Aeschynomene americana L. (Syn: Aeschynomene americana var. depila Millsp.; Aeschynomene glandulosa Poir. ex Lam.; Aeschynomene javanica var. luxurians Miq.; Aeschynomene mexicana Colla; Aeschynomene mimulosa Miq.; Aeschynomene tricholoma Standl. & Steyerm.; Hippocrepis mimulosa Noronha; Aeschynomene mimosula Miq.; Hippocrepis mimosula Noronha);
. es-kee-no-MEE-nee — from Greek aeschyn (causing shame); refers to leaves closing up a-mer-ih-KAY-na or a-mer-ih-KAH-na — of the Americas . commonly known as: American joint-vetch, common aeschynomene, deer-vetch, shyleaf • Hindi: सोल घास sol ghas, सोली soli • Tamil: நெட்டி netti . Native to: Central America and tropical South America; cultivated or naturalized elsewhere . Date / Time – 18.09. 2011 / 11.00 am.
Location – Place – Kakuli Lake,Badalapur (Near Kalyan),Maharashtra Habitat – Garden/ Urban/ Wild / Type – Wild This is species of Aeschynomene, most probably A. americana, native of Central America and tropical South America, naturalized in our country. Yes Aeschynomene americana.. , A. aspera and A. indica.. are also available in Maharashtra Could you locate stem nodules in the plant. Aeschynomene indica has stem nodules.
Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week :: Aeschynomene americana along Ghodbunder Road & at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary: Aeschynomene americana L. es-kee-no-MEE-nee — from Greek aeschyn (causing shame); refers to leaves closing up
a-mer-ih-KAY-na or a-mer-ih-KAH-na — of the Americas Aug 23, 2008 … along Ghodbunder Road near Gaimukh, Thane, Maharashtra
commonly known as: American joint-vetch, common aeschynomene, deer-vetch, shyleaf • Hindi: सोल घास sol ghas, सोली soli • Tamil: நெட்டி netti Native to: Central America and tropical South America; cultivated or naturalized elsewhere some views: Nov 21, 2009 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra Adding pictures of Sole grass in my property. Sole in bund and another picture is of Sole population in field bund of Acorus and Bacopa mixed crops. Aeschynomene americana Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week :: Aeschynomene americana-PKA27: Bot. name: Aeschynomene americana
Family: Fabaceae Photographed at Mizoram. Habitat: Wild
Plant habit: Herb I have learnt now that Aeschynomenes have peculiarn flower colour
Name of the species: Aeschynomene americana
Family: Papilionaceae
Place of collection: Ranpur, orissa
Habit: Erect herb
Habitat: Wild, along river sides, ponds
Altitude: 150 m above msl Yes …, this is also a fodder plant in tribal belts. This is also not common in wild.
Herb for Identification : 240912 RV 1: Request for Id for this small plant…..found at same place at Khopolo/Pali area near Mumbai and same date on 18th September. Looks like Aeschynomene indica…. Aeschynomene americana. Yes, Aeschynomene americana L. Yes this plant is hairy, it is A. americana
This is an exotic weed Aeschynomene americana. You are most welcome. Sending a few of my photographs taken at Khandala in August this year with …
Aeschynomene americana, an exotic weed.
Aeschynomene americana, Fabaceae.
Bangalore I think Aeschynomene americana.. Aeschynomene indica L. Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight: Aeschynomene americana L.from Assam KD 05 OCT15 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Aeschynomene americana :: n Western Ghats :: DVOCT02 : 5 posts by 4 authors. 11 images.
Aeschynomene americana L.
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on November 21, 2009
along Saphale Ghat on September 28, 2009
at Gaimukh, Thane on August 23, 2008
at Kharghar Hills on October 14, 2007 all is well done but i’m impressed with the seed pod’s architectural beauty Fabaceae (Faboideae)Fortnight ::Aeschynomene americana ::Mizoram :: PKA-OCT-19:: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Aeschynomene Americana
Location: Mizoram Fabaceae (Faboideae)Fortnight ::Aeschynomene americana ::Mizoram :: PKA-OCT-20:: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
One more photo of Aeschynomene americana.. . Aeschynomene indica for validation : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Request for validation of Aeschynomene indica from Bilaspur. Photographed in November 2020. Looks matching ! To me appears more closer to Aeschynomene americana L. as per comparative images at Aeschynomene UD species – 1 of Fabaceae from Guwahati: Attached images are UD species of Fabaceae. Please ID for this sp.
Date :03/11/12 Location: Maligaon, 3 No. Gate, Guwahati-11 [Dist- Kamrup(Metro)] Habitat: Grows on roadside Habit :Sub-shrub Leaf : Pinnetly compound, paripinnate Bract : .4cm, hairy, base of the hair swollen, red in colour Flower : Small, light purple, 1.5cm; pedicel .8cm, hairy. Corolla : Standard .8cm, wing .7cm & Keel(Hairy) .5cm Fruits :not seen You mean the inflorescence (with peduncle) is 8 cm long?
Could this be Aeschynomene sp. (pith plant)? Thanks. Size of the flower (with pedicel) is 1.5cm; pedicel .8cm (point eight cm) not the inflorescence (with penduncle). oh sorry …, I misread. Again thank you for your ID up to Genus level. From your hint I could identified it as Aeschynomene americana. So please comment on ID. Looks matching with Aeschynomene americana !
Request for ID : 131110-AK-1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups . 202 ID wild plant Aeschynomene indica: 15 images. Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671 Altitude: 1400fsl Flower date: 22.11.2021, 09.05am Habitat: wild, moisture, waste land/road side Plant habit: under shrub, erect, branches, semi hard stem 06mm base diameter, old stem lite rigid, young stem hairy, totally lite purplish, annual Height: 08 feet Leaves: alternate size:08×01.5cm, pinnate, leaflets alternate folded towards forward if touching, ovate, oblong, size: 07×1mm Flower: axillary, diameter:03.5mm, off-white with brown shade, non fragrant Fruit: beans jointed hairy compressed, green into brown, size:03.5×0.3mm Seed: Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s Yes ! I think it is close to Aeschynomene americana L. as per comparative images at Aeschynomene. I don’t know more about this plant, dear Garg ji. But also I am sharing information and link of discussion about this plant, .
Tiny Plants for ID : Nasik : 05DEC21 : AK – 03: Seen last month (5.12.21).
Pl. check Aeschynomene Aeschynomene americana looks close. References: |