Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. (Acacia lebbeck (L.) Willd.; Acacia lebbek (L.) Willd. [Spelling variant]; Acacia macrophylla Bunge; Acacia speciosa (Jacq.) Willd.; Albizia latifolia B.Boivin; Albizia lebbeck var. leucoxylon Hassk.; Albizia lebbeck var. pubescens Haines; Albizia lebbeck var. rostrata Haines; Albizia lebbek (L.) Benth.; Albizia lebbek sensu auct.; Feuilleea lebbeck (L.) Kuntze; Inga borbonica Hassk.; Inga leucoxylon Hassk.; Inga leucoxylon Hassk.; Mimosa lebbeck L.; Mimosa lebbek Forssk.; Mimosa lebbek L. [Spelling variant]; Mimosa sirissa Roxb.; Mimosa speciosa Jacq.; Pithecellobium splitgerberianum Miq.); .
. Deciduous tree with cracked gray bark; leaves bipinnate, with large gland above base of petiole; pinnae 1-4 pairs; leaflets 3-9 pairs, elliptic or obliquely oblong, 3-5 cm long; flowers creamish-white, in heads on up to 10 cm long peduncles; calyx 3-4 mm long; corolla 6-8 mm long; filaments yellowish-green, tube shorter than corolla tube; pod up to 30 cm long, 3-5 cm brad, flat, pale-straw coloured, 7-12 seeded. . TSPNOV2015-34:Images of Albizia procera (Fabaceae) : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) It is my pleasure to share few images of Albizia procera (Fabaceae) Habit: Large tree Habitat: Wild. Sighting: Tumkur, Karnataka about 800 msl. Date: 25-02-2015 It is not clear whether the flowering peduncles are arranged in at least 10 cm long panicles and whether the leaflets are attaining length of 5 cm. VALMIKI: OBSERVER OF NATURE: Request for ID: 290511SR1 Is this Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. (Siris)?: Kindly help with the ID of this tree. Date/Time- 29 May 2011, 10:40 AM Location- outskirts of Mysore, on the way to HD Kote. Flower is fragrant The close up photo of the leaf shows only a single leaflet of the compound leaf. Yes, Albizia lebbeck Albizia lebbeck how large the leaflets are? Mine pics of leaves branches and trunk from Herbal garden Samalkha Panipat Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. from Hooghly: Species : Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. Habit & Habitat : big tree, roadside plantation Date : 05-04-2012, 9.30 a.m. Place : Hooghly, WB Very good set of photographs A sad news on this plant from local Bengali Daily, published yesterday – AajKaal (you may need to download Bengali font to read it in Bengali)
Fabaceae – Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) week- MS-020112 – 74 – Albizzia lebbeck: Herewith sending the photographs of Albizzia lebbeck . Photographs taken at Chennai 9.3.2008 on a road side.
Fabaceae – Mimosoideae – Bangalore – RA – Albizia lebbeck – Siris Tree:
Fabaceae – Mimosoideae- week. Albizia lebbeck from Coimbatore: Especially the close up of the pod is really awesome apart from the complete set. yes an beautiful tree, Shiris in Marathi, flowers are fragrant..
Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week: Albizia lebbeck from Delhi: syn: Acacia lebbek (L.) Willd.; Mimosa lebbeck L. Common names: Broome raintree, East Indian-walnut, frywood, Indian siris, koko, lebbektree powderpuff-tree, women’s-tongue-tree Deciduous tree with cracked gray bark; leaves bipinnate, with large gland above base of petiole; pinnae 1-4 pairs; leaflets 3-9 pairs, elliptic or obliquely oblong, 3-5 cm long; flowers creamish-white, in heads on up to 10 cm long peduncles; calyx 3-4 mm long; corolla 6-8 mm long; filaments yellowish-green, tube shorter than corolla tube; pod up to 30 cm long, 3-5 cm brad, flat, pale-straw coloured, 7-12 seeded. Commonly planted in Parks and roadsides in Delhi, flowering in April-May. Simply awesome close up of the flowers Sir Ji. Again another complete set of pictures. This is a very common plant in Odisha. But i dont have a close up of the flower. thanks for sharing sirji very good information and good photograph too, but some common names are confusing to me.. These common names are taken from GRIN and I hope they should be correct. Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week: Albizia lebbeck: Albizia lebbeck The native tree. Highly fragrant flowers. Pods faint yellow. wow reminded me of optical fiber lamps too good Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week :: Albizia lebbeck near Mumbai and Pune: al-BIZ-ee-uh — named for Filipo del Albizzi, Florentine nobleman LEB-ek — named after a place in Egypt Mar 11, 2009 … near Purandar fort, Maharashtra commonly known as: East Indian walnut, frywood, Indian siris, koko, lebbek tree, raom tree, woman’s tongue • Bengali: শিরীষ shirish • Gujarati: શિરીષ shirish • Hindi:सरस saras, शिरीष shirish • Kannada: ಸಿರೀಸ sirisa • Konkani: सिरस siras • Malayalam: നെന്മേനി വാക nenmeenivaaka, വാക vaaka • Manipuri: khok • Marathi: शिरस shiras, शिरीष shirish • Sanskrit: शिरीष shirish • Tamil: வாகை vagai, வெள்வேங்கை vel-venkai • Telugu: దోరిసెన dorisena • Urdu: tinia Native of: India, Bangladesh, Burma, Pakistan, Sri Lanka References: Flowers of India • Wikipedia • eFlora • Forest Flora of Andhra Pradesh more views: Dec 25, 2010 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra Dec 18, 2010 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra Oct 4, 2009 … at Yeoor Hills, Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Maharashtra Mar 11, 2009 … near Purandar fort, Maharashtra Feb 2, 2008 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week :: Albizia lebbeck near Pune: Thought of sharing these photographs of Siris flowers. Date/Time: 27-03-2011 / 02:00PM Location: Near Pune (Pune-Satara Rd) Bot. name: Albizia lebbeck Family: Mimosaceae Plant Habit: Tree
efloraofindia:”For Id 03042013MR1’’ is this tree Albizia lebbeck at Pune : 2 + 6 + 8 + 2 images. 10 posts by 3 authors. This does not look like Siris [Albizia lebbeck] to me. The leaves are different. My trees are also flowering now. Sending a few photographs for comparison I tried to capture some more images today not so good though. I hope it helps to Id the tree. Also found a dried flower on the ground. Attaching photographs of the same I think it is Albizia lebbeck Just saw this post. It is Albizia lebbeck. It is Albizia lebbeck
albizia lebbeck : Attachments (4). 1 post by 1 author. 140814SR : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). FLOWERS /PLANTS MENTIONED BY TAGORE IN HIS SONGS : ( SHIRISH -1 ) : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching translated version of a song by Tagore, in which SHIRISH has been mentioned. but how do we know if he meant white sirish or the pink shirish very different trees Should we take it as Albizia lebbeck by its meaning in the poem ? Yes sir it is Albizia lebbeck. I just found out the nice scent that permeates the air for about an acre around a good sized white shirish this poila boishakh so now I know Need Id assistance of JNU Campus plant 270415SP1-2 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Sir, It is Albizia lebbeck (Shirish in Marathi) Mimosaceae Need id assistance of JNU Campus Plant 120415SP1-2 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) I need id assistance for following images belong to Albezia? Albizia lebbeck. I agree with you … It is albizia lebeck. Plant for ID-PC-17-16.10.2015 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Fabaceae Fortnight Albizzia lebbeck-PC-06-27.10.2015 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Here is 2 snaps of Albizzia lebbeck from BRD Khanpur, New Delhi. Albizia odoratissima (L.f.) Benth. syn. Albizia odoratissima var. mollis Baker syn. Albizia odoratissima var. lebbeckifolia Haines keys*: Flora of Karnataka I found this flower on the forest floor @ Yeoor last April. Not seen the tree or fruits. Id is based on keys* above. Also perused the keys at FoC & Fl Pak. It is pertinent