Cardamine flexuosa With., Arr. Brit. Pl. ed. 3 3: 578 1796. (Syn: Barbarea arisanensis (Hayata) S.S.Ying; Cardamine arisanensis Hayata; Cardamine debilis D.Don; Cardamine decurrens Zoll. & Moritzi; Cardamine drymeja Schur; Cardamine duraniensis Revel ex Des Moul.; Cardamine hamiltonii G.Don; Cardamine konaensis H.St.John; Cardamine muscosa Vahl ex DC.; Cardamine nasturtioides D.Don; Cardamine occulta Hornem.; Cardamine pusilla Schur ; Cardamine setigera Tausch; Cardamine sylvatica Link; Cardamine zollingeri Turcz.; Nasturtium obliquum Zoll.; Pteroneurum decurrens Blume ..);
Wood Bitter Cress, Wavy Bittercress;
Small annual herb mostly branched from base, without a distinct basal rosette of leaves, often withered at flowering stage, lyrate with larger terminal lobe usually reniform or broadly ovate, 3-5 lobed, lateral lobes smaller; upper leaves smaller, not auriculate at base,; flowers white, in racemes on usually zigzag axis; stamens usually 6; siliqua linear 12-25 mm long


 Uploading Cardamine flexuosa With. (Syn: C. hirsuta var. sylvatica (Link) Hook.f. & T. Andr.; C. sylvatica Link) from Manali. The species is distinct from C. hirsuta in branched stems, few or no basal leaves at anthesis, flexuous stems and rachis and 6 stamens.,

ID No.07052011 RD18: Please help me to ID this small herb
Date/Time-07/02/2011-11:20 AM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-  Assam,
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild Type
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  Small herb
Inflorescence Type/ Size- as seen in the photos
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- White,


Cardamine flexuosa:  Cardamine flexuosa, at Matheran, on 6th April`12. Small herb photographed near flowing stream, under shadow of evergreen forest, at Simpson Tank.





Herb for Id- 060112- NS1- Flora of Madhya Pradesh: This herb was photographed at Betul ,MP. Dated- 12.12.11
Plz Id.

I hope Cardamine flexuosa, common in temperate climate but often found in wet places in Delhi also.

agree with Cardamine flexuosa

Wow……. thanks … sure it z Cardamine flexuosa / Wavy Bittercress.


Brassicaceae Week: Cardamine flexuosa from Kashmir and Manali: Cardamine flexuosa With., Bot. Arr. Brit. Pl. ed. 3:578, t. 3. 1796.

Syn: Cardamine sylvatica Link; Cardamine hirsuta var. sylvatica (Link) Hook. f. & T.
Common names: Common bittercress, wavy bittercress
Small annual herb mostly branched from base, without a distinct basal rosette of leaves, often withered at flowering stage, lyrate with larger terminal lobe usually reniform or broadly ovate, 3-5 lobed, lateral lobes smaller; upper leaves smaller, not auriculate at base,; flowers white, in racemes on usually zigzag axis; stamens usually 6; siliqua linear 12-25 mm long,
Common in moist shaded places, often along roadsides. Photographed from Kashmir and Manali.

Thanks for showing this wonderful plant.
As I have almost nothing to share during the week I am trying to understand and take interest in some species new to me.
What I understood here is……
Cardamine is a genus of Brassicaceae with leaves deeply lobed or compound. The fruits are linear lanceolate, long narrow, strongly compressed, with valves that coil up suddenly from the base ejecting the seeds.
Coming to the described species: I was wondering about the meaning of lyrate leaves…?
a simple leaf having curvature suggestive of a lyre
I find that lyrate is shaped like a lyre and lyre means (n) a harp used by ancient Greeks for accompaniment i.e. a stringed instrument with a particularly curved shape.

Yes … To put it in simple words, lyrate: a pinnately lobed leaf, with more or less curved (wavy) lobes and a large terminal lobe.
Your diagnosis of the genus is very appropriate. The family Brassicaceae is usually classified on the basis of whether cotyledons (which form baby leaves when seed germinates) of seed are folded on either side (conduplicate) of radicle (portion which forms root), or lying flat with facing each other with radicle on back of one (incumbent) or radicle standing along the edges. However a more simple classification is generally based on fruit being siliqua (more than three times longer than broad) or silicula (less than three times as long as broad), whether fruit is totally rounded in cross section, compressed right angles to the septum or compressed parallel to the septum, whether plants are hairy or glabrous, and if hairy, hairs simple or branched, the size of fruit, flower colour, and number of seeds in fruit, the fruit being beaded or not.
The family is complex but I find it interesting.

Do we have a compilation of Cardamine genus of India to refer to? I will be greatly obliged.

