Euphorbia lathyris L., Sp. Pl. 457 1753. (Syn: Epurga lathyris (L.) Fourr.; Euphorbia decussata Salisb.; Euphorbia lathyris var. minor Hook. & Arn.; Euphorbia spongiosa Ledeb. ex Schrank; Euphorbion lathyrum (L.) St.-Lag.; Galarhoeus decussatus (Salisb.) Gray; Galarhoeus lathyris (L.) Haw.; Keraselma lathyris (L.) Raf.; Tithymalus cataputia Garsault [Invalid]; Tithymalus lathyris (L.) Hill);
Euphorbiaceae Week: Euphorbia lathyris from Kashmir: Euphorbia lathyris L., Sp. pl. 1:457. 1753 “E. lathyrus” (corr. Syst. nat. ed. 10, 2:1048. 1759 & Sp. pl. ed. 2, 1:655. 1762) syn: Euphorbia lathyrus L., orth. var. Though the plant is highly posonous and an invasive weed, is often sold by nurseries to repel moles. Often grown in pots but may soon become self sown. It is used in folk medicine as a poison, antiseptic, and a purgative. It is used as a folk remedy for cancer, corns, and warts. Common names: caper spurge, gopherplant, moleplant Euphorbiaceae Fortnight: Euphorbia lathyris from Kashmir-GS-33 : Attachments (4). 5 posts by 4 authors. Euphorbia lathyris L., Sp. pl. 1:457. 1753 “E. lathyrus” (corr. Syst. nat. ed. 10, 2:1048. 1759 & Sp. pl. ed. 2, 1:655. 1762) syn: Euphorbia lathyrus L., orth. var. Though the plant is highly posonous and an invasive weed, is often sold by nurseries to repel moles. Often grown in pots but may soon become self sown. It is used in folk medicine as a poison, antiseptic, and a purgative. It is used as a folk remedy for cancer, corns, and warts. Common names: caper spurge, gopherplant, moleplant Yes it is Euphorbia lathyris L., disjunctly distributed in Kashmir and Darjeeling in E.Himalaya. The seeds contain about 50 % oil, called Euphorbia oil, used for making soaps. References: |
Euphorbia lathyris
Updated on December 24, 2024