to note that Albizia odoratissima & Albizia procera are very closely related (morphological). The calyx is pubescent in Albizia odoratissima & glabrous in Albizia procera. My identification rests on this parameter as calyx length was not measured. Different keys use varying parameters but I have found this parameter (calyx pubescence vs glabrous) to be consistent across descriptions in various texts. I have gone through most threads on the group site, if not all, which were labelled as A. odoratissima or A. procera in the group archives. There is considerable confusion / assumption wrt identity in these posts, hence this post. Open to discussion/ correction. Colour of the bark? Characteristic in Albizzia procera Further, I am going by key features (calyx pubescence, length) and bark color is supposed to be a distinctive but not a diagnostic attribute of either species. I have not seen this shape of leaflets in A. odoratissima. have you discounted A. lebbeck? ‘ ..calyx of A. odoratissima is said to be pubescent as well’ – Of course, my id is resting on that attribute (please see my initial post). ‘have you discounted A. lebbeck?’ – No; It could be Albiziz lebbeck as I see the gland between the distant leaflets (DSC04506) and am posting another image (DSC04504) which may be a gland at the base of the petiole. Taken together they suggest A. lebbeck. Now I remember, the reason I decided on A. odoratissima was because I considered the inflorescence to be a panicle (c/f heads axillary) plus clayx pubescent. Thank You for your inputs Attachments (1) Tree for ID :: Hatgad near Saputara :: ARKFEB-12 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Saw many such trees on the way to Hatgad, Saputara, GJ from Nashi, MH in Feb 2017. The tree was leafless and was entirely covered with these shiny pods. Is this Albizzia lebbeck? I think yes. Albizia for ID :: JJ – Jaisalmer, March 2018 :: ARKMAY-03 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Attached are pics of an Albizia species found in Jaisalmer, RJ in March 2018. Requested to please ID. Pl. check—l/f/fabaceae/albizia/albizia-lebbeck The key prepared by me leading on to A. odoratissima but as per eFI images, this is near to A. lebbeck Albizzia lebbeck Fwd: Tree in Srinagar uttarakhand with diff bark features.plz identify : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Please clarify whether all the pictures are from the same tree. The third picture looks different. pic 2 and 3 are different and so which tree gave you those seedpods? The pods and leaves belong to Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. (Leguminosae). The bark in the last picture has a good growth of lichen, the circular grey spots. Albizia FOR VALIDATION :: Jaisalmer :: 27 OCT 18 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 2 images. Jaisalmer … the golden city Date: October 27, 2018 … Altitude: about 225 m (740 feet) asl ¿ Albizia ? Dear friends, This tree is found planted in a resort in Jaisalmer. If these only two pictures help in ID, I would like to have the genus Albizia validated. I think closer to images at Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. as per comparative images at Albizia Thanks … Even I too think the same. It is planted as an ornamental. It must be the Albizia lebbeck. Habitat : Homestead Location : Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh Fruiting: Jan,2019 Photo taken : Jan, 2019 Pl. check—l/f/fabaceae/albizia May be–-l/f/fabaceae/albizia/albizia-lebbeck SYMBIOSIS 1350 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Siris/ Koko/ East Indian Walnut/ Frywood/ Sirin etc. (Albizia lebbeck) – indiantreepix | Google Groups Albizia lebbeck :: Puducherry :: 13 OCT 19 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 3 images. Puducherry near sea coast Date: October 13, 2019 … Altitude range: about 0 – 3 m (0 – 10 feet) asl Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. Tree For ID : Mumbai : 020714 : AK-3 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1). A cultivated tree seen in Mumbai. Albizia Species? Phyllanthaceae ?? Not Phyllanthaceae. Albizia sp. only could be lebbeck or procera, ID by Anjaneyulu ji is correct. Albizzia species, mostly A.lebbeck. Tree For ID : White Flowers : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 12APR16 : AK-8 : 08/08 : 12 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Flowers fragrant. Albizia Species? Pictures taken on 28th March,16. Yes. Albizia. Please check Albizia odoratissima. As per comparative images at Albizia, it does not match with Albizia odoratissima, but seems closer to Albizia procera The main veins of leaflets here are distinctly eccentric which rules out A. procera in which the leaflets are 5-7 cm long but here leaflets appear to be much smaller. Hence A. odoratissima L.f. may be checked once again which in my opinion is more