China (S-Guangdong, S-Yunnan), Philippines (Luzon), peninsular Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, peninsular Malaysia (Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu, Penang, Perak, Selangor), Singapore (I), Nicobar Isl. (Car Nicobar Isl., North Nicobar Isl., Central Nicobar Isl., Great Nicobar Isl., Little Nicobar Isl.), Sumatra, Borneo, Lesser Sunda Isl., Moluccas, New Guinea, Fiji (I), Hawaii (I) (Hawaii Isl. (I) (Pepe`ekeo (I), Hilo (I), Waiakea (I))), Bangladesh (I), India (I), USA (I) (Florida (I)) as per Catalogue of Life;
Images by J.M.Garg, Mahadeswara Swami &(Aarti Khale – identified by Raman), (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) 



Batino, devil-tree, hard alstonia • Marathi: मोठी सातवीन Mothi Saatveen • Kannada: Janthaala mara;

070311-PR-2 For ID -Chennai. This is a tall tree growing in a park at Chennai. It is closely surrounded by other trees.

– This is Alstonia macrophylla. One can see very good specimens in Nageswara Rao Park, Mylapore Chennai.

– It is Alstonia macrophylla seen in Nageswara rao Park. It must have been pointed out to us by you, …, but there were so many specimens that were new to me that it must have escaped my attention. Btw, the Alstonia scholaris at the Agri-hort garden has not bloomed though I have been watching it the past year or so. The Pseudobombax ellipticum had just ONE fantastic pink flower about 5-6 inches wide at the top of a bare tree, last week. It was a stunning sight


121011-MS – 54 – Alstonia macrophylla:   Herewith enclosing the photographs of Alstonia macrophylla. A tall tree in flowering and fruiting condition. Photos taken on 9.10.11 in one of the roads in Mysore. The tree attracts a lot of birds especially parrots. In the evening one can see hundreds of parrots perching on these trees (a row of trees on this road)

Tree ID- tall tree, many small white flowers, Bangalore: Please help to identify.
Location- Roadside along Ulsoor Lake, Bangalore
Date- June 17, 2012
Tall tree- maybe 10 m; mango type leaves; clusters of small white flowers. Had long thin dried brown pods (couldn’t get a picture of that)





Tree For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 121213 : AK-13 :

Tree with many pods hanging seen on 21/11/13.

I am not able to place the name.

Is it Markhamia or something else?

Alstonia macrophylla, Wall. ex G. Don <=> Batino Tree

Thanks a lot for the id.
I have seen this tree in Mumbai,

Could not recollect the name.

Requestion ID : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Please help me in identifying this tree.
Tree location: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Date: 24-03-2014

Further, please find attachment for the reference.

It is Alstonia macrophylla native to south east Asian countries, it is planted in parks and roadsides

Request for identification-E2 : 16 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 2 Mb.
Kindly request you to identify with scientific name. This photo has been taken in East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya.

Picture not very clear.
Fagaceae? Quercus sp/ Castanopsis sp
OR Persea sp
If there are some other photos of this plant it may be of help.

Thank you very much. I will check and get back to you.

Does not seem to match with any species so far in efi as per comparative images at Fagaceae & Persea

Can it be Alstonia macrophylla Wall. ex G.Don as per images herein or some similar species ?

No. it is not.

One one of the shoots I can see several buds. This may be some Persea spp as well. But the photo is not very focussed, so may not be possible to go much further..

But why pods look like that of Alstonia species?

Kindly compare the photographs of Alstonia macrophylola (attached herewith) taken by me and then decide.

Thanks, …, That is what I have also suggested.
Attachments (3)

I have not encountered this species personally. However, the basic leaf arrangement and the fruits have the looks of Alstonia scholaris. Therefore I would believe that it would be Alstonia sp. Some pictures of A. macrophylla on the internet also resemble these photos. It strongly suggests that the specimen is correctly identified.

Images by tspkumar



158-TSP-ID-03FEB2018-1: A tree near Chikmagalur for ID assistance : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)

Kindly examine and identify this Tree 

Habit: Tree 

Habitat: Wild, Semi-evergreen forest. 

Sighting: Near Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1200 msl 

Date: 08-05-2015

… a guess: Holarrhena pubescens

Could this be Rauvolfia verticillata??

Thanks for the feed back … But I go with … The fruit in case of Rauvolfia verticillata is a drupe whereas that of Holarrhena pubescens is a pair of divergent follicles that is evident in  two of the uploaded images. Ref: http://florakarnataka.ces.iisc.ernet.in/hjcb2/herbsheet.php?id=361&cat=1

Fwd: MS/3/2018/2 – tree ID. : 3 posts by 1 author. Attachments (4)

Please help me to I’d. Could this be Alstonia macrophylla.

Place : Mysore.

I also feel close to images at Alstonia macrophylla

Tree ID verification – Batino (Alstonia macrophylla) : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)- 4 MB.
Date/Time- 02-Sep-2018
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Dhakuria Lake, Kolkata
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Urban
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Tree
Height/Length- 30-40 Feet
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Jamun Like
Inflorescence Type/ Size- Small White with 5 petals
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- < 1 cm
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- clustered narrow bean-like
Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.- Not Sure

I have identified it as Alstonia macrophylla but it is labelled as Alphitonia excelsa. So need second opinion

first what its not Alphitonia excela. seeds are described as such in Wikipedia – It bears small greenish white flowers in late autumn and early winter, followed by globular dark fruit around 1.5 cm (0.5 in) in diameter,[4] which contain two seeds

Native of Australia

its fruits are shown here

now for what it may be you think it is Alstonia macrophylla

could you please share the picture of the current label here

Thanks … By see … photos in Wikipedia I am almost certain that it is Alstonia macrophylla, but would be great if he confirms!

Thanks, …,  At first glance to me also id is OK. I will also have closer look as and when time permits.

Yes. You are right. It is Alstonia macrophylla

Tree identification : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)- 1 mb or more.

Kindly help me identified this tree whose fruits and leaves i have tried to capture. same attached.

Where and were these images clicked?
Pl. check


The photos have been taken in Govardhan Eco Village. About 110 kms from Mumbai towards north in Palghar District.

…, the leaves look exactly same as the URL you have provided. This I can say because I took close look at the leaves and even plucked one to compare it with another plant having similar looking leaf and leaf arrangement.
The fruits or the pods also look similar.

I did not witness the flowering on this tree, otherwise that should have sealed my doubt over its identification.

Apocynaceae ?? Apocynum sp.??

Already identified as

Plant ID : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)
Kindly identify the plant.
Date/Time- 21 JUN 2019
Location-Place, Altitude, GPS- Agara Lake, Bengaluru
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-  May be planted near lake
Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Shrub
Height/Length- 80 cm. 
Leaf – Big leaf 42 cm long
Stem- Green with white speckles. 
Flower- White and tiny

Seems to be Alstonia sp. Apocynaceae.

Thanks for your reply …

I knew the tree earlier but the sapling form was new to me, hence difficulty in identification. I insert the slide of this species made by me earlier.

Plumeria probably…..does not look like Alstonia for me

Flowers are hispid.

Yes, Alstonia only.

Alstonia macrophylla Wall. ex G.Don  ?? Please provide elevation in mt. or ft.

Elevation of Bengaluru 920 metres

Thank you …! Did you cross check for ID verification?


Apocynaceae: Alstonia macrophylla Wall.: 1 image.

synonyms: Alstonia brassii Monachino, Alstonia glabriflora Markgr., Alstonia acuminata Miq.
location/date: University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997

