Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 46 1883. (syn. Apocynum tiliifolium Lam.; Asclepias viridiflora Roxb. ex Decne. [Invalid] .; Cynanchum viridiflorum Ker Gawl. ex Spreng. [Illegitimate]; Dregea angustifolia (Hook.f.) Santapau & Irani …; Hoya formosana T. Yamaz. ….; Marsdenia volubilis (L. f.) Cooke; Schollia volubilis (L. f.) Jacq. ex Steud.; Tylophora macrantha Hance; Wattakaka angustifolia (Hook.f.) S.D.Deshp. (Unresolved); Wattakaka pubescens Miq. (Unresolved); Wattakaka volubilis (L. f.) Stapf); . DRAY-gee-uh — named for J F Drège, German-born botanical collector and horticulturist … Dave’s Botanary vol-OO-BIL-iss — twining … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: cotton milk plant, green milkweed climber, green wax flower, sneezing silk cotton, sneeze wort • Assamese: হেমজিৱন্তি লতা hemajivanti lata, খামাল লতা khamal lata, ছাগলী শিঙিয়া লতা sagoli shingiya lata • Bengali: যুক্তি ফুল jukti phul, তিতাকুঞ্জ লতা titakunga lata • Gujarati: હીરનડોડી hirandodi, કડવી ડોડી kadavi dodi, કડવો ખરખોડો kadavo kharkhodo, માલતી malati, મ્હોટી ડોડી mhoti dodi, વિષમુષ્ઠી vishamushti • Hindi: अकड़ बेल akad bel, हरणडोडी harandodi, नकछिकनी nakchhikni • Kachchhi: ડોરીવલ dorival • Kannada: ಹೆಗಲ ಸಪ್ಪು hegala sappu, ಕಾಡು ಹಾಲೆ ಬಳ್ಳಿ kaadu haale balli • Konkani: आंब्री ambri • Malayalam: കൊടിപ്പാല kotippala, വട്ടകാക്കക്കൊടി wattakakka-k-koti • Marathi: हरणदोडी harandodi, हरिणवेल harinvel, नखसिकणी nakhasikani • Sanskrit: बहुपर्णी bahuparni, बहुवल्ली bahuvalli, दीर्घपत्त्रा dirghapattra, हेमा hema, हेमाह्वा hemahva, हेमजीवन्ती hemajivanti, हेमक्षीरी hemakshiri, हेमलता hemalata, हेमपुष्पी hemapushpi, हेमवल्ली hemavalli, हिमाश्रया himashraya, हिमवती himavati, जीवदात्री jivadatri, जीवन्ती jivanti, क्षुपडोडमुष्टि kshupadodamushti, मधुरसा madhurasa, मधुस्रव madhusrava, मङ्गल्यनामध्स्या mangalyanamadhsya, मोरटा morata, मूर्वा murva, शाकश्रेष्ठ shakashreshtha, शार्ङ्गेष्टा sharngeshta, सुजीवन्ती sujivanti, सुमङ्गला sumangala, सुमुष्टिका sumushtika, सुपर्णक suparnaka, सुवालुका suvaluka, स्वर्णजीवा svarnajiva, स्वर्णजीवन्तिका svarnajivantika, स्वर्णलता svarnalata, स्वर्णपर्णी svarnaparni, तृणग्रन्थि trinagranthi • Tamil: அங்காரவல்லி ankara-valli, சிங்கிரம் cinkiram, சிங்கிட்டம் cinkittam, சிவந்தி civanti, கொடிப்பாலை koti-p-palai, குறிஞ்சா kurinca, குடசப்பாலை kutaca-p-palai, நஞ்சறப்பாய்ஞ்சான் nancara-p-payncan, பாலைக்கொடி palai-k-koti, பாலொடுவை pal-otuvai, பெருங்குறிஞ்சா perunkurincha, வனதித்தம் vana-tittam • Telugu: దూదిపాలతీగ dudipalatiga • Tulu: ಎರ್ಮೆ ತಜಂಕ್ erme thajanku, ಪುಗೆಲ್ ತಪ್ಪು pugel thappu, ಪೆತ್ತ ತಜಂಕ್ pettha thajank • Urdu: نکچهکني nakchikni . Native to: s China, Indian subcontinent, s-e Asia . This is the Green Milkweed Climber [Wattakaka volubilis]. Just for record it is a climber often twining around trees and not a tree. Id requested for the following attachment. Date/Time-: 12/05/11 – 07:45 These are the pods of Dregea volubilis [Wattakaka volubilis]. The compound leaves which you see belong to the tree on which the climber grows. Dregea volubilis is the right choice. The leaves of climber seem to have fallen. My photographs of the pods of Dregea volubilis. The photographs were taken at my farm at Shahapur. wattakaka volubilis: Woody Climber: ID 16Sep11AR01 from Chandagal: Date/Time-07 Nov 2010 Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Chandagal, Mysore Dist. Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Wild, farm fence. Green milkweed climber – Dregea volubilis ? Leaf and fruit description agree. Agreed. This is the Green Milkweed Climber [Dregea volubilis syn. Wattakaka volubilis]. Sending some of my photographs for comparison. My photographs of its flowers are already in the archives of this group. My photograph of Dragia volubilis Dregea volubilis from Delhi: Yes Dregea volubilis Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f. Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] 4: 46. 1883. Synonyms Asclepias volubilis L.f., Suppl. Pl. 170. 1781 Wattakaka volubilis Stapf. Bot. Mag. 148: sub t. 8976. 1923 Type: C. Ford ex H.F. Hance 21728, China,, 1993, Missouri Botanical Garden (MO), Isotype Is this a synonim or new name for Merzdenia??? spelling not sure? Yes this is accepted name for Marsdenia volubilis (L. f.) Cooke Dragea volubilis photgraphed at Sawantwadi MH. Its of medicinal value ..useed against rhumatism NATIVE :: Asclepiadaceae (milkweed family) ~ Apocynaceae » Dregea volubilis Synonyms: Asclepias volubilis, Dregea formosana, D. viridiflora, Hoya formosana, H. viridiflora, Marsdenia volubilis, Tylophora macrantha, Wattakaka viridiflora, W. volubilis DRAY-gee-uh — named for J F Drège, German-born botanical collector and horticulturist vol-OO-BIL-iss — meaning, twining commonly known as: cotton milk plant, green milkweed climber, green wax flower, sneezing silk • Assamese: খমল লতা khamal lata • Bengali: titakunga • Gujarati: માલતી malati • Hindi: अकड़ बेल akad bel, हरणडोडी harandodi, नखछिकनी nak-chikni • Kannada: ದುಗ್ಧಿವೆ dugdhive • Konkani: अमरी ambri • Malayalam: velipparuthi • Marathi: हरणदोडी harandodi, नखसिकणी nakhasikani • Oriya: dudghika • Sanskrit: हेमजिवन्ती hemajivanti • Tamil: கொடிப்பாலை koti-p-palai • Telugu: దూదిపాలతీగ dudipalatiga Native to: s China, Indian subcontinent, s-e Asia Attached views from various locations: Yeoor Hills, NH 8, Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary … for more views: http://www.flickr.com/search/Dregeavolubilis&m=tags Very common weed (climber) in Chennai– rather wild . Some more pics This is from Village Madlouda behind Arya Adarsh Girls College where my wife is working Some more pics with fruits from TDL Herbal Park Yamunanagar long inflo climber from Hooghly 24-11-12 sk2: H & H : wild climber, leaves are a bit bigger than Tinospora cordifolia Date : 8/11/12, 12.52 p.m. Place : Hooghly This is also Dregea volubilis [Wattaka volubilis] my photographs of which are available at this link. The yellow objects are Aphids which are fairly common on the plant. Thank you very much …, looking forward to its female plant. For ID :: DV :: 24 NOV 12 – 1003 :: asclepiad twiner near Bhandup Pumping Station: … near Bhandup Pumping Station, Mumbai ID please. Date & time: 24 NOV 12, 10:03 AM Habitat: mangrove Habit: twining herb, heart-shaped leaves about 7 – 8 cm across Its fruit of Dregea volubilis….. Yes looks like Wattakaka volubilis. Yes it is Dregea volubilis… Hooghly Today : Dregea volubilis (Linnaeus f.) Bentham ex J. D. Hooker: Yes I also think so. Syn. Wattakaka volubilis Yes … u r right Yes. Dregea volubilis seedpods. its also seen in 24 paraganas
Hooghly Today : Dregea volubilis (Linn. f.) Benth. ex Hook. f : 9 images. 3 posts by 2 authors. Nice photographs of the caterpillars of the Blue Tiger ! Thank you very much … I also anticipated that the caterpillar could be of Blue Tiger, thank you again for confirming. A video of the same – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXl5Oyk56xE&feature=youtu.be ID required : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Wattakakka volubilis: Asclepiadaceae Goa, May 2014 :: Dregea volubilis :: 18JUN14 :: ARK-33 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5). Requesting to please validate the ID (Dregea volubilis) of this climber growing wild by the roadside in Aguada, Goa in May 2014. Yes Dregea volubilis. I support your id … Dregea volubilis : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4). Dregea volubilis ARJUL57 Asclepiadaceae climber for ID : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3). Bangalore July 2014 please identify the tree : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1). Please clarify about the plant a tree or climber to make the identification easy Please check Dregea volubilis, an Asclepiad climber. Yes, looks like Dregea volubilis to me too. Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f. SN Sep 17 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3).