probable. If still having doubts, then might be an exotic. I am not sure about the identities of the images in efi website. Thanks, …, I will check images of A. odoratissima in efi site thoroughly in a few days. Another post from …, also from Lalbagh was also identified by a few experts as A odoratissima. I am not sure, but this could be the same tree. Posting … link below…. Fabaceae – Mimosoideae – Bangalore – RA – Paraserianthes falcataria – Molucca Albizia Tree – White Albizia I am attaching herewith images of Albizia procera (India, Roxburgh s. n. (K000800890) – type) and A. odoratissima for comparison. Albizia falcataria = Adenanthera falcataria = Paraserianthes falcataria will have branched spicate inflorescences. No image of the same is in hand at present. Bark looks different from images at Albizia procera(Roxb.) Benth. Request Tree ID 087 – Lalbagh, Bangalore – RA: I also feel its albizia for sure, some variant of white sirs Some Albizia species indeed. Can’t place it. Looks close to Albizia odoratissima but the bark is not yellow here. Doesnt also look close to Albizia chinensis. Eager to know about the species. Very beautiful to look at it as there are hardly any leaves and tree is full of flowers. To me it appears close to Albizia odoratissima (L.f.) Benth. as per images herein. Albizia lucidior. Size, type of leaves and size of leaflets would confirm the id. Thanks, … Leaves do not match with images at If more information about leaves is given, the id can thought of. An example of how leaves can be photographed while asking for an id. A4 size card sheet with 1cmx1cm grid can tell size. This is probably the same tree in Lalbagh posted by me earlier, in which … thinks it is closer to A. procera. It is not clear whether the inflorescences are fascicled (in clusters) or in panicles. If in clusters then A. lathamii, which it is not. If panicled, then A. odoratissima. Leaf samples are also meager and in this situation it is difficult to tell the name correctly. Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth. ?? it is familiar to A.lebbeck and A. procera Bark looks different from images at Albizia procera(Roxb.) Benth. Looks more close to images at Albizia lebbeck(L.) Benth. I also think this is Albizia lebbeck. I am sure this is not Albizzia lebbeck. I am familiar with both the trees (seen in Mysore). … has posted a similar plant from Lalbagh at Fabaceae – Mimosoideae – Bangalore – RA – Albizia lebbeck – Siris Tree Pl. check. What he has posted is A.lebbeck. I am posting the photo of the Albizzia lebbeck (flowering branch). Both are A.lebbeck. Tree in Lalbagh appears to be quite old. Thanks. But I am not convinced. . Location: Varathamanathi Dam, Palani, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu May I know if this is Albizia lebbeck? Yes it’s Only . 090112/NK/02-ID Please: Could you pl ID. I think it is a Cassia from Caesalpiniaceae family Request for ID 1. Date/Time- 21/02/12-1416PM 2. Location- Lohgaon/Pune/600M 3. Habitat- Garden 4, Plant Habit- Tree 5. Height/Length-40 Ft 6. Leaves Type/ Shape-Pinnate,Opposite-almost completely deciduous. 7. Inflorescence Type/ Size- Not seen 8. Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-No flowers seen 9. Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size -Not seen Looking at the pods it can be Albizzia lebbek. The “Shirish” tree. Fair enough … Had thought of it but the leaves don’t tally. . Albizia lebbeck from Uttarakhand-GS29122021-2: 4 very high res. images. Albizia lebbeck photographed from near Chopta, Uttarakhand, 3-6-2013 . Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.: 3 very high res. images. Location: Surkhet, West Nepal Altitude: 728 m. Date: 19 April 2021 Habit : Wild Yes … It is a common avenue tree here. A mutipurpusoe tree. . Pench NP, MP, March 2022 :: Albizia lebbeck :: ARK2022-071: 3 high res. images. Albizia lebbeck This was clicked inside Pench National Park, MP in March 2022. Request to please validate. Yes, as per images at Albizia lebbeck . Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. :: Thane, Maharashtra :: Nov 27, 2007 · JUN23 DV540: 2 images. Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. Thane, Maharashtra :: Nov 27, 2007 · 10:41 AM IST :: about 11 m (36 ft) asl Many thanks to Radha Veach and Bharat Godambe for validating the ID at iNaturalist . Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. :: Mumbai :: Aug 10, 2007 · JUN23 DV545: 3 images. Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. Mumbai :: Aug 10, 2007 · 12:08 PM IST :: about 14 m (46 ft) asl Many thanks to Bharat Godambe for validating the ID at iNaturalist . Fabaceae: Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.: 1 image. synonyms: Albizia lebbek, Albizzia lebbeck (L.) Benth. location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994 |
Albizia lebbeck
Updated on December 24, 2024