



– These are not flowers but achenes (Fruits) of Clematis species as .. has told already…..with a persistent style.






ID Req. fr climber of kaiga: During my bird study , I found this climber in the kaiga forest.
ID requested for the following attachment.
Date/Time-: 9/03/11         14:00
Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada, 380 mtrs
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-    Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-   Climber
Height/Length- 5 mtrs
Flowers Color   – White

– More close ups could have helped us in proper ID. I feel this could be some *Clematis* sp. (Ranunculaceae Family).

– It may be Clematis but … if it is possible then please provide more close ups or large size images.

– How about Clematis gouriana ?



ID request – SJ 28June2011:  I may not be adhering to guidelines by posting a flowering creeper I saw and
was intrigued by during my recent visit to Canada (Ontario). Had never seen anything like this, so thought the group may be interested too. If anyone can help with the ID, that would be much appreciated.

Yes Clematis sp.

its very popular creeper in uk too.

Looking at the leaves, I did think it might be Clematis but having been to the Chelsea Flower Show in London just 3 weeks earlier where there were a mind-boggling variety of clematis (amongst many other flowers of course) species, this one or anything similar was not seen, so I thought this one may be something else. If anyone ever has the opportunity of going the Chelsea flower show, it is highly recommended. It was absolutely stunning for the senses and soul.

This could be Clematis virginiana, in fruiting (called as “old man’s beard“!). Other common names include Devil’s darning needles, Virgin’s Bower etc.

could this be seed heads of Clematis buchananiana
it has bell shaped flowers BUT SUCH unique seedheads as in this picture….
also known as oldman’s head sometimes…
dont recall where i read it… wish this picture was more clear and had leaves showing

I googled virginiana and the images showed up the flower as smaller blossoms. And my image is clearly of the fruiting stage, as you confirm. I love the common names – didnt know that devils darn!

This link shows leaves and seedheads of the Virginnia bower….
    look at the seed heads …very different group anatomy and individual white “hair” in shorter (than current specimen, and straighter) length and seems to be tapering towards the tip  in current specimen,
where as the link picture shows uniformity of width of the hair…
    also the seed head composite anatomy is different….






ID04032011PHK 2: A climber at Alibag, Maharashtra
No flowers /fruits  seen

Wild guess, Clematis sp.

… my guess too is same as ….. similar to C. hedysarifolia, except for the loosely dentate margins of the leaves (or leaflets) in the posted plant.

I think .. pinned down the ID

even i guess Clematis hedysarifolia, flower could be of gr8 help in id. 


Slender Climber:  A climber with flower heads.  Mt Slamet slope, 2000 m alt.  ID is requested.

What about Clematis smilacifolia Wall.?

… from the description, C. smilacifolia has oppositely arranged leaves, though not sure if they are trifoliate.

Ranunculaceae week :: ¿ Clematis wightiana ? : Though in fruiting, those familiar with *Clematis*, please validate if this would be Clematis wightiana.

Viewed at Mahabaleshwar, 17.948911, 73.666043, 4432 ft asl

identification no 020411sn1: date/time:dec11
plant habit:?
height:5-7 ft.

These are achenes of Clematis species.




Ranunculaceae week : Clematis Montana from my garden in Ritterhude:

The fotos were taken Mid may 2010. I am waiting for flowers this year yet.
It is the first Clematis that brings flowers and color to my hausfacade. I think it is Clematis Montana Robens?

PLANT FOR ID 06122012AMF02:  Plant found in Doda (J&k)
Altitude. 3746.67 feet



Habit. Shrub like, height about 3 to 4 feet.
Flower resembling a little like taraxacum officinale.

This is Clematis sp. Ranunculaceae family..


Clematis wightiana

Place : Ghangaria

Date : 16.08.2012

Clematis wightiana Wall. has no distribution in the area as per details herein.



Fwd: CLEMATIS TRILOBA : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Attaching a collage of Clematis triloba.

The image is from a garden. The house owner must have brought it from nearby forest.

Appears out of range with distribution given as India (Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka) as per Catalogue of Life 

nothing is out of range in this century of tremedous mobility of men and beast and birds. its cultivated. so all possibilities are open

I agree with you.

To me looks different from illustration at

[efloraofindia:32784] Clematis from Chitrakoot : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Clematis spp???
For id pls
From Chitrakoot Aryogdham Herbal Garden

My guess Clematis armandii

I am adding the description of this plant from eflora of China  as this plant is widely grown as well as native to China .. Pls see
Clematis armandii Franchet, Bull. Herb. Boissier. ser. 2, 8: 184. 1886.
1 Cymes 7- to many flowered   a var. armandii
+ Cymes 1–3-flowered.   (2)
2 (1) Cymes usually 3-flowered; sepals 4 or 5, 2.1–4 × 0.6–1.2 cm   b var. farquhariana
+ Cymes 1–3-flowered; sepals 5 or 6, 3.7–4.7 × 1–2 cm   c var. hefengensis
From the above key it seems that you plant is Clematis armandii var. farquhariana (Rehder & E. H. Wilson) W. T. Wang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 36: 158. 1998. Because you plant has 4-sepals and hope the cyme contains 1-3 flowers if it had 7-many flowers  (in case of C. armandii var armandii) then the inflorescence would have been more robust.
Kindly validate my identification and idea.