200914 BRS 01 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). Date: 28.08.2014 Location: Adyar, Chennai Habitat: Garden Habit: Climber Dregea volubilis Yes, this is Dregea volubilis indeed.. Climber for id : 10052015 : RV 1 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) I found this climber in an area near Pali, Sudhagadh about 100 km from Mumbai, on Butea monosperma with many follicles hanging but no leaves to be seen…please help to iD and oblige, This pictures taken last week only. Most likely Dregea volubilis syn. Wattakaka volubilis Dregea volubilis ID 310809GS1 : 15 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (3) This is what I think Dregea volubilis in flower, please confirm. … indeed, … My specimens seem to be much more velvety, is it normal? … I am afraid I cannot voice on that, … I will take it as normal; however hoping some friend comes to rescue, and validates 🙂 Sending you some of my photographs for comparison. Attachments (3) please check in Cooke’s Flora … a search on internet, I found these links, possibly may help in ID of … plant. 1) http://www.plant.ac.cn/dan_tu/26/20897.htm Below is … response … …, you had rightly doubted about your plant being Dregea volubilis. Many thanks to you; an enlightening post. Please check Marsdenia tinacissima (syn. D. tinacissima) as pointed out by … Thanks … I will concentrate on Marsdenia tenacissima and report back soon. … (and several others actively contributing in the group), who have such a keen eye, zeal to investigate and not take a names published in Floras for granted, the group has a great future. We should not be surprised if the real face of Indian Flora has a changed look soon. Recent interactions on the group give a strong indication that probably Indian Flora is much more and different than what we know at present. Not to forget the inputs of our keen photographers in the group, with little or no training in the study of plants, supplying a wide array of beautiful photographs from different parts of India. Please keep up the spirit. I believe this is Wattakaka volubilis a climber from Aesclepediaceae. Very common in Pune I think you missed the thread. It has travelled a long distance. Here it is Here are the fruits, it probably finally confirms Marsdenia tenacissima. please verify. This doesn’t look like Marsdenia tenacissima for the following reasons: Reply from … in a separate thread: “‘After ossilating between Dregea volubilis and Marsdenia tenacissima for a long time, I revisited the plant after returning from California. I photographed nearly mature fruits which have grown to about 10 cm in length. I want to finally settle for Dregea volubilis. It matches with … photographs on Flikr. Need your comments.” 050832017BHAR1 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Creeper over roadside. Green waxflower, Dregea volubilis. Dregea volubilis :: Nagla forest :: 02 JUL 11 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 2 images. Nagla forest … part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park Elevation range: sea level to about 600 ft asl … July 2, 2011 Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f. … (family: Asclepiadaceae ~ Apocynaceae) I identified this fruit as being that of the Decalepis hamiltonii tree. I have great doubt especially that this species seems absent from Sri Lanka (see biodiversityofsrilanka.blogspot). Photo taken 18/02/2018 in Kawudupelella-Matale District-Sri Lanka. Thank you very much … I correct my mistake by Dregea volubilis which is the name of Wattakaka volubilis in PlantList. Wattakaka volubilis is a tree twiner, not a tree.
