Centella asiatica (L.) Urb., Fl. Bras. 11(1): 287 1879. (syn. Hydrocotyle asiatica L. ..);
ken-TEL-uh — from Greek centum (hundred) referring to profusely branched prostrate herb … IJRAP
a-see-AT-ee-kuh — of or from Asia… Dave’s Botanary .
coinwort, Indian pennywort, Indian water navelwort, pennyweed, spadeleaf • Assamese: মানিমুনি manimuni • Bengali: ব্রহ্মমন্ডূকী brahmamanduki, থানকুনি thanakuni • Dogri: ब्राह्मी बूटी brahmi booti, ghor-sumbi • Gujarati: બ્રાહ્મી brahmi, ખડબ્રાહ્મી khadabrahmi • Hindi: बल्लारि ballari, भेकी bheki, ब्रह्ममण्डूकी brahmamanduki, ब्राह्मी brahmi, खुलखुडी khulakhudi, मण्डूकी manduki • Kannada: ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು brahmi soppu, ಗದ್ದೆ ಬರಗ gadde baraga, ಇಲಿಕಿವಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು ilikivi soppu, ಒಂದೆಲಗ ondelaga, ಸರಸ್ವತಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು Saraswati soppu, ತಂಬುಳಿ ಗಿಡ tambuli gida • Konkani: एकपानी ekpani, ¿ उंदरी ? umdri • Malayalam: കുടകം kutakam, കുടഞ്ഞാല് kutannal • Manipuri: পেৰূক peruk • Marathi: ब्राह्मी brahmi, एकपानी ekpani, कारिवणा karivana • Mizo: hnah-bial, lambak • Nepali: ब्रह्मबुटि brahmabuti, घोड टाप्रे ghod-tapre • Oriya: ମଣ୍ଡୂକପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ mandukaparnni, ମାଣ୍ଡୁକୀ manduki, ମୂଳ ପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ mula parnni, ସରସ୍ବତୀ Sarasbati, ସୋମ ବଲ୍ଲୀ soma-balli, ଶ୍ରାବଣୀ srabani • Sanskrit: भाण्डि bhandi, भण्डीरी bhandiri, भेकी bheki, मण्डूकपर्णी mandukaparni, मण्डूकी manduki • Tamil: கசப்பி kacappi, மதண்டி matanti, பறுணி paruni, பிண்டீரி pintiri, வல்லாரை vallarai, யோசனவல்லி yocana-valli • Telugu: మండూకపర్ణి mandukaparni, సరస్వతీ ఆకు Sarasvati-aku • Tibetan: man du rag pa rni • Tulu: ತಿಮರೆ timare;
I like the ‘keerai kuzhambu’ made out of these leaves. It tastes good with rice. As you know, it is also a popular medicinal plant used as memory tonic;
Used as a vegetable for making chutneys, brain tonic. ;
This drug is mainly used in Nervous System and SKIN disorders. It acts as Blood Purifier. The powder of this drug + Milk acts as Memory Booster;
. Perennial herb with creeping stems rooting at nodes; leaves reniform, up to 4 cm, on long petiole, margin repand, 5-7-veined; flowers in 2-4-flowered umbels, white to rose coloured, on up to 2 cm long peduncle; fruit ovoid to globose, 2-3 mm long with prominent ridges.
. Fruits & Vegetables Week: RVS-13:
I like the ‘keerai kuzhambu’ made out of these leaves. It tastes good with rice. As you know, it is also a popular medicinal plant used as memory tonic. Known as ‘Vallaarai’ in Tamil. –Indian Pennywort. Called kodangal in Malayalam. We too cook a couple of delicious dishes with it including a curry with buttermilk and coconut. Fruit & Vegetable Week- Centella asiatica:
Sending photos of Centella asiatica growing in our home. Name : Centella asiatica – This plant is known as Brahmi, can be better clarified if we use the word “Mandukparni” as yet another plant, Bacopa monnieri is also known as Brahmi or Jal-Brahami. I was knowing it since childhood as a brain tonic, but it is used in Chutneys is something new for me. I cannot try even, becoz I haven’t found this plant in my vicinity for the last so many years. -Yes it is known by the name Mandukparni. The chutney made from Mandukparni is very tasty and especially given to children. It is also an hair tonic. -in bengal atleast B monnieri is called “Bhrami“ and C asiatica is called “Thankuni pata” Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Week: Centella asiatica from Morni Hills:
Centella asiatica from Morni hills I have uploaded mine from the same place in above post It is also called Hydrocotyle asiatica.
This drug is mainly used in Nervous System and SKIN disorders. It acts as Blood Purifier.
The powder of this drug + Milk acts as Memory Booster.
Sir if you have Hydrocotyle rotundifolia photos please upload that photos. Some times H.rotundifolia is used instead of H.asiatica [ Mentioned in your Classics ].
It is used to make chutneys. What wonderful red flowers, now I’ll have to go see my plants …. dig in a little… to look for the flowers… always wondered but never dared.. since trying to grow them in a pot on the balcony is iffy at best…
wonder if they develop flowers in a pot… Flora of Chakrata : Centella asiatica from Chakrata Road: A few pics more shot last year in June from same Area I think this is Mandukparni. Original Brahmi is Bacopa monnieri .
Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.: Having done Bacopa, I had to do Centella as they are often confused and / or mentioned together.
ASSAMESE : Aghinya, Bor-mani-muni [31], মানিমুনি [29] Manimuni [3].
BENGALI : Bora thulkari, Brahmi, পেৰূক [31] Peruk [3][31] (Manipuri), থানকুনি [34] (Thānakuni [32], Thānkuni) Thankuni, থানকুনি পাতা (Thānakuni pātā [32]) Thankuni pata (leaf), Thankuria.
ENGLISH : Asian pennywort [33], Asiatic coinwort, Asiatic pennywort [29] [VS], Indian pennywort [29] [33], Indian water navelwort, Marsh penny, Marsh pennywort [33], Pennyweed [33], Sheep-rot [33], Spadeleaf, Thick-leaved pennywort, Water pennywort, White rot.
HINDI : Bemgsag [3], ब॒हमामानडुकी(Bahamāmānaḍukī [32]) Brahma manduki [2], ब्रहमामानडुकी Brahamāmānaḍukī [32], Brahmamaṇḍūkī [33], ब्रह्म मंडुकी (Brahma maṇḍukī [32]) Brahma manduki [31], Brahmanduki, ब्राह्मी Brahmi [3] (Northern India, Western India)(HoC) , (Brahmi-booti [29]) Brahmi-buti [3], Brahmi soppu, Gotu kola, Khulakhudi, Kulakudi [3], Mandukparni, (Mandookaparni ) Mandukaparni (Kerala – Southern India) (HoC) , Popli [3], Thankuni.
KANNADA : Brahmi soppu, ಎಲವರಿಗೆ ಸೊಪ್ಪು Elavarige soppu, ಒಂದೆಲಗ [29] Ondelaga [29], Vondelaga [31], Vondelega. MALAYALAM : Codagen [3], കൊടങ്ങള് [28] Kodangal [31], കുടങ്ങല്Kudangal [29], കുടക൯ Kudakan [29], Kutakan [3], Kutannai [3], (Kuṭaṅṅaḷ [33]) Kutannal [3], Mandukaparni (HoC) , Muthil, (Muttiḷ [33]) Muttil [3].
MARATHI : Brahmi, Karinga.
ORIYA : Hnahbial [3], Lambak [3], Theelkudi [3].
PUNJABI : Brahmibuti.
SANSKRIT : (Brāhmī [33]) Brahmi, Brahma manduki, Brahamamanduki, Divya [29], Jalneem, Maha aushadhi [29], (Maṇḍūkaparṇī [33]) Mandukaparni, Manduki [29], Mandukparni, Nandukparni, Thankuni.
TAMIL : Mantukaparani [3], Pantakirikkoti [3], Parni[3], வல்லாரை Vallaarai (Vallarai), Vallarai [3] [29][31], Vallarai elai, Vayalukkullalakanavalli [3], Viriyatacicceti [3], Viriyatecu [3].
TELUGU : Babassa [3], Bekaparnamu [3], Bokkudu [3], Mandooka brahmi [3], Mandooki-brahmi [3], Mandukbrammi [3], Nacley, Saraswataku, Saraswathi aaku [3], సరస్వతీ ఆకు [29] (Sarasvatī āku) Saraswati aku [3], Vellaaraku [3].
