Berrya cordifolia (Willd.) Burret , Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 9: 605 1926. (syn. Berrya ammonilla Roxb.; Espera cordifolia Willd. (Unresolved); Triopterys poliandra Blanco (Unresolved));
Trincomalee Wood, Halmilla tree • Tamil: சமுளை Chamu’lai, Tiriconamalai maram;
The tree is native to Ceylon, South India, Burma and SE Asia.

Re-sending for ID with larger pics. – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Please Id this tree at Shenoynagar Park in Chennai. It had winged seeds.

… could it be Kleinhovia hospita ?

I don’t think this to be Kleinhovia hospita.

Reply from … in the thread containing same small size pictures (efi thread#)
“although the pics are too small but looking at the fruit i feel it is Berrya cordifolia (Willd.) Burett  of TILIACEAE A. L. Jussieu “

After going through the pictures on net (included here), I agree with …


Please Identify this tree from Ghatkopar ID1::
Kindly identify this tree.

Date/Time-        15/05/2011       10:00AM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-     Ghatkopar, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

Altitude :Sea level
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-:  Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  : Medium tree
Height/Length- 10Mtrs approx
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-  as seen in picture
Inflorescence Type/ Size- as seen in picture
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- as seen in picture
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- small green as seen in picture
Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.- no smell

Trees of Lalbagh – Bangalore – RA – Berrya cordifolia, (Willd.) Burret <=> Trincomalee Wood Tree : Trincomalee Wood is a tree growing up to 18–27 m tall, with a trunk girth 2–1½ m. The bole, 9–11 m long, is clean and carries a much-branched deciduous crown. 

The tree is native to Ceylon, South India, Burma and SE Asia. 
Leaves are ovate, deeply heart-shaped at base, often long-pointed, hairy when young. Leaf blade is 6–25 cm long, carried on a 2–10 cm long stalk.
Buds are spherical. Inflorescence is a congested panicle, at end of end of branches or in leaf axils. Flowers are tiny, about 8 mm across. Sepal cup is 4 mm long, irregularly splitting, often 3-lobed. Petals are usually 4 or 5, narrowly oblong, about 7 mm long, white or pale pink.
Capsule is more noticeable that the flowers, with 3-4 pairs of 2–3 cm long wings.
Seeds have many bristles which fall of early.
Trincomalee Wood is a valued timber tree in some parts of India and Sri Lanka.
(Reference: Flowers of India)

Berria ammonnilla : Confirm ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 210413 : AK: Attachments (2).  6 posts by 2 authors.
Kindly confirm id.
Pictures taken on 18/3/13 at Lalbagh, Bangalore.
A tall tree.

Berria species. I have photograph of this tree taken in Chennai. Very tall trees located in Gandhinagar (behind Padmanabha temple). Your photos look similar. But unable to tag the photos. Will search and send them for comparison

Correct spelling is Berrya ammonilla Roxb. as per Tropicos & it is shown as a syn. of Berrya cordifolia (Willd.) Burret as per the Plant List
efi page is Berrya cordifolia

Thanks for the correct name of this tree. This tree was new to me and I noted the name given on the tree itself in Lalbagh, Bangalore.

Please identify this plant details of which are as follows:
Date           : 06/04/14                                                            
Location     :Chennai, Gandhinagar third avenue, Roadside tree
Altitude      :< 200 ft

Habitat        :planted road side
Habit           :tree

Height         :30 to 40 ft
Leaves         :large
Flowers       :not seen
Fruits          : ?capsule

The id has been validated by …

Fwd: id pl-up-aug-3 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).
Id confirmation of this tree in Lalbag.-Is it Berria ammonilla of Tiliaceae as per its nameplate.
will it be possible for somebody to send the photos of thr flowers and fruit of the same pl.

Berrya cordifolia (syn. Berrya ammonilla Roxb.; ………….)


Malvaceae Fortnight :: Berrya cordifolia ::Mumbai :: PKAJUL69:: : : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)

Bot. name: Berrya cordifolia
Location: Mumbai
Habitat: Avenue Tree
Plant Habit: Tree


Malvaceae Fortnight :Berrya cordifolia:: Mumbai :: PKAJUL75:: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)

Sharing few pics of Berrya cordifolia.
Family: Tiliaceae.


Berrya cordifolia:
Sharing few pics of Berrya cordifolia.
Family: Tiliaceae.

BRS 12082016 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) – 2 MB each.

Pl. Confirm the identity of the tree species.
Location -Adyar
Date 12.08.2016
Habitat- Garden
Habit- Tree

For me this one looks like Berrya cordifolia of Tiliaceae. Probably … would have taken the photograph in Gandhinagar 4th Main road.
Pl check this link as well:

Please check for Berrya cordifolia (Willd.) Burret.



Please help with identification : 11 posts by 9 authors.

I photographed these in Chennai (Gandhi Nagar, 3rd Main Road) this evening 924.2.10).
The leaves are from a very tall tree – 10 meters at least. I first thought the leaves looked like those of Scarlet cordia but the texture was different, later someone said that it may be a Lagerstroemia of some kind. But the fruit (240210-01c) looks very different from the fruits I have seen so far…

Looks like Gmelina arborea (snapdragon tree) to me.

It looks like Pterygota alata [Buddha’s Coconut] to me.

Is that a local Verbenaceae? I’m not familiar with it here in the States. I’ll defer to your expertise.

Another friend of mine who is good with tree identification suggested that it could be Kleihovia hospita (guest tree) – of the Malvacea family. Is that a possibility?

… am not familiar with the fruits seen in your photo ¿ but are they fruits ? so no comment on ID.

For comparing leaves of different trees, providing links to my photostream at flickr:
Pterygota alata:
Kleinhovia hospita:
Gmelina arborea:

It is definitely not Kleinhovia hospita as that has very distinctive seed-pods with five compartments.

the dried flowers (?) point towards Dombeya sps.

if the flowers are covered with a felt or powder like or tiny hair like stuff then it is definitely Pterygota alata. moreover Pterygota is in flowering these days in north India too with temperature hovering around 30C and no rains. I think its definitely Pterygota alata..

These photographs were earlier referred to me by … of  Nizhal group (with unclear photographs). Somebody identified it as Kelinhovia hospita.   Seeing the leaves I thought the tree must be Pterygota alata.  Later few more photographs (the same photographs sent by you) were provided to me, on request, along with some information on shape of leaves etc. On reading the information provided by them about the texture of the leaves and also comparing the latest photographs showing the shape of the leaves, fruits (winged)  etc.,  I identified the tree as Berrya cordifolia (commonly called trincomallee wood, Chamu’lai). These are very tall trees. In all probabalities, it should be Berrya cordifolia only.  Nevertheless, the photographs are sometimes misleading as the leaves of many trees look aliike in photographs and one should take into account the nature of flowers, frutis etc. before confirming.