Dregea volubilis from Delhi – efloraofindia | Google Groups
100619AB1 ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Identification, please. Sorry for the lack of better pictures. No flowers available too. Dregea volubilis frequently found wild climber. . Nepali name(s) of Dregea volubilis : 5 posts by 2 authors. Please help me with Nepali name(s) of Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f. Sorry … ! Did not find ! Okay, …, thank you. I hope you checked the popular synonyms: Wattakaka volubilis and Marsdenia volubilis. Yes …! Names of Plants in India :: Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f. : 3 posts by 2 authors. 1 image. via Species > D > Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f. … family: Apocynaceae ~ Asclepiadaceae DRAY-gee-uh — named for J F Drège, German-born botanical collector and horticulturist … Dave’s Botanary vol-OO-BIL-iss — twining … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: cotton milk plant, green milkweed climber, green wax flower, sneezing silk cotton, sneeze wort • Assamese: হেমজিৱন্তি লতা hemajivanti lata, খামাল লতা khamal lata, ছাগলী শিঙিয়া লতা sagoli shingiya lata • Bengali: যুক্তি ফুল jukti phul, তিতাকুঞ্জ লতা titakunga lata • Gujarati: હીરનડોડી hirandodi, કડવી ડોડી kadavi dodi, કડવો ખરખોડો kadavo kharkhodo, માલતી malati, મ્હોટી ડોડી mhoti dodi, વિષમુષ્ઠી vishamushti • Hindi: अकड़ बेल akad bel, हरणडोडी harandodi, नकछिकनी nakchhikni • Kachchhi: ડોરીવલ dorival • Kannada: ಹೆಗಲ ಸಪ್ಪು hegala sappu, ಕಾಡು ಹಾಲೆ ಬಳ್ಳಿ kaadu haale balli • Konkani: आंब्री ambri • Malayalam: കൊടിപ്പാല kotippala, വട്ടകാക്കക്കൊടി wattakakka-k-koti • Marathi: हरणदोडी harandodi, हरिणवेल harinvel, नखसिकणी nakhasikani • Sanskrit: बहुपर्णी bahuparni, बहुवल्ली bahuvalli, दीर्घपत्त्रा dirghapattra, हेमा hema, हेमाह्वा hemahva, हेमजीवन्ती hemajivanti, हेमक्षीरी hemakshiri, हेमलता hemalata, हेमपुष्पी hemapushpi, हेमवल्ली hemavalli, हिमाश्रया himashraya, हिमवती himavati, जीवदात्री jivadatri, जीवन्ती jivanti, क्षुपडोडमुष्टि kshupadodamushti, मधुरसा madhurasa, मधुस्रव madhusrava, मङ्गल्यनामध्स्या mangalyanamadhsya, मोरटा morata, मूर्वा murva, शाकश्रेष्ठ shakashreshtha, शार्ङ्गेष्टा sharngeshta, सुजीवन्ती sujivanti, सुमङ्गला sumangala, सुमुष्टिका sumushtika, सुपर्णक suparnaka, सुवालुका suvaluka, स्वर्णजीवा svarnajiva, स्वर्णजीवन्तिका svarnajivantika, स्वर्णलता svarnalata, स्वर्णपर्णी svarnaparni, तृणग्रन्थि trinagranthi • Tamil: அங்காரவல்லி ankara-valli, சிங்கிரம் cinkiram, சிங்கிட்டம் cinkittam, சிவந்தி civanti, கொடிப்பாலை koti-p-palai, குறிஞ்சா kurinca, குடசப்பாலை kutaca-p-palai, நஞ்சறப்பாய்ஞ்சான் nancara-p-payncan, பாலைக்கொடி palai-k-koti, பாலொடுவை pal-otuvai, பெருங்குறிஞ்சா perunkurincha, வனதித்தம் vana-tittam • Telugu: దూదిపాలతీగ dudipalatiga • Tulu: ಎರ್ಮೆ ತಜಂಕ್ erme thajanku, ಪುಗೆಲ್ ತಪ್ಪು pugel thappu, ಪೆತ್ತ ತಜಂಕ್ pettha thajank • Urdu: نکچهکني nakchikni botanical