At least this is a start. Thanking you in advance for your feedback. Bacopa monnieri: gujarati: બ્રાહ્મી brahmi નીરબ્રાહ્મી neer-brahmi Bengali: ব্রাহ্মী brahmi, বির্মীশাক birmishak উঘ্রাবির্মী ughrabirmi , অঘবীণী ãghabini Centella asiatica: gujarati: બ્રાહ્મી brahmi, ખડબ્રામી khadabrahmi
Bengali: ব্রাহ্মী brahmi, থানকুণীপাতা thankuni pata, Yes … of course I’ll add those. Delighted to. I hope others will feed names in other languages. This is what the whole internet community is begging for, not just myself. Thank you very much. I forgot, I had “thanakuni pata” for Centella is this also acceptable ? Do “sak / shak / pata” refer to leaves ? Thanakuni: the way its pronounced… the a after n : not needed, the way its pronounced thankuni it is. Pata is leaves, used/cooked/eaten anyway one likes when buying or collecting.. shak is leaves and stems together in colloquial use… mostly used to denote the vegetable (food) like potential of the greens… “sak” or “shak” means branches and “pata” means leaf. .
Centella: For those interested I have integrated all comments into this page. Please let me know if I have forgotten a comment of yours. It is by no means completed so if you know of a scripted name matching a romanized version of it, please post it on this forum.
http://www.plantnames.unimelb.edu.au/Sorting/Centella.html It is not all “gospel”, so please point out the spelling mistakes as well. Finally if you know how to quote the string of postings related to this topic, please let me know. Names of Plants in India :: Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.: This is not the plant which is called Brahmi in Hindi or Sanskrit. Brahmi is Bacopa. Hydrocotylaceae is considered as a synonym of Araliaceae. Under the current taxonomic status Hydrocotylaceae has been demoted to a sub-family level (Hydrocotyloideae) under Araliaceae. I think the Centella asiatica has an indefinite position hence has been simultaneously placed under the Apiaceae & Araliaceae. Now there is another problem, when I check the systematic postion under Wikipedea, I was stunned to see it has been placed under Mackinlayaceae according to APG II System of classification. Mackinlayaceae (formerly Mackinlayoideae) is considered a sub-family under the order Apiales placed in the Euasterids II clade. Based on the phylogenetic tree published Tolweb (see the link below) Mackinlayaceae, Apiaceae, Araliaceae, Pittosporaceae and Myodocarpaceae are indicated by a polytomy which means the phylogentic relation between the families are not well resolved, hopefully in future better molecular studies will help in resolving the problem. I also check with bunch of papers on phylogeny of Apiaceae where it has been clearly stated that Centella has a variable position in the tree based on the different approaches used for the tree construction. I am attching one such papers (see the highlighted lines). both are brahmi… That perception is wrong. In Vedas, one name is for one plant only. But it was misinterpreted. For long people believed Centella to be Brahmi but later they found out the mistake. Many thanks … for clarifying taxonomical status of Centella. via Names in > Sanskrit >
ब्राह्मी brahmi
Please refer the following links
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacopa_monnieri http://books.google.co.in/booksq&f=false (page 89) Many many thanks … and … for validating brahmi in Sanskrit in context of Bacopa vs Centella – will amend my notes accordingly. In sanskrit an vedas there are slokas and sometimes these slokas were misinterpreted. For long Centella was considered as Brahmi, then after more research and translation, they realised that it was Bacopa. But due to long usage of the name, sometimes it is still used and also because some people are not aware of these scientific facts. My thoughts in this context will come later when time available.
