Barleria longiflora L.f., Suppl. Pl. 290 1782. (Syn: Barleria sericea T.Anderson; Barleriosiphon longiflora (L.f.) Oerst.; Barleriosiphon longiflorus (L. f.) Oerst.); Common name: Long Flowered Barleria • Kannada: Goarimidi, Kolavalike, Mullanakole, Neeruppi gida • Marathi: लांब कोरांटी Lamb Koranti • Oriya: Suryabhiya • Sanskrit: Adyanda, एककंटकः Ekakantaka, Gokshuraka, Ikshurah, कोकिलाक्षा Kokilaksha, Suryabhira • Telugu: Pinna-gorinta 14022012 TBN 1 plant for id from Alagarkoil: Please identify this plant details of which are as follows: Date :18.02.2011 Location :Alagarkoil western side Altitude :approx 1050 ft Habitat :wild Habit :shrub Height :3 feet Leaves :small ?double coloured leaves Flowers :white Fruits :not seen Local name :not known Nice pictures! It is Barleria longiflora (Acanthaceae). Wow! a nice upload and a unique plant from Alagarkoil. really longiflora! Barleria longiflora 12102013 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. sending image of Barleria longiflora Nice Share … Yet to see it in nature.. herb for ID – Tiruvannamalai – 05022014-NAW1 : Attachments (4). 7 posts by 4 authors. Kindly identify this herb with pale gree leaves and white flowers similar to flowers of Milingtonia. Photographed at the Arunachalam forest, Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu on the 31st Jan 2014. Size of plant about 60 cm. Leaves 2-3 cm long.Tube of flower 6-7 cm. Is this a fragrant one? Im sorry – i didnt check the fragrance. .. Hopefully, a sp. of Psilanthus ? It could be Barleria longiflora. .. Oh, I missed the Leafy Bracts at the base… … is right, Barleria longiflora L.f. Congrats …, you have captured an Indian Endemic. Thank you all for the identification. The real credit goes to the Forest Way ( for planting 100s of native species in the Tiruvanamalai area and espe the Arunachalam hill where this picture was taken. Barleria longiflora L.f. 15Feb SN 05 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Barleria longiflora L.f., frequent under shrub in the hills of Krishnagiri dt, Tamilnadu, also observed from Kanchepuram dt.
Bush for ID, Hyderabad, NAW-MAY18-01 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Kindly identify this bush with pale velvety leaves photographed in May 2018 at a residence in Hyderabad. I dont have photographs of its white flowers but they resemble those of Millingtonia with a long tube. I may have uploaded pictures of this species for ID earlier but i could not find my mail on efloraofindia. This may be Barleria longiflora if not any ornamental. Barleria longiflora is a not Ornamental plant; it is pure wild plant. Thank you all. Yes it is Barleria longiflora. i found my earlier pictures on the efloraofindia page. The earlier recording is from a scrub forest at the base of the Arunachala hill in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. This later recording is from my own garden where i have planted it from seeds collected in Tamil Nadu. |
Barleria longiflora
Updated on December 24, 2024