Arenaria festucoides Benth., Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 81 1834. (Syn: Arenaria guilielmi-waldemarii Klotzsch; Arenaria roylei Fenzl ex Klotzsch);
Fescue Sandwort ;

chamoli, also around 12000ft to 14000ft msl.- Sept’10?; Id300910ns03 – efloraofindia | Google Groups


VOF Week: Arenaria festucoides ?? along Vasundhara falls- Mana route: Seen this Herb along Vasundhara falls- Mana route.
Could this be Arenaria festucoides ??
(Family: Caryophyllaceae).
Date/Time: 11-08-2012 / 12:40PM
Habitat: Wild on the rocky soil
Plant habit: Herb.

Very beautiful surprise… not seen there.. cannot comment on id though…..

I think yes …

…., very beautiful flowers. I also did not see the flower in Vof. thanks for sharing.


Caryophyllaceae Week: Arenaria festucoides along Vasundhara falls- Mana route–PKA9: Seen this Herb along Vasundhara falls- Mana route.
Bot. name: Arenaria festucoides
(Family: Caryophyllaceae).
Date/Time: 11-08-2012 / 12:40PM
Habitat: Wild on the rocky soil
Plant habit: Herb.


Arenaria festucoides ABAUG2017/03 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)

I found this one just near Lahaish cave and kept on seeing it till about 4000m. I think this is Arenaria festucoides. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Arenaria festucoides
Near Lahaish Cave towards Indrahar Pass, Dharamshala, HP
3500m and above
28-29 July 2017.

Yes, A. festucoides to me also.

Arenaria festucoides Benth.
Clicked from Apharwat, Kashmir, alt. 3300 m

