Betula utilis

Himalayan Silver Birch, Bhoj Patra Tree, Himalayan Birch • Hindi: भोजपत्र Bhoj patra • Tamil: Bhurjjamaram, Purchcham • Malayalam: bhujapatram, bhurjjamaram • Telugu: Bhujapatri • Kannada: bhuyapathra • Sanskrit: bahulavalkalah, bahupata, bhurjapatraka • Nepali: भोजपत्र Bhoj patra;
Images by Dinesh Valke (1,2-ID by Satish Phadke) and Balkar Singh





Flora of Uttarakhand- Bhojpatra tree: Bhojpatra tree captured on 13/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Hemkunt Sahib (around 14000 ft.). Bark used for writing in earlier times. 
Yes, common in subalpine regions (some times extending to lower alpine regions) in Himalayas.



VoF Week :: Betula utilis at Valley of Flowers: Betula utilis D.Don … (family: Betulaceae)2 AUG 12
Valley of Flowers about 11000 – 12000 ft

The Bhurjapatra..?भूर्जपत्र 

Yes … Nice photographs.

In California we have it at sea level, whereas in Himalayas it forms the upper limit of tree zone.




VoF Week: Betula utilis from Way to Valley and way Ghangriya:   

Betula utilis from Way to Valley and way Ghangriya
Pls Validate

Thanks … for these photographs



VOF Week :: Betula utilis (Bhoj Patra) at VoF:  Betula utilis (Family:Betulaceae ) at VoF.
Commonly known as Bhoj Patra.




identification of the Betula sp : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).

kindly help me the identification of the Betula sp growing in high altitudes of Kashmir Himalaya

Bark is far more diagnostic in Betula. However, if it is from timberline or alpine altitude (above 3000m) there are more chances of being B. utilis, a species with smooth light brown bark exfoliating in to thin paper like sheets. Another species, B. alnoides, is restricted to temperate areas.

Betula species in India & eFloraofindia with details & some keys



Fwd: Betula utilis in H.P. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)  
I am surprised there are so few postings of this abundant and highly variable Himalayan Birch on the eFI data-base. I have a wide selection of images taken myself which I plan to share at sometime.
The suggestion that this tree is IN ANY WAY ENDANGERED is PREPOSTEROUS in the extreme.
For a start, I am posting some images made available to me by the late Krishan Lal from 4000m at Chansil Pass, Himachal Pradesh.
This variant does NOT match the form I photographed above Khelanmarg, Kashmir nor on the Rohtang nor in Lahoul (the other side of the Rohtang).
I have one or two images of a Birch specimen previously thought to be within B.utilis but representing a different species, taken on my behalf in Nepal – Betula ashburneri.  



Betula utilis D. Don : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)

Location: Ghiling, Upper Mustang, Nepal 
Date: 9 April 2017 2017

Altitude: 12000 ft.

Nepali Names : भोजपत्र Bhojapatra / भुज  Bhuj / भुजापात Bhujaapaat 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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