A family with two genera and more than 1000 species belonging to Impatiens and single to Hydrocera
The Plants are annual or perennial herbs, rarely undershrubs, somewhat succulent and sometimes rooting at nodes; leaves simple, alternate, opposite or whorled, without stipules but with often with glands at base of petiole; leaf margine entire or serrate, teeth sometimes gland-tipped; flowers bisexual, in racemes or umbel-like clusters, rarely solitary, zygomorphic; sepals usually 3, rarely 5, lateral sepals free or connate, lower sepal large, petaloid, constricted back into a shortl or long, straight or curved spur, rarely without spur; petals 5, free; upper petaloften crested; lateral petals usually united in pairs; stamens 5, often connate; carpels 4-5, united, 4-5 locules; style short with 1-5 stigmas; fruit a berry or a capsule opening elastically and explosively dispersing the seeds.
There are numerous species in India, often difficult to identify. Members are requested to focus on the following characters while uploading photographs for identification:
1. Height of plant
2. Leaves alternate, opposite or in whorls
3. Leaf margin, especially glands on teeth tips
4. Glands at base of petiole
5. Flower size and colour or shades
6. Inflorescence type, racemen, umbellate cluster or solitary
7. size, form of spur, straight or curved, nature of tip
8. Form of lateral fused petals
9. shape and size of fruit
10. Fruit erect, horizontal or erect.

BSI Mah. Flora mentions the plants in Mah. as follows
Family : Balsaminaceae
Impatiens with its many species.
No mention of any plant found from genus Hydrocera.

Thanks … for additional information. Hydrocera triflora is reported even in Flora of British India (1872) from Bengal, Eastern and Western Peninsula, Burma and Ceylon


I read this article on which the origin and distribution (Phytogeography) of Indian Balsams discussed, with special focus on Nilgiris species. I hope this article is worth reading.

Definitely worth reading … thanks for sharing…

Never knew about so many Balsam species.