

Dendrobium ‘Amitabh Bachchan’;



Orchid for ID – 190911 – RK:  Pics taken in Siddhapura Nursery,Bangalore on 02-09-11 at 2.45pm.
Request Common & Botanical ID.

yes thats an ornamental Dendrobium.

Yes commonly used in Bukays etc



Dendrobium orchids-MN071011:  Sending photo of Dendrobium orchids in front of Buddha.

Place : Hong Kong
Date  :  August 2011



Epiphyte for identification 140812MK02:

I have not seen any flowers or fruits for this herb. I found this in an old coffee estate in Valparai. Is this any Orchid?
Height: 50 cm
Leaf: 6-8cm long
Date: 28 July 2012
Alt.: 960 m asl
Place: Coffee estate, Valparai, TN

Yes, Dendrobium sp., probably an young D. aphyllum (= D. macrostachyum)???
Let’s wait for experts’ comments 🙂

I agree with the opinion of …

It is not possible to differ in some Dendrobiums without flower.
I think this species is Dendrobium lituiflorum Lindl.