Cassiajavanica subsp. nodosa (Roxb.) K.Larsen & S.S.Larsen (Syn. Cassiajavanica var. indochinensis Gagnep.; Cassianodosa Roxb.);
Apple Blossom Tree, Apple Blossom Shower;
As as per efi thread :
The following three species with similar flowers all have filaments swollen in the middle.
Their Keys:

1a. Ovary glabrous, leaflets oblong, densely velvety, tip mucronate; leafy  bracts at base of each flower; stipules large leafy…..Cassia renigera
1b. Ovary hairy………(2)
2a. Stipules 5 mm long, linear, not leafy, leaflets acute, glabrous beneath;  petals pink, fading to yellow-pink or white……Cassia nodosa
2b. Stipules 12-15 mm long, leafy, lealets usually obtuse, silky beneath; petals pink, turning dark red, fading to white…..Cassia javanica


Cassia nodusa : 3 posts by 2 authors.

this plant was planted in-front of forest rest house Thekeddii. I think it is Cassia nodusa, please confirm id

It does look like it. Though do some people call it cassia nodosa?  copying a link.
I have two shades of it. one is light pink and the other is dark pink. The dark pink looks very beautiful when the tree is in blossom. Both
of them when in blossom gives the impression of one huge pink garland. The tragedy with the dark pink is that it hardly produces any seeds
where as the light pink produces plenty of them. I wonder if any one has an answer.

Fwd: [efloraofindia:186957] Plant Id from Bangladesh SM1 :  5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).

Is  it Cassia grandis?
Flowering : April,2014
Habit: Tree
Habitat: Hill slope (High elevation)
Location: Kaptai forest, Hill Tract, Bangladesh

I received the attached mail (below) and the plant seems to me is Cassia nodosa Ham. The reply mail has already been sent to …

efi page on Cassia javanica subsp. nodosa(syn: Cassia nodosa Roxb.)


Yes. For me also it is Cassia javanica ssp. nodosa (syn: Cassia nodosa Roxb.).

Important  identification character: There are ten yellow stamens, the longest three having a round swelling in the middle.

I would greatly appreciate it you could help me to identify the tree in the attached photo.. I have seen it flowering in a few areas in dehradun although it doesn’t seem to be common or native to this city…

from this distance it can be just guessed as
Cassia renigera or cassia javanica
these are also called pink cassia.
a number of pink-flowered cassia are grown. but these two i found closest to your image

I think it should be Cassia javanica subsp. nodosa(Roxb.) K.Larsen & S.S.Larsen as per keys & images herein.

SK559 12 JUN-2017:ID : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Location: Panitanki, Naxalbari, India
Date: 26 May  2017
Altitude: 450 ft.

Pl. Check comparative images at Cassia page in efi site.

Cassia javanicaL????

Yes, I think so.

I think closer to Cassia javanica subsp. nodosa(Roxb.) K.Larsen & S.S.Larsen as per comparative images at Cassia

Thank you … Cassia nodosa Roxb. (synonym)

I think your tree is Cassia javanica ssp. agnes, whose accepted name isCassiaagnes (de Wit) Brenan
See the difference between the two subspecies of Cassia javanica here:
In Cassia javanica ssp. agnes, flowers are borne in panicles at the end of leafy bracnhes. This feature is clearly visible in your pictures.
In Cassia javanica ssp. nodosa, flowers are borne in racemes on short side branches. You can see that here:

Thanks, …,
But to me the first image gives the impression that it is Cassia javanica subsp. nodosa(Roxb.) K.Larsen & S.S.Larsen & not Cassia javanica ssp. agnes

Requesting to please ID this plant captured in a private garden in Mumbai in June 2013.
There were no flowers seen.
Is it some Caesalpinia?

Could be some Phyllanthus ?

Please post the habit picture.

Unfortunately, I have no other pics.

Perhaps Phyllanthus buxifolius, as earlier posted by …

This is not phyllanthus because in phyllanthus leaflets alternately arranged but here we have to see only opposite

For me  it is close to Cassia roxburghii not sure

Seems you’re …

It appears to be cassia, but leaflets are different from those of Cassia roxburghii

Leaflets are close to those of Cassia javanica subsp. nodosa