I will add Illegitimate name for Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. in this page … https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/sanskrit/brahmi-brahmi, as soon as I am ready with appropriate contents for reasoning. I am new to this group and not a botanist basically. Yet with reference to Brahmi It is Synonym for many plants due to similarity of action. Hence Illegitimate name is in-appropriate. Actual name for Hydrocotyle asiatica is mandooka Parni (Bilobed leaf) and for Bacopa is also Brahmi due to its action. To indicate same action the name is used. To indicate structure mandooka parni is used for Hydrocotyle and mathyakshi is used for bacopa. so using proper names at proper usage will solve the confusion. Not declaration of name as Illegitimate . My thinking (was) on same lines. The term “Illegitimate” is applied to the botancial names for many reasons. Some may be, because the same name is available for another plant which was published earlier OR the name was not published properly following ICBN rules. So this term can be used any where logically for similar reasons. Like in case of Brahmi, the name exists for another plant. Many thanks … for this better and proper wording: misinterpreted name. Will make use of this in lieu of illegitimate name. I think there was no rule of one name one plant, in giving Sanskrit names, i think name was given mainly based on character or the action of the plant (medicinal value). Different states have different names so whats wrong in calling Bacopa and Centella as brahmi. no doubt Bacopa is more powerful brain tonic compare to Centella. at the same time its always better to call one plant with one name and one name to one plant. It is very difficult to identify the plants with slokas written in vedas. Which scientists says name brahmi is discarded for Centella?? and WHY???
In Sanskrit there are names which are applied to several plants based on character or Medicinal value of the plant…..
eg. Saptrangi, Sankhpuspi and many more…
and still i cant digest the word illegitimate for common name…. pls explain someone… Have already agreed to not use the word illegitimate – instead would use misinterpreted. Sorry to differ with respect mandooka parni. it refers to leaf not to plant property. As there are different name for properties. I don’t claim to be expert, but done some work on this line. Please see Ayurvediccommunity.com ken-TEL-uh — possibly a dimunitive of the Greek kenteo (to prick or pierce) … Dave’s Botanary
a-see-AT-ee-kuh — of or from Asia … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: Asiatic pennywort, Indian pennywort, Indian water navelwort, pennyweed, spadeleaf • Assamese: বৰ মানিমুনি bar manimuni • Bengali: থানকুনি thanakuni • Dogri: ब्राह्मी बूटी brahmi booti, घोर सुम्बी ghor-sumbi • Gujarati: બ્રાહ્મી brahmi, ખડબ્રાહ્મી khadabrahmi • Hindi: बल्लारि ballari, भेकी bheki, ब्रह्ममण्डूकी brahmamanduki, ब्राह्मी brahmi, खुलखुडी khulakhudi, मण्डूकी manduki • Kannada: ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು brahmi soppu, ಗದ್ದೆ ಬರಗ gadde baraga, ಇಲೀಕಿವೀ ಸೊಪ್ಪು ilikivi soppu, ಒಂದೆಲಗ ondelaga, ಸರಸ್ವತಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು Saraswati soppu, ತಂಬುಳಿ ಗಿಡ tambuli gida • Konkani: एकपानी ekpani, कारिवणो karivno, उंदरी umdri • Malayalam: കുടകം kutakam, കുടങ്ങൽ kutannal, മുത്തിൾ muttil, കരിന്തക്കാളി karintakkali, സ്ഥലബ്രഹ്മി sthalabrahmi • Manipuri: ꯄꯦꯔꯨꯛ peruk • Marathi: ब्राह्मी brahmi, एकपानी ekpani, कारिवणा karivana, मंडुकपर्णी mandukaparni • Mizo: dar-beng-bur, hnah-bial, lam-bak • Nepali: ब्रम्हबुटि bramhabuti, ब्रह्मी bramhee, घोडताप्रे ghodataapre • Odiya: ମଣ୍ଡୂକପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ mandukaparnni, ମାଣ୍ଡୁକୀ manduki, ମୂଳ ପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ mula parnni, ସରସ୍ବତୀ Sarasbati, ଶାରଦା Sharada, ଶ୍ରାବଣୀ shrabani, ସୋମ ବଲ୍ଲୀ soma-balli • Sanskrit: भाण्डी bhandi, भण्डीरी bhandiri, भेकपर्णी bhekaparni, भेकी bheki, ब्राह्मी brahmi, मण्डूकपर्णी mandukaparni, मण्डूकी manduki, सारस्वती Sarasvati • Tamil: கசப்பி kacappi, மதண்டி matanti, பறுணி paruni, பிண்டீரி pintiri, வல்லாரை vallarai, யோசனவல்லி yocana-valli • Telugu: బబస్స babassa, బేకపర్ణము bekaparnamu, బొక్కుడు bokkudu, మండూకబ్రహ్మి mandooka brahmi, మండూకపర్ణి mandukaparni, సరస్వతీ ఆకు Sarasvati aku, వెల్లారాకు vellaaraku • Tulu: ತಿಮರೆ timare • Urdu: بهيکي bheki, منڐوکي manduki botanical names: Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. … synonyms: Hydrocotyle asiatica L. … and many more synonyms at POWO Bibliography / etymology
The Sanskrit / Ayurvedic name – ब्राह्मी brahmi or ब्रह्मी brahmi is given to Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. … however, the name has been applied to Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. and few other plants, in some languages of India, most likely due to some of their similar therapeutic use(s).
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Asiatic pennywort, Indian pennywort
Indian water navelwort
pennyweed, spadeleaf
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
বৰ মানিমুনি bar manimuni
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
ব্রহ্মমন্ডূকী brahmamanduki
থানকুনি thanakuni
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
ब्राह्मी बूटी brahmi booti, घोर सुम्बी ghor-sumbi
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
બ્રાહ્મી brahmi
ખડબ્રાહ્મી khadabrahmi
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
बल्लारि ballari
भेकी bheki, मण्डूकी manduki
ब्रह्ममण्डूकी brahmamanduki, खुलखुडी khulakhudi
ब्राह्मी brahmi
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು brahmi soppu
ಗದ್ದೆ ಒರಗ gadde oraga
ಇಲೀಕಿವೀ ಸೊಪ್ಪು ilikivi soppu
ಒಂದೆಲಗ ondelaga
ಸರಸ್ವತಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು Saraswati soppu
ತಂಬುಳಿ ಗಿಡ tambuli gida
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
एकपानी ekpani
कारिवणो karivno, उंदरी umdri
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
കുടകം kutakam
കുടങ്ങൽ kutannal
മുത്തിൾ muttil
കരിന്തക്കാളി karintakkali, സ്ഥലബ്രഹ്മി sthalabrahmi
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~
ꯄꯦꯔꯨꯛ peruk
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
ब्राह्मी brahmi
एकपानी ekpani
कारिवणा karivana
मंडुकपर्णी mandukaparni
~~~~~ MIZO ~~~~~
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
ब्रम्हबुटि bramhabuti, ब्रह्मी bramhee, घोडताप्रे ghodataapre
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
ମଣ୍ଡୂକପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ mandukaparnni, ମୂଳ ପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ mula parnni, ଶ୍ରାବଣୀ shrabani
ମାଣ୍ଡୁକୀ manduki, ସରସ୍ବତୀ Sarasbati, ଶାରଦା Sharada, ସୋମ ବଲ୍ଲୀ soma-balli
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
भाण्डी bhandi, भण्डीरी bhandiri, भेकपर्णी bhekaparni, भेकी bheki, मण्डूकपर्णी mandukaparni, मण्डूकी manduki
ब्राह्मी brahmi, सारस्वती Sarasvati (also सरस्वती Sarasvati)
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
கசப்பி kacappi, மதண்டி matanti, பறுணி paruni, பிண்டீரி pintiri, யோசனவல்லி yocana-valli
வல்லாரை vallarai
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
బబస్స babassa, బేకపర్ణము bekaparnamu, బొక్కుడు bokkudu, మండూకబ్రహ్మి mandooka brahmi, వెల్లారాకు vellaaraku
మండూకపర్ణి mandukaparni, సరస్వతీ ఆకు Sarasvati aku
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ತಿಮರೆ timare
~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~
بهيکي bheki, منڐوکي manduki
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at
https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2022/01/centella-asiatica-l-urb.html Here is a correction : It should be ‘ಇಲಿಕಿವಿ’ and not ಇಲೀಕಿವೀ as mentioned therein under Kannada names. furthermore there are many other plants which are called ‘ಇಲಿಕಿವಿ’ in Karnataka. For your information.
Also about the note regarding several plants sharing the name, I will leave it to search the blog for the other plants to show up among search results. I have started avoiding including other plants in the same blog that share a name; it saves my time considerably.
Kannada name spelling corrected …
Attaching images of Centella asiatica (L.) Urb., recorded from two places in Hooghly on the same day.
