Euphorbia notoptera Boiss., Prodr. 15(2): 26 1862. (syn. Chamaesyce notoptera (Boiss.) Soják);
Winged Seed Spurge;


Euphorbia notoptera Boiss.
at Tung fort on 13 OCT 12 

Nothing to say.

Thank you very much … for the validation. I hope the views of my plant in this post help in ruling out any chance of Euphorbia elegans. I am keen to know outcome of Mohina ji’s post seeking ID – the plant in her post looks quite similar to what I have in mine.

Can it be Euphorbia elegans Spreng. as it looks different from other images at Euphorbia notoptera Boiss. ?

I am not sure, … I hope … validates it.

I could say is this plant belongs to E. Sect. longistylis

OK, thanks …
Thus among Euphorbia elegans and Euphorbia notoptera belong which belong to sect. longistylis ?

All the pictures indicate that they are Euphorbia notoptera Boiss. However, I have doubt over the third photo from top which shows imbricate upper leaves unlike in E. notoptera

Thank you very much … for the ID.
And yes, you are absolutely right – the 3rd photo got inadvertently mixed up in this post. It belongs to a different place, different time.

Euphorbiaceae Fortnight: For ID :: AVD03 :  Attachments (9). 4 posts by 4 authors.
Please help me identify this herb.
Have attached multiple images to aid identification.
Habit: erect herb. approx 1.5 to 2 feet high

… to me looks like Euphorbia notoptera.
Let us wait for comments.

E. pycnostegia.

E. notoptera.

