Cassine kedarnathii Sasidh. & Swarupan., Reinwardtia 11: 30 1992. ; 



Fwd: Cassine : 7 posts by 5 authors.
I am keenly looking for any information on Indian Cassine (Or Elaeodendron following Kosterman’s treatment. I wonder if you could put me in touch with anyone interested in the Celastraceae family.

I am not clear as to what you are exactly looking for as”…. any information on Indian Cassine (Or Elaeodendron following Kosterman’s treatment.” is not clear.

I would be grateful for any photos, flowers, leaves and fruit, also of the bark of the species of Cassine occurring in India according to Kostermans in Garden Bull. Sing. 178 (1978). According to him there are three, Cassine grossa, Cassine paniculata and Cassine albens but I am not really sure of the correctness of his paper.

As per my knowledge, some images of Cassine glauca were sent by … in the thread:
& mentioned by … in his post “Mysore Birding Diary (31): June 2009”

According to Dr.M.R.Almeida’s ‘Flora of Maharashtra’ 2 species of Cassine occur here.They are:
1. C.glauca. & 2. C.paniculata.
At my farm at Shahapur near Bombay, I have a few trees of C.glauca (7). Sending you a few photographs of the same.

Thank you very much. This is very valuable for me. Would you know what the colour of the ripe fruit is?

There is another species of Cassine described from Kerala from Silent Valley National Park by Dr Sasidharan and Dr Swarupanandan: Cassine kedarnathii (A new species of Cassine (Celastraceae) from India. Reinwardtia 11(1): 29-32.1992). I do not have any photograph of the same.

Thank you very much. I found the journal in our library. It is a fascinating tree, with a massive hollow trunk of 13 m. I would very much like to get more information about this tree. Is there any other plants of this tree?
I noticed Dr Sasidharan and Dr Swarupanandan refer to Cassine albens following Kostermans. But everyone refer to this tree as Cassine glauca? Why?

‘Cassine glauca’ is called ‘Bhutya’ ‘भुत्‍या’ in Marahti.
‘Cassine paniculata’ is called ‘Motha Bhutya’ ‘मोठा भुत्‍या’ in Marathi.

I hope further feedback from … being an old thread of 2009 & in view of his views as below:

As per efi thread: The names Elaeodendron and Cassine have been confused for centuries. However, my own research and DNA analysis proved that this plant is Elaeodendron. The genus Cassine with only 3 species, occur in South Africa and looks very different, both in flowers and fruit from Elaeodendron.



The Plant List Ver.1.1  Tropicos  A NEW SPECIES OF CASSINE (CELASTRACEAE) FROM INDIA by N. SASIDHARAN & K. SWARUPANANDAN REINWARDTIA Vol. 11, Part 1, pp. 29 – 32 (1992)  India Biodiversity Portal