names: Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f. … synonyms: Asclepias volubilis L.f. • Hoya viridiflora R.Br. • Hoya volubilis Griff. • Marsdenia volubilis (L. f.) Cooke • Wattakaka volubilis (L. f.) Stapf … status at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1. July 2, 2011 … Nagla forest (part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park) ¿ wat-TAK-kah-kuh ? — genus name derived from the Malabar regional name of the plant വട്ടകാക്ക (wattakaka) vol-OO-BIL-iss — twining … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: cotton milk plant, green milkweed climber, green wax flower, sneezing silk cotton, sneeze wort • Assamese: হেমজিৱন্তি লতা hemajivanti lata, খামাল লতা khamal lata, ছাগলী শিঙিয়া লতা sagoli shingiya lata • Bengali: যুক্তি ফুল jukti phul, তিতাকুঞ্জ লতা titakunga lata • Gujarati: હીરનડોડી hirandodi, કડવી ડોડી kadavi dodi, કડવો ખરખોડો kadavo kharkhodo, માલતી malati, મ્હોટી ડોડી mhoti dodi, વિષમુષ્ઠી vishamushti • Hindi: अकड़ बेल akad bel, हरणडोडी harandodi, नकछिकनी nakchhikni • Kachchhi: ડોરીવલ dorival • Kannada: ಹೆಗಲ ಸಪ್ಪು hegala sappu, ಕಾಡು ಹಾಲೆ ಬಳ್ಳಿ kaadu haale balli • Konkani: आंब्री ambri • Malayalam: കൊടിപ്പാല kotippala, വട്ടകാക്കക്കൊടി wattakakka-k-koti • Marathi: हरणदोडी harandodi, हरिणवेल harinvel, नखसिकणी nakhasikani • Sanskrit: बहुपर्णी bahuparni, बहुवल्ली bahuvalli, दीर्घपत्त्रा dirghapattra, हेमा hema, हेमाह्वा hemahva, हेमजीवन्ती hemajivanti, हेमक्षीरी hemakshiri, हेमलता hemalata, हेमपुष्पी hemapushpi, हेमवल्ली hemavalli, हिमाश्रया himashraya, हिमवती himavati, जीवदात्री jivadatri, जीवन्ती jivanti, क्षुपडोडमुष्टि kshupadodamushti, मधुरसा madhurasa, मधुस्रव madhusrava, मङ्गल्यनामध्स्या mangalyanamadhsya, मोरटा morata, मूर्वा murva, शाकश्रेष्ठ shakashreshtha, शार्ङ्गेष्टा sharngeshta, सुजीवन्ती sujivanti, सुमङ्गला sumangala, सुमुष्टिका sumushtika, सुपर्णक suparnaka, सुवालुका suvaluka, स्वर्णजीवा svarnajiva, स्वर्णजीवन्तिका svarnajivantika, स्वर्णलता svarnalata, स्वर्णपर्णी svarnaparni, तृणग्रन्थि trinagranthi • Santali: ᱢᱟᱨᱟᱝ ᱠᱚᱝᱜᱟᱜ maran konga • Tamil: அங்காரவல்லி ankara-valli, சிங்கிரம் cinkiram, சிங்கிட்டம் cinkittam, சிவந்தி civanti, கொடிப்பாலை koti-p-palai, குறிஞ்சா kurinca, குடசப்பாலை kutaca-p-palai, நஞ்சறப்பாய்ஞ்சான் nancara-p-payncan, பாலைக்கொடி palai-k-koti, பாலொடுவை pal-otuvai, பெருங்குறிஞ்சா perunkurincha, வனதித்தம் vana-tittam • Telugu: బండి గురజ bandi gurga, బండిగురు గింజ bandiguri ginja, దూది పాల dudi paala, కొమ్ము పాల kommu paala, పాల తీగ paala thige, పెద్ద గురిజ pedda gurja • Tulu: ಎರ್ಮೆ ತಜಂಕ್ erme thajanku, ಪುಗೆಲ್ ತಪ್ಪು pugel thappu, ಪೆತ್ತ ತಜಂಕ್ pettha thajank • Urdu: نکچهکني nakchikni botanical names: Wattakaka volubilis (L.f.) Stapf … homotypic synonyms: Asclepias volubilis L.f. • Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f. • Hoya viridiflora R.Br. • Hoya volubilis (L.f.) Griff. • Marsdenia volubilis (L.f.) T.Cooke … and more listed at POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ cotton milk plant, green wax flower, sneezing silk cotton
green milkweed climber
sneeze wort
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~ হেমজিৱন্তি লতা hemajivanti lata, খামাল লতা khamal lata, ছাগলী শিঙিয়া লতা sagoli shingiya lata
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~ যুক্তি ফুল jukti phul
তিতাকুঞ্জ লতা titakunga lata
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~ હીરનડોડી hirandodi, કડવી ડોડી kadavi dodi, વિષમુષ્ઠી vishamushti
કડવો ખરખોડો kadavo kharkhodo
માલતી malati, મ્હોટી ડોડી mhoti dodi
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~ अकड़ बेल akad bel, हरणडोडी harandodi नकछिकनी nakchhikni
~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~ ડોરીવલ dorival
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ ಹೆಗಲ ಸಪ್ಪು hegala sappu, ಕಾಡು ಹಾಲೆ ಬಳ್ಳಿ kaadu haale balli
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~ आंब्री ambri
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ കൊടിപ്പാല kotippala
വട്ടകാക്കക്കൊടി wattakakka-k-koti
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ हरणदोडी harandodi
हरिणवेल harinvel
नखसिकणी nakhasikani
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~ no name found
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~ बहुपर्णी bahuparni, दीर्घपत्त्रा dirghapattra, जीवन्ती jivanti, शार्ङ्गेष्टा sharngeshta, तृणग्रन्थि trinagranthi
बहुवल्ली bahuvalli, हेमा hema, हेमाह्वा hemahva, हेमपुष्पी hemapushpi, हेमवल्ली hemavalli, हिमाश्रया himashraya, जीवदात्री jivadatri, क्षुपडोडमुष्टि kshupadodamushti, मधुस्रव madhusrava, शाकश्रेष्ठ shakashreshtha, सुजीवन्ती sujivanti, सुमुष्टिका sumushtika, सुपर्णक suparnaka, सुवालुका suvaluka, स्वर्णजीवा svarnajiva, स्वर्णजीवन्तिका svarnajivantika, स्वर्णलता svarnalata, स्वर्णपर्णी svarnaparni
हेमजीवन्ती hemajivanti, हेमक्षीरी hemakshiri, हेमलता hemalata, मधुरसा madhurasa, मोरटा morata, मूर्वा murva, सुमङ्गला sumangala हिमवती himavati
मङ्गल्यनामध्स्या mangalyanamadhsya
~~~~~ SANTALI ~~~~~ ᱢᱟᱨᱟᱝ ᱠᱚᱝᱜᱟᱜ maran kongak
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ அங்காரவல்லி ankara-valli, குடசப்பாலை kutaca-p-palai, குறிஞ்சா kurinca, சிங்கிட்டம் cinkittam, சிங்கிரம் cinkiram, சிவந்தி civanti, நஞ்சறப்பாய்ஞ்சான் nancara-p-payncan, நஞ்சறப்பாய்ஞ்சான் nancara-p-payncan, பாலைக்கொடி palai-k-koti, பாலொடுவை pal-otuvai, வனதித்தம் vana-tittam
கொடிப்பாலை koti-p-palai
பெருங்குறிஞ்சா perunkurincha ~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~ బండి గురజ bandi gurga, బండిగురు గింజ bandiguri ginja, దూది పాల dudi paala, కొమ్ము పాల kommu paala, పాల తీగ paala thige, పెద్ద గురిజ pedda gurja
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~ ಎರ್ಮೆ ತಜಂಕ್ erme thajanku
ಪುಗೆಲ್ ತಪ್ಪು pugel thappu
ಪೆತ್ತ ತಜಂಕ್ pettha thajanku
