Cycas beddomei Dyer (Images by Raghu Ananth, ID validation by Satish Kumar Chile and Tanay Bose)


Cycas circinalis L. 

(Images by D.S.Rawat (1,2) and B.Rathinasabapathy (3,4))











I am looking for collaborators for an independent voluntary project on cycads of the subcontinent. I wonder who would like to be part of this? Partners are expected to sample wild cycads of all species in their localities and send me the leaves for further molecular characterization. They will have authorship in final manuscript.

Such projects are indeed very valuable. However, I would like to humbly submit the fact that such collections involve field work for which fund is necessary. A few years back I was requested by a renowned scientist for collection of leaf samples of Crotons and Euphorbias from India and send for molecular studies but I could not do so due to non-availability of fund.

Species, genera & family pages of‎‎‎ Cycadaceae are now with images (mainly done by D S Rawat ji). I request you to pl. go through & point out mistakes, if any. I hope this will aid in identifications in future.