China (Guangxi, Hainan), India (E- & S-India), Sikkim, Philippines, Vietnam,
Java (incl. Madura Isl.), Sri Lanka, Laos, Cambodia, peninsular Malaysia
(scattered), Singapore, Sumatra, Lesser Sunda Isl. (Sumba, Wetar), S- and
peninsular Thailand, Lakshadweep Isl. (Laccadives)
as per Catalogue of Life;
¿ awl-MAN-ee-uh ? — named for William Allman, Jamaican-Irish physician and botanistPlant genera named after people
no-dee-FLOR-uh — flowers from the nodesDave’s Botanary

Diffuse herbs, stem puberulus. Leaves alternate, 2-6 x 1-1.5 cm, elliptic-oblong, apex acute, entire, glabrous. Flowers in terminal and axillary globose congested cymes, pedicelled; bracts and bracteoles 4 mm long, lanceolate, acuminate with filiform tips; tepals 5, equal, 5 x 1 mm, lanceolate, acute, free to the base, 1-nerved, glabrous; stamens 5, filaments united below into a membranous cup, glabrous; ovary obovoid, 1-celled, 1-ovuled, style 1, slender, stigma 2-toothed. Achenes 3 x 2 mm, ellipsoid with a long beak, biconvex, black.
Flowering and fruiting: July-October
Deciduous forests and wastelands
Tropical Asia

For Id 071109JM – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
On 21/9/08 in Hyderabad, AP.

In view of the discussion in thread, it stand identified as Allamania nodiflora

Not Allamania, rather Allmania




Herb for Id 240909Jm3 : Attachments (4). 12 posts by 4 authors.

On 13/9/09 in a rocky area in Keesaragutta in Rangareddy distt. of A.P.

Is it like this? 

Thanks, …
Appears to be from the same Genus but may a different species.

Looks like some Amaranthaceae species
may be some Gomphrena…! though not sure… 

………..plant looks like Allamania nodiflora from Amaranthaceae, but the colour of inflorescence is different.

It looks alright to be Allmania nodiflora, except flower colour

Thanks, ….
I couldn’t open e-Flora link (may be some temp. problem).
Where is the flower colour mentioned?
I could find this species i.e. Allmania nodiflora (syn. Celosia nodiflora, Almania longipedunculata) in Forest flora of A.P. & Karnataka at links (These didn’t mention any flower colour):
Another link 

One illustration:

I don’t have any doubts about it being Allmania nodiflora

Yeah this is of course Allamania nodiflora 

Please confirm my plant with yellow flower is also Allmania nodiflora.

Here are the links for which … require confirmation as Allmania nodiflora:
I think it should be Allmania nodiflora as per earlier discussion in this regard.

It is Allmania nodiflora 

This publication describes Allmania nodiflora as semi-aquatic weed. I found it in rocky area far from water.



For Id confirmation 26072013 CS 1 : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 2 authors.

This plant was observed in the organic vilage, enabavi near warangal in AP. Hope it is Allmania nodiflora

Yes, It is Allmania nodiflora of Amaranthaceae, a common weed in moist places.


Allmania nodiflora (L.) R. Br. ex Wight : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. 
Allmania nodiflora (L.) R. Br. ex Wight (Amaranthaceae)
Denkanikota Krishnagiri DT Tamil Nadu
N12.56957, E77.71861 906m
Ascending herb, weed in rainfed agriculture lands – flowering



Amaranthaceae for identification :: 010914MK01 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4).  

Please help me in identifying this Amaranthaceae herb. Is this a Gomphrena sp.?
Location: Villupuran dist., TN
Alt.: 120 M ASL
Date: 25 Aug 2014

May be Allamania nodiflora var. roxburghii.

Suporting …

This appears to be Allmania nodiflora (L.) R.Br. ex Wight var. nodiflora rather than Allmania nodiflora var. roxburghii Hook. fil. as per images and details herein.

Allmania nodiflora

Kannada names of Allmania nodiflora : 3 posts by 1 author.

Please help validate the names typed in Kannada and the names too.
ಹಸಿರು ಬುಡ್ಡೆ ಸೊಪ್ಪು hasiru budde soppu, ಕಂದು ಬುಡ್ಡೆ ಸೊಪ್ಪು kandu budde soppu
Reference: ENVIS – FRLHT

I checked the names. Kannada names and their English transliteration are  perfectly correct. Great going !

I wish to share all the varieties of Allmania that I have collected.
Allmania nodiflora var. aspera (Roth) Hook.f.1.jpg
Allmania nodiflora var. nodiflora 2.jpg
allmania nodiflora var. procumbens 3.jpg
Allmania longipedunculata (Trimen) Gamble5.jpg
Allamania nodiflora var. roxburghii 4.jpg

Excellent work, …! Thanks for sharing some of the not-so-common varieties/forms of Allmania.
I only collected var. dichotoma, var. nodiflora, and A. longipedunculata from Tamil Nadu.
Thanks again for sharing the pictures.

Wonderful work, …

Thank you, …,

My ambition is to record all our native plants with photographs, since they are most useful and easy tools to know our  wealth; this a small step in this journey, UGC India has sanctioned me a project for digitalising the florstic resources of Velugonda hills  of E.ghats; the native place of Pterocarpus santalinus, Boswellia ovalifoliolata, Decalepis hamiltonii, etc., I am recording almost all parts of a plant in photographs. I am really astonished sometimes, and enjoying the work. JSGamble is my role-model.

Thanks, …, Best wishes in your wonderful journey!!!

As per keys in the book in the link of Flora of Karnataka, your posted image of Allmania nodiflora var. procumbens may be of Allmania nodiflora var. dichotoma (Heyne) Hook. fil.
Pl. confirm.

In your Flickr stream, you have given it as Allmania nodiflora var. longipedunculata. Pl. confirm.

As per keys in the book in the link of Flora of Karnataka, your posted image of Allmania longipedunculata may be of Allmania nodiflora var. procumbens
Pl. confirm.  

Thanks a lot. I will correct 



I’d please : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2)- 1 mb each. 

Reminds me of Amaranthaceae. Not Gomphrena though. More closer to Celosia

I suspect Allmania nodiflora
…? You have recently seen it ! 

Thanks … It (flower structure) does not look like that of Allmania that I have.
Let us wait for comments.

Yes sir, let us wait! 

Allmania only, 

Thanks, …, for the initial id.