … Flora of Assam Vol IV by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, A Das
~~~~~ MIZO ~~~~~
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
अल्लो सिस्नु allo sisnoo (or simply अल्लो allo), भ्यान्ग्रे सिस्नु bhyaangre sisnoo, चाल्ने सिस्नु chaalne sisnoo, काली सिस्नु kaali sisnoo, लेख सिस्नु lekh sisnoo, ठुलो सिस्नु thulo sisnoo
  • Many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for help with these names … efloraofindia
~~~~~ NYISHI ~~~~~
~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~
ਏਇਨ ein, ਸਨੋਲੀ sanoli
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
लघुकच्छु laghukacchu, रोमालु romalu, सन्ततिवर्धिनी santativardhini, वातविध्वंसिनी vatavidhvamsini
~~~~~ TAGIN (Ghasi Miri people) ~~~~~
posh phon, poso
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
பெரிய காஞ்சொறி periya kaanjori, யானைசொறியன் yanaichoriyan
  • Many thanks to Dr Vijayasankar Raman for help with these names … efloraofindia
~~~~~ TANGKHUL ~~~~~
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
గడ్డనెల్లి gaddanelli
రక్కసిచెట్టు rakkasi chettu
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಮಲ್ಲ ಆಕಿರೆ malla aakire
~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~
بچهوا bichua
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

Pahari names added …
commonly known as: Himalayan nettle, Nilgiri nettle • Assamese: সৰু চোৰাত saru surat • Bengali: বিছুয়া bichua • Dogri: बड्डी सद्दर baddi saddar • Garhwali: कंडेली kandeli • Gujarati: આગ્યા aagya • Hindi: बिछुआ bichua • Kachari: ing-geo • Kannada: ದೊಡ್ಡ ತುರಿಕೆ dodda thurike, ಸುರಸುರಿಕೆ surasurike • Khasi: taintham, teing-thap • Konkani: कस्ती खातखुतली kasti khatkhutli • Kumaoni: शिशोड shishod • Ladakhi: ཟོཟོཏ་ zozot • Lepcha: kuju • Malayalam: ആനച്ചൊറിയണം aanachoriyanam, ചെന്തോട്ടി chenthotti, കൊടിത്തൂവ kotiththoova • Manipuri: ꯁꯟꯊꯥꯛ santhak • Marathi: आग्या aagya, खाजोटी khajoti • Miri: paji-jimang • Mizo: kang-thai, tai-teh • Nepali: अल्लो सिस्नु allo sisnoo, भ्यान्ग्रे सिस्नु bhyaangre sisnoo, चाल्ने सिस्नु chaalne sisnoo, काली सिस्नु kaali sisnoo, लेख सिस्नु lekh sisnoo, ठुलो सिस्नु thulo sisnoo • Nyishi: podrays • Pahari: भाभर bhabhar, कारला karla • Punjabi: ਏਇਨ ein, ਸਨੋਲੀ sanoli • Sanskrit: लघुकच्छु laghukacchu, रोमालु romalu, सन्ततिवर्धिनी santativardhini, वातविध्वंसिनी vatavidhvamsini • Tagin: posh phon, poso • Tamil: பெரிய காஞ்சொறி periya kaanjori, யானைசொறியன் yanaichoriyan • Tangkhul: anzar • Telugu: గడ్డనెల్లి gaddanelli, రక్కసిచెట్టు rakkasi chettu • Tulu: ಮಲ್ಲ ಆಕಿರೆ malla aakire • Urdu: بچهوا bichua

I concur with … regarding Kannada names.
Names compiled / updated at


Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Location: Soureni, Mirik, India
Date: 18 May 2017
Altitude: 4500 ft.

Plant identification : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
This plant with trilobal leaves was observed at Wilson Point Mahabaleshvar. It was also observed at many other places in Mahabaleshvar. The flowering season was over, but hairy fruits attract the attention. Kindly help to identify the plant. The photos were taken on 2 DEC 2017. The third photo is close up of hairy fruit.

Common Urticaceae.

Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis



Tragia plukenetii Radcl.-Sm. (Euphorbiaceae) from Goa : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Stinging straggler in coastal scrub.

are the leaves stinging? are there hairs as in nettles or it the stinging part is the fuzzy round thing? are they flowers?

The fuzzy round thing is the fruit. I admit that I am not a good photographer.
This is another ‘bichuti’ so need not underestimate it. Full of stinging hairs everywhere.  The common bichuti is Tragia involucrata, followed by T. praetervisa.  There are another 4 – 5 less common bichutis.  There is another genus, Cnesmone, i.e. C. javanica which also has stinging hairs and I got the bite of that in the Andamans.

there is nothing wrong with your photograph. i just have never seen such fuzzy fruit before …  and not knowing what to call it, i said fuzzy round thing… does not men anything wrong with your pictures. they are fine and thanks for telling me about all those that sting …
nice to know. i’ll look them up

The images appear to be Girardinia diversifolia.Kindly check.

Girardinia diversifolia for me !

Yes. These two images should be deleted from the entry of Tragia plukenetii in efi.

Thanks. I will do the needful Pl.

Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- 1 Mb each.
Location:  Sakiyong Khasmahal, Pedong Reshi Rd, India
Date: 16 May 2018
Altitude: 6000 ft.
Habit : Wild

Good collection sir; i am also collected at Horsley hill, Chittoor district, Andhra pradesh, India.

Urticaceae sp-1 for ID- Munnar-PKA57 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
This large herb was seen at Shola Forest near Munnar.
Family: Urticaceae.
Could this be Girardinia diversifolia??

Thanks, … Efi page available at

To me also appears to be a young plant as per images at Girardinia diversifolia

Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis : 5 posts by 1 author, 5images- 5 to7 mb each.

Location: Kathmandu Valley
Date:  October 2020 
Elevation: 2800m.
Habit : Wild

Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis !
ID requested : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Found at Raset Forest, Neora Valley National Park, West Bengal
October ’15

10/11/2009- Gangtok, Sikkim;Plant for Id 05/04/2010 TB – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Plant for Id- ID30092021SH3: 3 images.

Plant for Id pl.
Location – Kaas Plateau,Maharashtra.
Date – September 2021

Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis

You’re right

I just read about the plant on internet – Himalayan Nettle. I was just wondering how it’s growing in Deccan region.

OK … ! According to GBIF it has got distribution for Maharashtra !

image.gifWe have also distribution in Andhra Pradesh

Ok, noted.


Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis: 1 very high res. image.
Location: Dailekh, West Nepal
Altitude: 2230 m.
Date: 12 August 2021
Habit : Wild


MS,April,2022/33 Girardinia sp. ? for id.: 1 very high res. image.
Location : Tamdil, Mizoram

Altitude : ca.740 m.
Date : 11-11-2015 
Habit : Undershrub
Habitat : Wild

Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis

Any keys, …


Plant I’d from Bilaspur: 3 images.
Request from I’d of a plant from Bilaspur. Photographed in November, 2022.

Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis

Yes, as per images at—z/u/urticaceae/girardinia/girardinia-diversifolia-subsp-diversifolia


Urticaceae for identification?: Mixed thread: 2 high res. images.
Help me identify this Urticaceae member.
Photographed in Semi-evergreen forests of Papum Pare District, Arunachal Pradesh on 04 ‎November ‎2016.

Habitat, whole plant and leaf images ?

I just have these two pictures only.

It looks like Girardinia diversifolia


Urticaceae: Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis: 1 high res. image.
location/date: Chikaldara, Melghat Tiger Reserve, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994


Updated on December 24, 2024