~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~ نکچهکني nakchikni ~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2022/08/wattakaka-volubilis-lf-stapf.html Date: October 15, 2019 … Altitude range: about 0 – 3 m (0 – 10 feet) asl Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f. the architecture of the flowers is similar to hoya flowers. and thats ok, both Dregea and Hoya belong to subfamily Asclepiadoideae of family Apocynaceae. i love this Thanks, … I glanced through GBIF page for status of name and synonyms … and found there are following synonyms in Hoya: Hoya viridiflora / Hoya volubilis / Hoya lacuna. And Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f. is now known as Marsdenia volubilis Cooke yes. complicated//confusing mix up. until molecular biology tests. . Id climber with heart shape leaf : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Opposite phyllotaxy? Woody climber with latex, then Dregea volubilis please check I too concur with … . Dregea volubilis (L. f.) Benth. ex Hook. f.: 7 very high res. images. Location: Dang, West Nepal Altitude: 252 m. Date: 06 June 2021 Habit : Wild . Wild Climber for ID : Nasik : 20MAY22 : AK – 07: Marsdenia volubilis (L.fil.) Cooke Syn : Dregea volubilis (L.fil.) Benth. ex Hook.fil. Absolutely brilliant. I was searching under Hoya and couldn’t find a match since this is new to me. It was Hoya sometimes back. . Santali name(s) of Wattakaka volubilis (L.f.) Stapf … syn. Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f.: It’s Ol Chiki transcription shall be ᱢᱟᱨᱟᱝ ᱠᱚᱝᱜᱟᱜ ID request..Ascelpidaceae member, from Jhelum Punjab Pakistan : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Looks similar. Fruits look different from images at Dregea volubilis Pl. check with images at Cosmostigma cordatum or any other similar species. Also check comparative images at Apocynaceae To me looks close to images at Cosmostigma cordatum (Poir.) M.R.Almeida However I found no distribution of it in Pakistan as per WCSP Catalogue of Life confuses the matter by listing it as a syn. of Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. (with distribution in Pakistan) although it is an altogether different plant as per images and details at Hemidesmus indicus What was the size of fruit ? I still thinks it is Dregea volubilis Dregea volubilis. The leaves also match well. I also agree with both of you as per images at . Apocynaceae: Vincetoxicum rotundifolium (Buch.-Ham. ex Wight) Kuntze: 1 image. synonyms: Tylophora rotundifolia Buch.-Ham. ex Wight, Tylophora trichophylla Tsiang location/date: Nandi Hills, Bangalore, Karnataka, July 1997 I am not getting convinced as per https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:102962-1 https://efloraofindia.com/2011/04/04/tylophora-rotundifolia/ https://www.gbif.org/occurrence/gallery?taxon_key=8193923 Stephanotis volubilis (L. fil.) S. Reuss, Liede & Meve syn : Wattakaka volubilis (L.fil.) Stapf; Dregea volubilis (L.fil.) Benth. ex Hook.fil. Yes, you appears to be right as per images at . References: |
Dregea volubilis
Updated on December 24, 2024