India (Cultivated against walls and buildings), China, Japan, Korea, Malesia, Taiwan, Vietnam. Cultivated elsewhere as per Synopsis of the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) in India Lal Babu Chaudhary*, Jana Venkata Sudhakar, Anoop Kumar, Omesh Bajpai, Rinkey Tiwari and G. V. S. Murthy-   Taiwania, 57(2): 193-216, 2012;
FY-kus or FIK-us — from Latin for Ficus carica, an edible figDave’s Botanary
POO-mil-uh — small, dwarfDave’s Botanary

Date/Time- on 21/3/10

Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- At Tollygunj Golf Club, Kolkata

Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- cultivated (?)

Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Creeper

Ficus repens.

This is Ficus repens or the “creeping fig”.

This climber is Ficus pumila L. a native of East Asiatic region; commonly used for decoration.

All three of you are correct. F. repens is the synonym of F. pumila

Images by tspkumar



TSP-DEC2015-61-234:Images of Ficus pumila (Moraceae) : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

It is my pleasure to share few images of Ficus pumila  (Moraceae 

Habit: A climbing shrub 

Habitat: Cultivated 

Sighting: Bangalore, Karnataka, about 800 msl 

Date: 11–06-2015


Ficus pumila : Nasik : 021211 : AK-2:
Ficus pumila fruits seen at a nursery at Nasik on the 1st of Dec,11.

…, I found your earlier post where you had mentioned that you hadn’t come across the fruits in India of this Ficus.
Posting my pictures where the climber had a lot of fruits.
Name given to me in Marathi was Vaghnakhi.

Can you please tell me what was the diameter of figs?
Fruits in my plant was depressed, yours are kind of apiculate….
They look very different. Mine were more than 3 cm diameter.

The diameter is exact 3 cm, & length 5 cm of the fruit.

Ficus pumila L.

Very interesting. Yes I think my fruit was much mature than yours.

propagation: Please tell me, how to propagate Ficus primula ?

you can propagate this creeper by tip cutting /semi-hard wood cutting or seeds

Air layering would be another good option to try out. We successfully propagated almost all species in our area. Please visit @ aggie-horticulture…

Ficus pumila Sp. Pl. 1060 1753.

Current Location: On the hill slopes and walls in KFBG campus, Hong Kong.
Note: I had never seen this in fruits in Indian gardens.

I have seen ficus pumila for last thirty years but never come across the fruits.
F.pumila is common in all hill stations as well in kokan. lot of old buildings in Lonavala/ khandala/ mahabaleshwara are fully covered by this.
For today if enough moisture is provided can be used for green walls.

So …, Question arises, if it does not fruit how does it spread far and wide, on top of buildings? its generally from bird poop, seeds being ingested from fruit eating.. mystery?

It spreads by vegetative growth of the creeping stem.

On this  site somebody reported that this weakens the wall which slowly disintegrates, and therefore is very different from ivy which is not harmful to the building it spreads on. Should we use it on walls in tropical climate or no. Ivy if I understand correctly can be successfully grown in temperate climate only.

Yes it does weakens the wall PLASTERS!!! as according to my personal experience.


Climber for ID : Mumbai : 221011 : AK-1: 1 image.
Picture taken at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai on the 15th of August,11.
A climber covering the entire wall, no flowers, fruits or pods seen.
Only leaves.



Climbing fig with fruits :  Attachments (2). 7 posts by 5 authors.
Ficus pumila with fruits-egg size.

Ficus pumila (वाघनखी)

are they edible?

Yes … It is edible; but I have no idea anybody ever thought of using it in India . Frankly; I myself have not tasted it. I have read that in some places outside India it is dried/processed and used as the other more popular variety of fig.

This link may answer your question


Plant of Baturraden : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).
A climber on the wall, ca 2 m long, 600 m alt. Id is requested. Thank you.

Please check for Ficus pumila.

Ficus pumila

Ficus pumila


Creeper ID from Bangladesh SM086 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).

Thanks, …, You can also send a close up by cropping from the original picture (for all posts).

Another view got recently
Ficus sp. Attachments (1)

Ficus pumila I think


Ficus pumila L. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Location: 12 Mile, Kalimpong, India
Date: 23 May  2017
Altitude: 4000 ft.

This should be Ficus pumila L., a native to China, Eastern Asia and Vietnam commonly used as ornamental creeper for walls.

…, please help with any name if given to this plant in Nepali.

Since it is an introduced sp. there is no Nepali name so far!

The ID is correct. I have seen this plant in many places in South (especially Karnataka). There are two varieties (?). One can see this plant in Lal Bagh, Bangalore.

Thank you very much …
But you may take the opportunity of giving the plant an apt name in Nepali.
I gave the name in my mother tongue Konkani as ओणती कम्बळि onntii kambali … ओणती onntii = wall; कम्बळि kambali = blanket … meaning wall’s blanket OR rather blanket for wall !

I agree, but that won’t be recognised!


08112019EPT18 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)
Location : Chennai outskirts
Date :04.11.2019
Elevation : 23 mts.
Habitat :Urban garden
Habit : Wall creeper – seen no flower at all.

Ficus pumila

Yes sir !

yes. I find this every where now a days in the ganges delta for sure but even saw it in southern California !!
growing vigorously on convention center walls etc a few years ago in London no less.

People decorate whole wall even whole building covering with this plant in Nepal.

Corporate building decorated with Ficus pumila!
Attachments (1)- 2 mb.

fruit FOR ID :: Vythiri, Wayanad :: 15 NOV 19 : 10 posts by 6 authors. 3 images.
Vythiri  Wayanad
Date: November 15, 2019 … Altitude: about 700 m (2,300 ft) asl
which fruit ?  
Dear friends,
This is a planted shrub (or small tree). I hope this fruit can be recognized. Please help ID.

I think Ficus pumila

Yes. I agree with … id of Ficus pumila.

All i have ever seen of Ficus pumila is the vine that creeps up and has small clinging to the wall//flat on the wall leaves.
so searched if it has a life history of developing fruits and it was easy:
MoBotG has a short sweet description, and is very apt.
i am copy pasting it here with its URL, so that we will have it for our website.
quote from MoBotG:
“Noteworthy Characteristics
Ficus pumila, commonly called creeping fig, is a vigorous, fast-growing, evergreen, climbing vine that from a distance simply does not look much like a fig. Where it may be grown outdoors, it will climb and cover walls, posts, trellises and other structures by adhesive aerial rootlets. Outdoor plants can grow to 15’ or more. On climbing stems, juvenile foliage consists of ovate, heart-shaped leaves to 1” long. On fruit-bearing stems, mature foliage is oblong to elliptic, thicker, shinier and larger (to 4” long). Hairy pear-shaped fruits (to 2.5” long) may appear on outdoor plants throughout the year. Fruits emerge green ripening to purple. Flowers and fruits rarely appear on indoor plants. Stems have a milky sap. Indoors, this plant may be grown on room-dividing trellises or in hanging baskets or sprawling over a shelf. Varieties available in commerce include ones with variegated foliage and with oak-like lobed leaves. Synonymous with F. repens.” end quote
URL: missouribotanicalgarden
thanks … for showing this fruit

Thank you very much … for this ID. The plant is so common, and the fig so elusive … certainly a prize for me !!
The fig was no less large than a normal pear found in markets – about 3 – 4 inch long !!! And the plant was trained to grow in erect fashion with help of support. The leaves otherwise small, here were quite large.
Thanks … for getting the description. It supports what is observed.

yes, you found a beauty and thought provoking specimen. that’s why life history of a plant from seedling to older mature stages are so very important to observe, often they surprise you. like this one.
May be the point of difference was that it was trained to stand upright. may be that changes the gene expression: ie enlarges the leaves, and produces fruits ie it got different use of its energy.
may be when its only allowed to grow on a wall, it perhaps ends up using its energy in producing the little clinging roots and the leaves also “stick” to the walls and has no energy left to form fruits.
may be plants have epigenetics phenomenon, just like human epigenetics. and it may not be as rare as i think.
for .. to recognize it right away, it must be obviously present in nature often enough.

Yes, correct ID.

Impressive plant is this Ficus pumila.
I adore it for its ability to scale walls !!! And ride trees too !!!
For a small leaf plant, fig (hypanthodium) is pretty big in this species …bigger than F. glomerata or F. cairica.

Thanks … Indeed an intriguing plant!

Names of Plants in India :: Ficus pumila L. : 1 post by 1 author. 1 image.
via Species‎ > ‎F‎ > Ficus pumila L. … family:Moraceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
FY-kus or FIK-us — from Latin for Ficus carica, an edible figDave’s Botanary
POO-mil-uh — small, dwarfDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: climbing fig, creeping figAssamese: লতা ডিমৰু lata dimaruBengali: লতা বট lata bataHindi: छिपकली बेल chipkali belKonkani: ओणती कम्बळि onntii kambaliMalayalam: മതിൽപ്പറ്റി mathilppatiMarathi: वाघनखी vaghnakhi
botanical names: Ficus pumila L. … synonyms: Ficus scandens Lam. • Urostigma scandens (Lam.) Liebm. … status at GBIFFicus repens auct. … The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.
November 15, 2019 … Vythiri, Wayanad

FY-kus or FIK-us — from Latin for Ficus carica, an edible fig … Dave’s Botanary
POO-mil-uh — small, dwarf … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: climbing fig, creeping fig • Arabic: تين قزمي • Assamese: লতা ডিমৰু lata dimaru • Bengali: লতা বট lata bata • Gujarati: નખીવેલ nakhivel, વડવેલ vadvel • Hindi: छिपकली बेल chipkali bel • Konkani: ओणती कम्बळि onntii kambali • Malayalam: മതിൽപ്പറ്റി mathilppati • Marathi: वाघनखी vaghnakhi • Tamil: கொடி அத்தி koti atti, ஊர்ந்து செல்லும் அத்தி urntu cellum atti, தவழும் அத்தி tavalum atti • Urdu: چڑی پنجہ

botanical namesFicus pumila L. … homotypic synonymsPlagiostigma pumila (L.) Zucc. … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
climbing fig, creeping fig
~~~~~ ARABIC ~~~~~
تين قزمي
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
লতা ডিমৰু lata dimaru
  • Many thanks to Brahmananda Patiri for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
লতা বট lata bata
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
નખીવેલ nakhivel
વડવેલ vadvel
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
छिपकली बेल chipkali bel
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
ओणती कम्बळि onntii kambali
  • name given for want of name; ओणती onntii = wall; कम्बळि kambali = blanket … the plant’s creeping habit is often used to render walls of gardens and buildings, as an ornamental cover
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
മതിൽപ്പറ്റി mathilppati
  • Wikipedia
  • Many thanks to Vinaya Raj V R for help with this name … facebook … മതിൽ = wall; പറ്റി = something that gets stuck; thus മതിൽപ്പറ്റി = something that sticks to wall
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~
ꯐꯛꯂꯥꯡ ꯍꯩꯕꯣꯡ phaklang heibong

~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~

वाघनखी vaghnakhi
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
கொடி அத்தி koti atti, ஊர்ந்து செல்லும் அத்தி urntu cellum atti, தவழும் அத்தி tavalum atti
~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~
چڑی پنجہ
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

Some of the names in other languages of India translate “literally” to following: claw climber, fig climber, fig creeper, lizard climber, tiger-claw, wall sticker, wall blanket.


MS,July,2021/07 Ficus sp. for id.: 1 image.
Location : Aizawl

Date : 22-06-2015
Habit : Creeping shrub
Habitat : Cultivated ?

Ficus pumila L.

Yes …

Yes. There are 4 varieties in this species. Post the fruit (fig) picture


Tamil names of Ficus pumila L.:
Please help me with the Tamil names of Ficus pumila L. in native script.
1) kuruvi-vetrilai

Many thanks to Suresh Baburaj for help with this name in his post in Facebook
Please help with this name in native script, if it makes sense.
2) கொடி அத்தி koti atti
ஊர்ந்து செல்லும் அத்தி urntu cellum atti
தவழும் அத்தி tavalum atti
Reference: Tamil names of Botanical names by Yercaud Ilango
I hope the above are well transcribed by Google Translate 🙂

Kuruvi-vetrilai is written as குருவி வெற்றிலை in Tamil.
The other three names and their Tamil scripts also look good to me.

