Eulophia flava (Lindl.) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 6: 7 1890. (Cyrtopera cullenii Wight; Cyrtopera flava Lindl.; Cyrtopodium flavum (Lindl.) Benth. [Illegitimate]; Eulophia cullenii (Wight) Blume; Eulophia cullenii (Wight) C.E.C. Fisch.; Graphorchis flava (Hook. f.) Kuntze; Graphorkis flava (Lindl.) Kuntze; Lissochilus flavus (Lindl.) Schltr.);
Yellow Eulophia;
Distribution: Himalaya to Indo-China. In India it has been reported from Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh and I have doubts that I have seen this plant in vegetative condition in Jharkhand too.
. PK 081001: Eulophia flava (Lindl.) Hook.f.: This is just to share what can be done with one plant ideally by a taxonomist.
Plant: Eulophia flava (Lindl.) Hook.f. [Cyrtopera flava Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 189 (1833).]
Family: Orchidaceae Flowering: June – July Distribution: Himalaya to Indo-China. In India it has been reported from Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh and I have doubts that I have seen this plant in vegetative condition in Jharkhand too. Picture taken at Chandrabani forests, Wildlife Campus, Dehradun Date: 03.06.2008 I really wish, if all the species of India could be illustrated in the same way. I am trying to illustrate orchids of Jharkhand for my upcoming book….
NOTE: Slide 2 refrence – “Kumar, P. and G. S. Rawat. 2009. Eulophia flava (Lindl.) Hook.f.: Examining an orchid with potential for cultivation in a temperate greenhouse or a tropical garden. The Orchid Review, 117 (1287): 154 – 157.”
. Recent publications: Please find one of our research articles, published in the latest edition of Richardiana (France), attached with the mail. Please also find one more related article which was published previously in The Orchid Review (UK). The study was undertaken in WII campus in outer shivaliks.
031 2011 Eulophia flava Richardiana.pdf
020 2009 EULOPHIA FLAVA IN ORCH REVIEW.pdf Orchidaceae Fortnight : Eulophia cullenii_Neryamangalam_131013 GK-6 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Eulophia cullenii from Neryamangalam Kerala. Endemic and Endangered terrestrial orchid
Flowering after the first shower in the summer. Threatened from people who uses the habitat for Illegal Curcuma cultivation This is Eulophia flava. . ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight: Eulophia flava (Lindl.) Hook.f. from Uttarakhand, PKS-134: Attachments (2). 8 posts by 6 authors.
Eulophia flava (Lindl.) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 6: 7 (1890). Synonyms: Distribution: Himalaya to China (SW. Guangxi) Your illustrations are equally very good. Yes very high quality drawings indeed. This art of classical taxonomy is difficult to master, an in fact few in India are expert in it. Pictures may be the easiest way to reach to Id of a plant but the drawings are best way to determination. You are true. Botanical illustration has lost its foot in India and people go for more colour photographs. In fact colour photographs can never replace a good botanical sketch and illustration. I would be using this to teach Orchidaceae family to my MSc students with due acknowledgment. This is nicely done. I will correct my upload as E. cullenea is a synonym of E. flava. Please feel free to use it. If you need, I can send you better resolution image. Salutes … I have not seen all your uploads; there may be many that I must see – after seeing this beautiful illustration. ID Request – 280621AS01- Habenaria?: 4 images.
Could you help ID this plant? —— Date/Time- 26/06/21 Location– Reni Pani Village, Altitude– 325 m Habitat– Wild Plant Habit– Herb, found growing near seasonal streams, and emerged after premonsoon showers. The leaves and flower stem emerge seperately from the same spot. Height/Length– 1.2 m Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- had not fully emerged, to describe it. Inflorescence Type/ Size– The flowers emerge from a separate stem like a spike. They were all yellow flowers. Flowers Size- about 3-4 cm Eulophia flava (Lindl.) Hook.f. Very pretty Eulophia flava. Thanks a lot for sharing.
. References: