Arisaema murrayi ?;


identification no200213sn1: Kindly help in identification. Is it Arisaema sahyadricum var. ghaticum?

location:ambyvalley rd. lonavala/mulshi,pune
plant habit:?
height:about 2-3 ft.

other info: I found these coming up at different places every year

This is very hard to say based on fruit and leaves only but because of the size of the plant and length of the infrustecence it likely is not Arisaema ghaticum. I don’t think Arisaema sahyadricum grows that far north either so I am inclined to think this might actually be a fruiting specimen of Arisaema murrayi. But you need to confirm that in the spring because any identification on fruit and leaves is tricky. Maybe … can tell more?

This could be same as earlier, taken after 25 days. Kindly validate the identity.

An Araceae member.


identification no140714sn2 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments(6).

The identity of this plant has not been conclusively confirmed yet. Is it Arisaema sahyadrica
efi thread

This looks like Arisaema tortuosum [Sapkanda] to me. Please check these links.: