Didymocarpus pedicellatus R.Br., Pl. Jav. Rar. 118 1840. (Syn. Roettlera pedicellata Kuntze (Unresolved));
Stone Flower • Hindi: चरेला Charela, पत्थरफॊड़ी Pattharphori • Sanskrit: शिला पुष्प Shila pushp, शांतपुष्पी Shantapushpi, पाषाणभेद Pasanbheda • Nepali: कुम Kum;
As per efi thread:
In D. pedicellatus, stems are absent or very short (up to 1.5 cm) whereas in D. primulifolius stems are 5-20 cm; flowers are larger in D. pedicellatus (corolla  3-4 cm in D. pedicellatus; 1-2.5 cm in D. primulifolius).


Herb For Id from Dehradun-Mussoorie Road-2010:
This lithophytic herb has been a long pending request for identification, was shot from Dehradun-Mussoorie Road, near Mussoorie in October 2010. Help required for id…

I think this plant is Didymocarpus pedicellatus from Gesneriaceae

Yes…..agree with … Didymocarpus pedicellatus from me too.
Here is the link from Flowersofindia for confirmation: flowersofindia

It is Didymocarpus pedicellatus


Didymocarpus pedicellatus from Uttarakhand : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 3 authors.

Didymocarpus pedicellatus R.Br. (Gesneriaceae) is one of the most beautiful species of this genus which is represented by five species in Uttarakhand.
It blooms during peak rainy season and some insects take shelter inside corolla tube. This species has little aroma in its underground parts and collected commercially for this. In trade they call it ‘Patthar Long’.
However, other species Didymocarpus aromaticus (=D.subalternans) has strong agreeable aroma in aerial parts.
Photographed near Jeolikot, Uttarakhand.

Thank you for sharing … we (… and I) were very happy when we saw it last month (Aug’13), near Chakrata, on the vertical wall of flowing stream and it was a wonderful scene.

Flora of Chakrata 2013:: The Stone Flower: Attachments (5). 5 posts by 4 authors.
This beautiful rocky herb was shot from near Chakrata in August 2013…
I hope this should be Didymocarpus pedicellatus R. Br.
Please validate.. 

It is D.pedicellatus. It grows over moist moss covered rocks or walls. I do not expect it at the altitude of Chakrata (2000-2400m) rather it is a species reaching up to 1500m hardly. I believe it was growing at lower altitude when you clicked it. It is frequent on way to Naini Tal from Haldwani. I will share few pics from there.

Yes … this was around at 1700 mts little before chakrata


Didymocarpus pedicellatus R. Br.: 15 very high res. images.
Location: Kathmandu Valley, Central Nepal
Altitude: 1600 m.
Date : 10 July 2021
Habitat : Wild


Didymocarpus pedicellatus R. Br.: 7 very high res. images.

Location: Kalikot, West Nepal
Altitude: 1655m.
Date: 16 August 2021
Habit : Wild


Didymocarpus pedicellatus R. Br.: 5 very high res. images.
Location: Badikhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
Altitude: 1600 m.
Date : 27 July 2024
Habitat : Wild




  1. Divya

    may i know weather didymocarpous pedicellatus is endangered or not ? Because in some research paper i found it in endangered medicinal plant list so i am quite confused. kindly help. thak you