Aconitum hookeri Stapf, Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) 10: 147 1905.;
Hooker’s Monkshood;

wildflowers of Tawang – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 4 posts by 3 authors. No pictures available now at the link.

Invite you to join my excitement and joy of having seen these lovely flowers. These photos were taken during my recent visit to Tawang. i have  put in the ids of flowers i recognise/or were suggested . Some i do not know and if you do, would be grateful for your input. As also please feel free to correct if bychance something has been wrongly identified..

Wow …, what a treat! You got a rich harvest of Himalayan flowers.
The Aconitum is Aconitum hookerii