Euphorbia viguieri Denis, Euphorb. Iles Austr. Afr. 73 1921.;
yoo-FOR-bee-uh — named for Euphorbus, Greek physician to Juba II, King of Mauretania
vig-GWEER-ee — named for René Viguier, early 20th century French botanist
commonly known as: euphorbia
Native of Madagascar; cultivated elsewhere.
… brilliant, erect red cyathia.

Id060609phk1 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors.

Which Euphorbia?
Photographed at Alibag

… ¿ Euphorbia viguieri ?

yes … this is 100% Euphorbia viguieri


Attachments (5).  4 posts by 4 authors.

Attached are pictures of Euphorbia viguieri from Sagar Upvan, Mumbai in February 2013.

Natural or cultivated??


It would be interesting to compare my photographs uploaded as E. neohumbergii and E. viguieri uploaded by … The two Madagascarian species are supposed to be very close and often confused, but latter having longer spines and not closely set leaf scars of former. It would be worthwhile to evaluate our photographs critically.

Euphorbia viguieri (Viguier’s Spurge).. seen in a Exhibition at Byculla

Yes this is Euphorbia viguieri Denis, a species from Africa.

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/u3GsqJLBiJyKrlRQ-RcATE1gxCqwggDn5aVchzlsPBjz1bCuXedYnilBUMJ3eAdYkSFfsR98ZXzP0ls-3caDZ7VM5ofAsrDxXoaDn-AOpl53-w5000-h5000.jpg  /wp-content/uploads/2020/10/N3xAWSWMkVkmGgXjb2NZVyqgPYTDF6pEONj_qDY6HBd6BiCWnboPqRe5-kvDjB44E73vZKExGcX4MvtphInH4i6KDPK7_f6jJxLrAeubZy1I-w5000-h5000.jpg/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/HDgnEQBZp4l69ptIBpwNkITq407uW_y7a7fsF4btONHV4x2MrQCYoB5ZJ_iUpG3DkLIuBZN9C6vizJ1OcVbCL-Z5Xdq0U9kKOrKRMDgJ8DAO-w5000-h5000.jpg

Euphorbia viguieri Denis
Native of Madagascar; cultivated elsewhere.

at Sagar Upvan, Mumbai on 08 DEC 07

Excellent !!!

Yes it is Euphorbia viguieri Denis


Euphorbia viguieri, from Gangajal Nursery in Nasik.

Yes, I confirm that this is E. viguieri Denis


Euphorbia viguieri from Mumbai.

Yes, this is Euphorbia viguieri

Euphorbia neohumbertii from Delhi : Attachments (3). 5 posts by 5 authors.

Euphorbia neohumbertii

This interesting ornamental which in fist look appears to be simillar to E. milii is quite distinct in taller habit often reaching more than 1 m, unbranched 4-6 angled stems with flat often jagged tubercles along angles, broad leaf scars on faces, much larger leaves and very important cyathium orange-red lacking two spreading involucre bracts.
This endemic plant from Madagaskar, has been brought into cultivation
and was photographed by me from Khalsa College in Delhi.

A reply from another thread:


The above three photographs are not E. neohumbertii

They belong to E. viguieri


This interesting ornamental which in first look appears to be simillar to E. milii is quite distinct in taller habit often reaching more than 1 m, unbranched 4-6 angled stems with flat often jagged tubercles along angles, broad leaf scars on faces, much larger leaves and very important cyathium orange-red lacking two spreading involucre bracts.

This endemic plant from Madagaskar, has been brought into cultivation and was photographed by me from Khalsa College in Delhi.

I think its occurrence in India is not recorded Sir.

I found it cultivated in pots and in some beds also only last year. Had never seen it before. Would be happy to confirm or know true identity.

After seeing the upload by .. which you have confirmed as E. viguieri, I request you to have a look at my plant which I have identified as E. neohumbertii. The two Madagascarian species are considered to be very close and often confused, former having much longer spines popping up and scattered leaf scars, and latter shorter spines and closely set leaf scars.
Please have a look at these uploads, compare with mine and give your verdict:
By … efi thread
by … efi thread


The above three photographs are not E. neohumbertii

They belong to E. viguieri

Yes, E. viguieri and E. neohumbertii have not been recorded from India. But they are confined to ornamental gardens. I do not think they occur naturally.


Euphorbia neohumbertii from Delhi : Attachments (3). 6 posts by 6 authors.

Euphorbia neohumbertii

This interesting ornamental which in fist look appears to be simillar to E. milii is quite distinct in taller habit often reaching more than 1 m, unbranched 4-6 angled stems with flat often jagged tubercles along angles, broad leaf scars on faces, much larger leaves and very important cyathium orange-red lacking two spreading involucre bracts. This endemic plant from Madagaskar, has been brought into cultivation and was photographed by me from Khalsa College in Delhi.

Fantastic pics.

A reply from another thread:


The above three photographs are not E. neohumbertii

They belong to E. viguieri


Hooghly : Euphorbia viguieri Denis : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5).

No KEY found, yet this strange looking ornamental, found in a front yard, seems similar to eFI or Dave’s Garden.

I took these photographs on 26-03-2021.

While searching for the identity of this species, in our group database, I came across my earlier post which I forgot entirely!

I guess ID is correct !

Yes, to me also appears correct as per images at Euphorbia viguieri Denis




The Plant List  GRIN  Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post   Desert Tropicals  Toobees Exotics  Slice of the Day by Vasant M. Salian  Dave’s garden  euphorbia viguieri  Euphorbia viguieri – Viguier’s Spurge