Code of conduct for members:
1. All the members are expected to behave with utmost caution while posting/ replying anything so that it doesn’t hurt anybody’s sentiment. Any deviation from such behaviour should be addressed to <> (moderators) & no reply/ altercation should be made on Efloraofindia. It is very important that all members learn to stay calm (and not react) even if provoked.
2. Once a particular thread is called for closure by any of the moderators, not a single post should be made in that thread, whatever the situation may be. Any explanation should be addressed to <> (moderators) and not to the whole group.
3. Any deviation from the above may lead to temporary removal from membership of the group for three months. This may be reviewed subsequently by the moderators after three months on request of the members concerned.

efloraofindia- Primary ethics of communication:

Primary ethics of communication on efi (whether member / moderator)
1) Not to intimidate any person in context of his / her lesser (or in some cases, more) knowledge of science
2) Big NO to making a person aware of his / her little knowledge of English – whether syntax, grammar, spelling errors etc.
I request all members & moderators to pl. keep these things in mind & strictly follow it.

Fully agree …, everyone should adhere to maintaining sanctity of this forum…we should know that the proportion of knowledge gained varies from person to person and is based on so many things, rather than one..nobody is inferior in any sense. Little mistakes are no matter at all..anybody can do that..

I also fully agree with you. We should be more professional by leaving all egos!! Ours is a unique group!

I fully agree with … If we leave egos and treat all members equally, interacting in the group would be such an enjoying experience.