Dyerophytum indicum (Gibbs ex Wight) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 394 1891. (syn: Dyerophytum arabicum (Boiss.) M.R.Almeida; Plumbago arabica (Boiss.) Christenh. & Byng; Plumbago dyerophyta Christenh. & Byng; Vogelia arabica Boiss.; Vogelia indica Gibs, ex Wt.; Vogelia perfoliata Stocks ex Wight);
Common name: Indian Desert Statice
Oman (Dhofar, Mascat & Oman), India as per Catalogue of India;



ID (dkb-13) : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).

Photo taken on- 15.10.2009

On hilly areas, flowers like plumbago
At- Viratnagar(Jaipur)

Can’t make out flowers similar to Plumbago from the foto but you are right. It is a shrub of Plumbaginaceae, Dyerophytum indicum. The leaves are sessile, pale green and glaucous.

Need help in indentification : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)- 2 mb each. 

I found it on the stones near water source. 

Location: Barda hills, Porbander, Gujrat

Dyerophytum indicum.

Please verify. 
I know this plant from a facebook post from Porbandar  

Thx sir. It fits with the discreption from flowerofindia.net


Catalogue of India  The Plant List Ver.1.1
 Flowers of India  flora karnataka  bioinfo  iNaturalist  GBIF  Flora of Peninsular India  India Biodiversity Portal  Wikispecies
Tropicos  Flora of the Indian Desert by M. M. Bhandari (1990) Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India, Volume 10 ((1968)- Dyerophytum indicum (Gibs, ex Wt.) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. PI. 394, 1 89 1. Vogelia indica Gibs, ex Wt. Icon. 1075, 1846 & in Calc. J. Nat. Hist. 7: 17, 1847 …)