Annona squamosa L., Sp. Pl. 537 1753. (Syn: Annona asiatica L.; Annona asiatica Vahl; Annona cinerea Dunal; Annona distincta Raeusch.; Annona forskahlii DC.; Annona forsskalii DC.; Annona glabra Forssk.; Annona squamosa Delile ; Guanabanus squamosus M. Gómez; Xylopia frutescens Sieb. ex Presl; Xylopia glabra L.); . custard apple (in India), sugar apple, sweetsop • Assamese: আতলচ-কঁঠাল aatloch kothal • Bengali: আতা ata, শরিকা shorifa • Gujarati: સીતાફળ sitaphal • Hindi: आत, आता or अता ata, बहुवीज bahu-vij, मुक्ताफल muktaphal, सीताफल sitaphal • Kannada: ಸೀತಾಫಲ seetaphala • Konkani: सीताफल siitaaphala • Malayalam: ശീടാഫലം seethapazham • Manipuri: সীতাফল sitaphal • Marathi: आत ata, मुक्ताफल muktaphala, शिताफळ or सिताफळ sitaphala • Nepali: आँट् aunt • Oriya: sitaphalo • Persian: شريفه sharifa • Punjabi: ਸ਼ਰੀਫਾ sharifa, ਸੀਤਾ ਫਲ sita phal • Sanskrit: आतृप्यम् atrupyum, बहुबीजम् bahubijam, मुक्ताफलम् muktaphalam, सीताफलम् sitaphalam • Tamil: ஆத்தா atta, சீத்தா citta • Telugu: సీతాఫలము sita-phalamu • Urdu: آتا ata, شريفه sharifa; . uh-NO-nuh — Latinized form of the American Indian taino, vernacular name for cherimoya skwa-MO-suh — scaly . Distribution: widely cultivated in tropics; probable origin West Indies .. Annonaceae (custard apple, sugar apple, or soursop family) » Annona squamosa Synonym: Annona asiatica … Annona is often found misspelled as Anona uh-NO-nuh — Latinized form of the American Indian taino, vernacular name for cherimoya skwa-MO-suh — scaly commonly known as: custard apple (in India), sugar apple, sweetsop • Assamese: আতলচ-কঁঠাল aatloch kothal • Bengali: আতা ata, শরিকা shorifa • Gujarati: સીતાફળ sitaphal • Hindi: आत, आता or अता ata, बहुवीज bahu-vij, मुक्ताफल muktaphal, सीताफल sitaphal • Kannada: ಸೀತಾಫಲ seetaphala • Konkani: सीताफल siitaaphala • Malayalam: ശീടാഫലം seethapazham • Manipuri: সীতাফল sitaphal • Marathi: आत ata, मुक्ताफल muktaphala, शिताफळ or सिताफळ sitaphala • Nepali: आँट् aunt • Oriya: sitaphalo • Persian: شريفه sharifa • Punjabi: ਸ਼ਰੀਫਾ sharifa, ਸੀਤਾ ਫਲ sita phal • Sanskrit: आतृप्यम् atrupyum, बहुबीजम् bahubijam, मुक्ताफलम् muktaphalam, सीताफलम् sitaphalam • Tamil: ஆத்தா atta, சீத்தா citta • Telugu: సీతాఫలము sita-phalamu • Urdu: آتا ata, شريفه sharifa Distribution: widely cultivated in tropics; probable origin West Indies Edible use: … ripe fruit some facts: … the most widely grown of all the species of Annona … widely grown in El Salvador, India, Pakistan and the Philippines. … the original home of the sugar apple is unknown … the species was described from Jamaica. Quoted from: Wikipedia <> • Purdue University <> Annona reticulata and Annona squamosa mixed up: … world-over, A. squamosa is known as sugar-apple (or sweetsop) and A. reticulata as custard-apple … in India, A. squamosa is popularly known as custard-apple (the name sugar-apple is not known to many), in Australia too, well known as Custard Apple Fruits & Vegetables Week: Annona squamosa from Delhi: Annona squamosa L. (syn: A. asiatica L.) from Delhi, less commonly cultivated in Delhi Common names: custard-apple, sugar-apple, sweetsop Hindi: Sharifa, Seetaphal
efloraofindia:”Id 03092011MR2’’ custard apple Pune: Flora of Madhya Pradesh: Annona squamosa from Narsinghpur (MP): Fruit Trees of Bangalore – RA – Annona Squamosa – Custard Apple Tree – Sitaphal: A small tropical tree, indigenous to the Amazon rainforest, growing up to 20′ tall. The leaves are thin, oblong while the flowers are greenish – yellow. Flowers are oblong, 1 to 1 1/2 in long, never fully open, with 1 in long, drooping stalks, and 3 fleshy outer petals, yellow-green on the outside and pale-yellow inside with a purple or dark-red spot at the base. The avoid or conical fruit, with a purple knobby skin, is very sweet and is eaten fresh or can be used for shakes. The fruit is juicy and creamy – white; it may contain up to 40 black seeds. These seeds are poisonous. From delicious fruits of Sitaphal, jelly, jam, conserves, sharbets, syrup, tart and fermented drinks are prepared. The peelings and pulps contain oil that is useful in flavouring. Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight :: Annonaceae » Annona squamosa in Thane :: DVMAR02 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Annona squamosa L. Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight :: Annonaceae » Annona squamosa at Dhule : PKA-March-21:: : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Sitaphal (Annona squamosa) from Dhule. . Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight: Annonaceae- Annona squamosa from Delhi-GSMAR12 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4). Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight: – Annona squamosa from Panipat-NS March 04 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4). This is a small tree, cultivated in a few gardens or house-yards.. I think this is Annona squamosa, the “Sitaphal” or “Shrifa“..words for correction are requested.. Shot from Panipat and Kurukshetra.. Very good photographs … Thank you very much Sir for nice words… Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight : Annonaceae ::Annona squamosa :: SMP08 : 3 images. 3 posts by 3 authors. Annona squamosa सिताफळ Pune. Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight Annona squamosa. BRS 2 : Attachments (1)- 1 MB. 1 post by 1 author. Sharing the images of Annona squamosa
Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight : Annona squamosa : Nasik : 140314 : AK-17 : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors. Annona squamosa, commonly known as Custard Apple from our home garden.
Custard apple – efloraofindia | Google Groups . Annona squamosa L.: 5 very high res. images Location: Surkhet, West Nepal Date: 29 August 2021 Altitude: 562 m. Habit : Cultivated . Annona squamosa L. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Jun 6, 2009 · JUN23 DV32: 2 images. Annona squamosa L. Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Jun 6, 2009 · 6:49 AM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl Earlier uploaded at efloraofindia. . Annonaceae: Annona squamosa L.: 2 images. location/date (both): Barha, Jabalpur Distr., Madhya Pradesh, October 1994 . References: |
Annona squamosa
Updated on December 24, 2024