Cleome simplicifolia Hook.f. & Thomson, Fl. Brit. India 1: 169 1872. (Syn. Polanisia burtporensis Munro (Unresolved); Polanisia simplicifolia Cambess. (Unresolved));
Simple Leaved Clammyweed • Marathi: गवती तिळवण Gawati tilwan;
In addition to clawed petals, C. monophylla has 6 stamens as against 10-12 with filiform filaments in C. simplicifolia.

Flora of Eastern Karnataka, Volume 1 By N. P. Singh (1988- Keys- Cleome monophylla, Cleome gynandra, Cleome viscosa, Cleome angustifolia, Cleome aspera, Cleome simplicifolia & Cleome felina


For ID 080713GK :  Attachments (3). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Kindly help in identification
Herb seen on roadside, Solapur
Pictures taken on 30June13, 7AM.

Cleome simplicifolia.

Yes for … ID.

Capparaceae -Cleomaceae fortnight 02092013 :  Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.
sending images of …, Cleome, & … from Nandgaon
Cleome simplicifolia.jpg


Cleome simplicifolia
A very very tiny herb as compared to other Cleomaceae members.

And the picture you have shared is, as usual, superrrb.. thanks..
We do not have that much diversity here, most of these are yet to be encountered for me..


Came across this cleome sp. at “Gorewada- Nagpur”.
Bot. name: Cleome simplicifolia,
Family: Cleomaceae

Beautiful catch … Could not met this plant during our 3 months stay in Nagpur Hope to see in future…

Very good. This plant has very short span during monsoon.


on outskirts of Pune city– Aug’09?; 15th Aug., 2009- Purendar fort, Off. Pune-Satara Highway, Maharashtra; PLANT FOR ID 137 SMP AUG 09 – indiantreepix | Google Groups Cleome simplicifolia – efloraofindia | Google Groups

Malhargad near Pune, MH :: Cleome simplicifolia for validation :: ARK2021-044: 3 images.

Saw this tiny herb at Malhargad near Pune in July 2021 on a small hillock.
Am guessing this to be Cleome simplicifolia
Requested to please validate.

For me your ID seems to be correct.
efi image link

Yes, it is




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