Thyme-Leaved Sandwort; 
Delicate annual herb with many ascending stems, opposite ovate to elliptic-ovate up to 8 mm long leaves, lower obovate or spathulate; flowers white, 3-4 mm across, in dichasial cymes, on slender pedicels; petals entire, shorter than lanceolate scabrid sepals; capsule longer than calyx, flask shaped.

ID request- Ladakh plant–251111-PKA2: Seen this small herb at Village Turtuk (Ladakh).
Date/Time: 18-09-2011 / 03:30PM
Location: Turtuk, Ladakh (Altitude: Approx: 11000ft).
Plant habit: Herb
Habitat: Wild
Leaves opposite, hairy, sessile
Stem covered with white hairs.

Yes, Arenaria serpyllifolia (Family: Caryophyllaceae) seems to be OK. Have a look at following link..




Caryophyllaceae Week: Arenaria serpyllifolia from Delhi, Kashmir and Manali: Arenaria serpyllifolia L., Sp. Pl. 423. 1753.

Common names: thyme-leaf sandwort
Delicate annual herb with many ascending stems, opposite ovate to elliptic-ovate up to 8 mm long leaves, lower obovate or spathulate; flowers white, 3-4 mm across, in dichasial cymes, on slender pedicels; petals entire, shorter than lanceolate scabrid sepals; capsule longer than calyx, flask shaped.
Photographed from Delhi, Kashmir and Manali.

Caryophyllaceae Week: Arenaria serpyllifolia from Ladakh–PKA10: Seen this small herb at Village Turtuk (Ladakh).
(Altitude: Approx: 11000ft).
Bot. name: Arenaria serpyllifolia
(Family: Caryophyllaceae).
Date/Time: 18-09-2011 / 03:30PM
Plant habit: Herb
Habitat: Wild
Leaves opposite, hairy, sessile
Stem covered with white hairs.

Yes … Nice photographs.





Arenaria serpyllifolia ABAUG2017/20 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (10)
I found this first on July 24 and photographed it again on my next trek a week later. I think this is Arenaria serpyllifolia but I am not entirely certain. Please advise.
Arenaria serpyllifolia?

Mcleodganj-Triund route, Dharamshala, HP
2400m approx.
24 and 28-29 July 2017

Yes, appears close to images at Arenaria serpyllifolia L.
