Castanopsis longispina (King ex Hook.f.) C.C.Huang & Y.T.Zhang, Guihaia 12: 1 1992. (Syn: Castanopsis ferox var. longispina (King ex Hook.f.) A.Camus; Castanopsis tribuloides var. longispina King ex Hook.f.);
East Himalaya; Tibet as per Catalogue of life;



Identification help of Fagaceae : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Any body who can identify this species  of tree from Charakasila wildlife sanctuary (BTC) near Indo-Bhutan border? I have identified as Castanopsis longispinosus of Fagaceae. Is it right identification? Please let me know.




For plant ID KRF001140417? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

It’s a 18-25 feet height tree.
Location: Kaptai Reserve forest, CHT, Bangladesh

I feel it is close.