Species : Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.
Bengali name : THANKUNI (sometimes THUTKURI in regions)
Habit & Habitat : wild medicinal herb
Date : 15/8/12
Place : Hooghly
Small Plant For ID : Sri Lanka : 290613 : AK-3 : Attachments (1). 11 posts by 5 authors. Please check for inflorescence. There were no flowers, only leaves when the picture was taken. Please check the leaf axis carefully, the inflorescence is too small or else please wait. Centella asiatica I agree with … and … id: Centella asiatica. Yes I also believe this to be Centella asiatica
Often labelled as Brahmi but it is not and actually called as Mandukparni. Was searching the Family name and interestingly it is Mackinlayaceae
Small Plant For ID : Jijamata Udyan,Mumbai : 290613 : AK-2 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors. Name was given as Brahmi.
Recently … has identified something similar from Sri Lanka.
Is this Centella asiatica?
…, can you kindly confirm id? It looks similar to Centella asiatica. Yes, … It is Centella asiatica. Fwd: For id from chir pine forest of Western Himalaya (Rajouri, J&K) : 3 posts by 1 author. Attachments (3) Apiaceae Fortnight 1-14 June 2015: Centella asiatica from Uttarakhand DSR_June_2/2 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Apiaceae Fortnight: Centella Asiatica from Morni Hills Haryana -GSJUNE14/23 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Centella asiatica, photographed along Tikkar Tal Lake, Morni Haryan on 10 April, 2011
Apiaceae Fortnight: Centella Asiatica from near Baratkhai, Uttarakhand -GSJUNE13/22 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Centella asiatica (L.) Urban in Martius, Fl. Bras. 11(1): 287. 1879.
Hydrocotyle asiatica L.
Brahami Buti
Perennial herb with creeping stems rooting at nodes; leaves reniform, up to 4 cm, on long petiole, margin repand, 5-7-veined; flowers in 2-4-flowered umbels, white to rose coloured, on up to 2 cm long peduncle; fruit ovoid to globose, 2-3 mm long with prominent ridges.
Photographed from Mussoorie Chakrata Road near Baratkhai in Uttarakhand i somehow thought the flowers were supposed to be sort of whitish/very light blue? am i wrong?
Apiaceae Fortnight (june15sk02/17) Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Very good photographs. Thanks for sharing Apiaceae Fortnight (June 2015):: Hydrocotyle asiatica from Haryana:: NS-13/13 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Fruiting and vegetative pics of Centella asiatica are being shared from a bird sanctuary in Rohtak District of Haryana.. Centella asiatica.
Apiaceae Fortnight (June 2015):: Centella asiatica from Morni Hills:: NS-11/11 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
This water loving herb of medicinal significance is frequently Available in Haryana..
These shots are from Morni hills.. Yes … Apiaceae Fortnight :: Centella asiatica :: Goa :: DVJUN04/04 : 3 posts by 3 authors.
Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.
along NH17 near Loliem, Goa on February 21, 2012 loved the flower close up
Wild Plant For ID : Jim Corbett,Uttarakhand : 18SEP15 : AK-3 : 03/43 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Small wild plant seen inside the Jim Corbett National Park on 20/5/14. No flowers. Isn’t it Centella asiatica ? Yes, it does look like Centella asiatica. Thanks for the id. Kokan, Creeper for ID :: ARK2019-40 : 11 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (7) Centella asiatica ?? Merremia emarginata to me
Thanks … Are there any clinching features? Would appreciate opinion from other experts as well.
I will go for Centella asiatica as leaf texture is much different in Merremia emarginata as per images herein. I think Centella asiatica is correct although in very moist conditions Merremia leaf texture can be very flat and less wrinkled than in the link provided.
Thank you … for concluding on the ID. Will post fresh pics after I visit the place again.
Centella asiatica And not Merremia gangetica
. 63 Identify wild plant Central asiatica: 10 images. Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, Kerala PIN:686671 Corrected to Centalla Asiatica Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. ! You’re right . Nepali names of Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.: Ghodtapre and Golpatta are two commonly used name of Centella asiatica in Nepali community.. घोडताप्रे ghodataapre / ब्रम्हबुटि bramhabuti / ब्रह्मी bramhee . References: