Ficus lyrata Warb., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 20: 172 1894. (Syn. Ficus pandurata Sander [Illegitimate]);
Fiddle Leaf Fig, banjo fig;   



Ficus lyrata from Arya PG College Campus Panipat
garden plant cultiviated for it large size beautifull leaves
Pls validate

Yes it does appear to be Ficus lyrata.
The city of Pune has only one big tree located close to my house on Karve road
This has been mentioned by Srikant ji in his book Trees of Pune.

Fiddle-Leaf Fig, a native of Tropical Africa, is a large evergreen tree often reaching 40 feet in nature.
They have large shiny, fiddle-shaped (or guitar-shaped) green leaves up to 15 inches long. Interestingly, this fig can also be grown as a house-plant in a pot. It can also grow as a free-standing tree on its own, growing up to 12-15 m tall. The leaves are variable in shape, but often with a broad apex and narrow middle, resembling a fiddle; they are up to 45 cm long and 30 cm broad, though usually smaller, with a leathery texture and a wavy margin.
The fruit is a green fig 2.5-3 cm diameter.




3 images.

I have seen this only as Bonsai. It is nice to see this as fully grown tree

Very nice to see F.lyrata as a full grown tree..! I had it in a garden pot – but it did not survive long…

Sharing Ficus lyrata, photographed at Empress garden, Pune. Dated- 12th May 12.
It was a medium sized tree of abt- 25 feet
Leaves- Stalked, abt 20 cm with wavy margin.
Fruit- Green fig



Wide -leaved tree. :  Attachments (3). 6 posts by 3 authors.

A street tree in Chennai with wide leaves, glossy, though covered with dust.
Id please.

Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata)

Yes … you are right.
Similar looking mature leaves also belong to Terminalia bellerica (incidently photograph identified at Flowers of India is not T. bellerica, probably T. muelleri; T. bellerica is correctly identified at our website) and Madhuca longifolia (Mahua), both of whom, have thinner leaves and reddish young leaves (inflorescence is much different in two; Madhuca leaves have more than ten lateral pairs of veins, T. bellerica, only 5-6 pairs)

I doesn’t look obvious to me, as a visible leaf shows 6 veins only, but I will check it out in more detail. I appreciate that you bother to voice your doubts about the ID on FOI.

I think there is some confusion. The leaves of T. bellerica (Baheda) look much similar to Madhuca longifolia (Mahua), from which they can be diiferentiated on the basis of number of veins. In Madhuca leaves have
pointed tip, not in T. bellerica. In both leaves are in clusters at tips of branches, and reddish when young.
T. muelleri looks much similar to T. arjuna (Arjun) with much narrower leaves narrowed at both ends. I could differentiate them only when seen in fruits. Fruits of T. muelleri are without wings (and look similar to
-hence the confusion on Flowers of India website) whereas those of T. arjuna are clearly winged.


Requesting to please ID this tree captured in Hiranandani Heritage Gardens, Powai, Mumbai in January 2013.
looks like Ficus Iyrata 

Thank you … for the ID..

… too identified it as Ficus lyrata in a separate post here

Requesting to please ID this tree captured in Hiranandani Heritage Gardens, Powai, Mumbai in January 2013.

Leaves have resemblance to Ficus lyrata. The photograph is not clear. Hence, not sure.

I do agree with … that the pic is not clear. Guessing it to be Barringtonia racemosa of Lecithidaceae.

Thank you … for the feedback…

It seems to be Ficus lyrata as identified by … in a separate post here
…, thank you for the ID..


Ficus lyrata ATFEB2016/06 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Ficus lyrata Fiddle-leaf fig
Chandigarh June, 2015

Thanks, …, for the complete set.


Ficus lyrata vs Ficus pandurata : 4 posts by 2 authors.
Are these two species Ficus lyrata and Ficus pandurata synonymous?
According to the Plant List ( the name Ficus lyrata has no synonyms and the name is ‘accepted’ 
Also the name ‘Ficus pandurata’ is accepted and it has 3 synonyms but none of them is Ficus lyrata.
Can anyone please guide me with a reference?

Also check Catalogue of Life

Tropicos (on which The Plant List record is based) also agree with The Catalogue of life.
Flora of Pakistan is also of the same view.



Repeated for ID please – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Shot in Noida sector 62 park. Grateful for ID.

Ficus lyrata, I suppose

I too think it is Ficus lyrata



Ficus lyrata :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 05 MAY 18 : 5 posts by 4 authors. 2 images.
Dattaji Salvi Udyan  Thane

Date: May 5, 2018 … Altitude: about 11 m (36 feet) asl

Ficus lyrata  Warb.

Yes, this looks like Ficus lyrata to me.

Beautiful pics. The ID is correct.