Here it is from online Flora of India
There is also good key in eFlora of China


Brassicaceae Week: Cardamine flexuosa from Panipat: This one was shot from Panipat in March 2012, Cardamine flexuosa

Yes … Very Good photographs


Cardamine hirsuta from Panipat: This is Cardamine hirsuta Linn. photographed from Paras Nursery, Panipat on January 22,2012. A very common winter weed. Annual, decumbent herbs, 8-30 cm high. Basal leaves 7-11 lobed, ovate-lanceolate, sinuate-dentate, upper ones 5-9 lobed, ovate, entire or crenulate. Flowers small, in corymbs, white. Petals narrow, erect, very small. Stamens 6. Pod nearly 1 cm long, erect, obtuse.

I think Cardamine flexuosa

How do we distinguish between Cardamine flexuosa from Cardamine hirsuta?


Requesting ID of this weed – Mumbai, Sep 2014 :: ARKOCT-03 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Requesting to please ID this small weed (seen in the centre of the pic). This weed was growing wild in a pot in my balcony garden.
The leaves are a different shape and the flowers are very very tiny and white in colour.
Is it possible to arrive at an ID based on these pics?

a wild mustard?

looks like pods, did you open any?
what color and size the fruits?

This may be a Cardamine sp.

… could be on the right tract

Thank you …

I have been tending to this plant more than my other plants, 🙂 just so that I can get a better pic. It is so frail and delicate….

Could this be Cardamine flexuosa, it is kind of resembling the pic on FOI?

Attaching a cropped pic, if it helps species ID….Can this be C. flexuosa?

Attachments (2)

I think possible.

ID of Brassicaceae sp. from Meghalaya KD 17 Nov : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)
Attached images may be sp. of Brassicaceae. Please ID the plant.
Date :27.10.2014
Location: Meghalaya
Family : Brassicaceae
Genus & species : ??
Habitat: Grows on hilly slopes Ha
bit : 

I too had uploaded something similar and … had suggested Cardamine…..

Thank you for sharing, would like to know which Cardamine flowers in October.

This may also be C. hirsuta L. var. sylvatica Link. of FBI, though flowering time differs in FoC, but tally with BP and BoBO.

efi page on Cardamine flexuosa (syn: Cardamine hirsuta var. sylvatica (Link) Hook. f. & T.)

Cardamine hirsuta L. (accepted name) ?? : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (9)
Location: Godawari, Nepal
Altitude: 5000 ft.
Date: 10 January 2017

Also check with images on efi page at Cardamine hirsuta 

My final post ‘today’.  Cardamine hirsuta is not recorded from Nepal either in the Enumeration or latest Annotated Checklist.  Several Cardamine species are known from Nepal.  In the UK we have both C.hirsuta and C.flexuosa (which is recorded from Nepal) which are similar. They are distinguished (in the
UK) on the basis of C.hirsuta being an annual with 4 stamens, whereas C.flexuosa is a biennial (often perennating) with 6 stamens.
From the first photo it appears the specimen has 6 stamens – making it likely to be C.flexuosa NOT C.hirsuta.  Enumeration has C.arcuata subsp. flexuosa @ 1000-4000m in Nepal & Temperate Eurasia.  The more up-to-date Annotated Checklist for Nepal has C.flexuosa but no mention of C.
Would need to check the plant photographed by … is not any of the other species of Cardamine recorded for Nepal.

Cardamine flexuosa With. from Assam 01 KD 2018 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Attached images are Cardamine flexuosa With.
Date :01.03.2018
Location: Assam

Family : Brassicaceae
Genus & species : Cardamine flexuosa With.
Habitat: Grows wild on damp places
Habit : Herb
Flower : White


ID request CP 09012019 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)
Kindly identify the plant; probably is a species of Cardamine. 
Plant is about 10-15 cm high. Flowers and fruits well between November to April. Though some plants are found to grow, flower and fruit during May to October, growth is poor.
No hair on stem or leaf petioles.
Leaves are compound with 5-7 leaflets.
No rosette of basal leaves found.
Terminal leaflet bigger than lateral ones.
All flowers have 4 sepals, 4 petals, 6 stamens. Petals spatulate with short claw.
Fruits not appressed to inflorescence axis and dehisce explosively on touching. The fruit wall on both sides spring open, coil and fall off, ejecting the seeds violently, leaving only the replum with a few seeds on the plant.

looks like BrassicaceaeCardamine species ?

Thank you … I did check efloraofindia  site but have not been able to determine if it is Cardamine flexuosa or Cardamine hirsuta. It looks like the former but would like to be sure about the species. Shall be obliged if the species identification is confirmed.
Yes, the plant is growing in Delhi.

Thanks, …, I agree with you.

Thank you … I will then consider it as Cardamine flexuosa.

ARJUL56 Herb for ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).
Bangalore 26th July

This is Cardamine, perhaps C. flexuosa

Thank you very much …

I think yes C. fluosa


plant for id request : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
West bengal. Date: today (16.1.16)

Cardamine sp.

Cardamine species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)

Cardamine hirsuta L.

Cardamine flexuosa, as leaflets are not more than 3 pairs, scarcely hairy, they are more than 5 pairs in C. hisuta and basal leaves are many and hairy
