Crotalaria alata D.Don (syn: Crotalaria alata H.Lev.; Crotalaria bialata Roxb.; Crotalaria bidiei Gamble); . Erect shrub up to 30 cm tall, densely hairy; leaves sessile, oblong, up to 7 cm long, tip rounded; stipules large decurrent base to form winged stem; Flowers yellow in short racemes; calyx densely hairy; petals yellow, slightly longer than calyx; pod oblong, up to 4 cm long, glabrous. . [Efloraofindia_Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week] Crotolaria bialata _201111PD01_ Flora of Orissa]: sending the photograph of Crotolaria bialata syn. Crotolaria alata from Ranpur Name of the species: Crotolaria bialata Family: Papilionaceae Place of collection: Mahendragiri, Gajapati, Orissa Habit: Herb Habitat: Wild, Grasslands Altitude: 1500 m above msl Description: Softy hairy herb, 30-60 cm; stem winged, leaves simple, subsessile, elliptic-oblong, silky beneath,; recemes leaf opposed, bract small, yellow flowers Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Crotalaria alata? :: Gori Valley :: NS OCT 17/17 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (8) This Crotalaria was recorded from Gori Valley area… Is this winged stem Crotalaria (C. alata) ? as suggested by the pics.. Yes C.alata to me. Yes, …! Help with ID from Chakauri, Uttarakhand-GSJUNE2016/04 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Please help in ID, this small plant I had earlier thought to be some legume, with simple leaves, but perhaps it is not, Appear as Crotalaria alata. Thanks …, I think you are right, the upper two image on eFI page are incidentally mine only. Crotalaria alata D.Don : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8) Sharing some pictures I guess is Crotalaria alata D.Don shot at Jitpurphedi Nepal on 27 August 2016 at 6200 ft. Nepali Names: बोक्सिबाजा Boksibaajaa / छिमछिमे Chhimachhime / सिंगे सिंगे Singe Singe / ठुलो बोक्सिबाजा Thulo Boksibaajaa / ठुलो छेके Thulo Chheke I think matches with images at Crotalaria alata Is it possible for Crotalaria alata D.Don at this elevation ? Location: Thula Khet, Pokhara, Nepal Date : 10 August 2017 Altitude : 2800 ft.
Crotalaria alata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don, ??? : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8) Location: Relli River,Kalimpong, India Date: 24 May 2017 Altitude: 2000 ft. I also think these matches with images at Crotalaria alata D.Don ID No. 25052011 RD01: Help to identify this wild herb Yes! Stipules decurrent along stem…. Crotalaria alata from me too… . 10122014GS01 legume for ID from Ukhimath in Uttarakhand-GSDEC05 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Kindly help in the ID of this legume with distinctly winged stems, photographed from Ukhimath in Uttarakhand. I think it is Crotalaria alata. Yes Sir it is C.alata. Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight: Crotalaria alata from Uttarakhand-GSOCT05/05 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Crotalaria alata D. Don, Prodr. fl. nepal. 241. 1825 Erect shrub up to 30 cm tall, densely hairy; leaves sessile, oblong, up to 7 cm long, tip rounded; stipules large decurrent base to form winged stem; Flowers yellow in short racemes; calyx densely hairy; petals yellow, slightly longer than calyx; pod oblong, up to 4 cm long, glabrous. Photographed from Ukhimath in Uttarakhand. Please help to identify this Fabaceae plant. Photographed at Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh Altitude – 750meters asl Dated – 20/8/2018 This appears to be Crotalaria alata D.Don [Leguminosae]. check please Thanks … it matches Crotalaria alata. Location: Harthok, Palpa Date: 25 September 2019 Elevation: 1460 m. Habit : Wild Crotalaria ?? Winged stem like C. alata but leaf is trifoliate and coarse and hirsute underneath. Attachments (2) -3 & 4 mb. Attachments (1) – 7 mb. I think there are two different plants here. Flowering one is Crotalaria alata D.Don with simple leaves. Non flowering one is with trifoliate leaves. Yes …! . SK 3298 07 January 2022: 8 very high res. images. Location: Surkhet, West Nepal Altitude: 700 m. Date: 09 December 2021 Habit : Wild Crotalaria albida B.Heyne ex Roth. ?? I think close to images at Crotalaria alata D.Don . Crotalaria alata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don: 7 very high res. images. Location: Dailekh, West Nepal Altitude: 622 m. Date: 13 August 2021 Habit : Wild . Regarding identification of the species collected from Gajapati Odisha on November 24: 071124PKD1: 2 high res. images. Reposting again as clubbed in the same thread due to exactly same subject, … Crotalaria alata D.Don Yes, maybe as per . References: |
Crotalaria alata
Updated on January 10, 2025