W. & S. India, Indo-China: India, Laos, Myanmar as per POWO;
Cucurma sp. flowering: Was at my bungalow in Khandala over the weekend. Noticed that the species of Curcuma flowering there looked different from the on my property at Shahapur whose photographs are available at these links :
Would appreciate an id of these. Sending a few photographs.
Did some research. Of the 13 species of Curcuma described by Dr.Almeida in his ‘Flora of Maharashtra’, I feel that C.neilgherrensis is most likely to fit the bill.
Please do not get confused. This is as simple as Curcuma pseudomontana.
It is Curcuma neilgherrensis.
Therefore feel that the 2 species are distinct – the former being C. pseudomontana while the latter could be C.neilgherrensis [or even a new species C.neilkhandalensis !]
I am a bit confused which is former and which is latter. Can you please send me a mail with one species in one folder.
It is Curcuma neilgherrensis.
Kindly identify this Curcuma sp (Zingiberaceae)…No leaves yet…!
Habit: Rhizhomatous herb
Habitat: Wild, Evergreen forest floor with plenty of humus
Sighting: Kottigehara, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1200 msl
Date: 06-05-2016
Is it Curcuma zedoaria?
Curcuma rubrobracteata Skornickova, M. Sabu & Prasanth or Curcuma raktakanta Mangaly & M. Sabu. ??