on the way to Ajinkya Tara – Satara– Sep 10, 2010;

Fabaceae sp ? (15.09.2010 NSJ) – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Mimosaceae Tree for Identification 190412MK02: Please help me to identify this tree species. Is this Acacia ferruginea? I could not see the flowers but only pods. Pods were of 10-12cm long and 3cm broader. Leaves were of 10-15 cm longer.
Location: Bommiampatty RF; Salem dist., TN
Terrain: scrub and thorny forest
Altitude: c. 410 M ASL
Date: 15 Apr 2012

Negative. Need more close up pictures of the flowers and leaves for ID

Locally they this as ‘Parambai’

Tamil name: பறம்பை

ID for climber from Dzongu- Sikkim:  Would be grateful for identification of this beautiful climber from Dzongu, North Sikkim.

Any chance of Wisteria? which is called Blauregen in German.

i thought Wisteria flowers are much larger

It is difficult to guess the size, and very little can be seen of this plant. However, whatever is there makes me think, it could be Wisteria.
Perhaps … may give some more Info or send more fotos.

It does not look like wisteria.

It does remind one of Wisteria though it is not Wisteria sinensis as we have that in Raj Bhavan and it is exotic. Will try to post that pic.

Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: Perhaps sp-5 for ID from Chakrata Tiger fall road: Perhaps similar to Desmodium sp. but with less flattened pods., photographed from the same area on Chakrata Tiger fall road in September

Pea family from Kalatope.. id al241011-A: Another one from the pea family…

Location Kalatope, Chamba
Altitude 1800 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Height/Length 8 inches

… the flower and inflorescence have some resemblance to Pseudarthria viscida … but the leaves are very different.

Fabaceae week :190911-MS -48-ID needed for a Legume tree .: I am forwarding again the photographs of a tree species during Fabaceae week . Place : On a road in Mysore city. Date of photograph: July, 2011

Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: An earlier posted Fabaceae for ID: Location- Ajinkya Tara Fort, Satara
Habitat – Wild, Climber
Photo taken Sep 2010

………………………………….I think this could be a species of Genus Blepharis; Acanthaceae

……………this looks more of a Papilionaceous flower … seems to belong to Fabaceae. Not seen this plant yet.

………………………………………….a Fabaceae member for sure. a new plant for me

Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week ::ID request- PKA14: Thought of re-posting this unidentified climber of Fabaceae for ID.
Seen this climber with slender, pubescent stem at Ahivant gad.
Date/Time: 14-08-2011 / 02:00PM
Location: Ahivant gad, Nashik- Wani region.
Altitude: Approx: 4000 ft
Plant Habit: Climber
Habitat: Wild
Leaves: 3 foliolate,
Flowers in pairs,
Family: Fabaceae.

Pueraria sp.?

If the flowers are very big then this would be Sphenostylis bracteata
Please compare with my today’s post.

…, flowers were not big and since i had seen Sphenostylis bracteata myself, i feel this one is something else..

Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week: Acacia Indonesia: Could you validate our Mimosaceae please. Is it Acacia torta ? or Leucaena sp ? A shrub or small tree, 2 – 4 m tall, 2 – 4 cm diameter. Location Cilacap Central Java, ca 150 m alt. 

Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : ID plz_RKC_05_10112011:  
Loc.: Mariyang, Arunachal Pradesh (ca 1000 msl)
Date: 15th April, 2007

Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : ID Plz_RKC_06_10112011: Loc.: Khaari, E. Kameng distt., Arunachal Pradesh (ca 550 msl.)
Date: 24th May, 2009
Habit: Climbing shrub.

Dalbergia sp., I think.

I think it is Glyricidia sepium

It is not Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp, any other species

This may be a member of Millettiae or Tephrosiae, seems to be introduced species cultivated in some garden……………….

FABACEAE WEEK-37.: Id pl. seen at the base of Manikgad near karjat-western ghats.

UD sp. – 2 of Fabaceae from Guwahati:   Attached images are UD sp. of Fabaceae (May be Vigna sp.). Please ID for this sp.
Date :29/10/12
Location: Bara Bazar, Pandu Guwahati-12 [Dist- Kamrup(Metro)]
Habitat: Grows on my residence
Habit :Climber
Flower : Large, Blue in colour
Fruits :not seen

According to The Bengal Plants (David Prain), vol.1, p388; the only Vigna with large purple flower is Vigna vexillata, other species have yellow, reddish, white or pinkish flowers.
Found one similar looking plant, Pachyrhizus erosus L. Urban at – http://www.stuartxchange.org/Sinkamas.html.

ID-131212-PR-3: this is papilionaceae sp

flower not seen