India: An undergrowth in shaded places, up to 3000 m, temperate and tropical Himalayas; Europe, Siberia, Turkey, Iran, W. & E. Mediterranean region, Africa and Afghanistan as per BSI flora of India;
Afghanistan, Kashmir, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan; N Africa, W Asia, Europe as per Flora of China
W. & C. Europe, Siberia, Turkey, Iran, W. & E. Mediterranean area, Africa, Afghanistan. temperate and tropical Himalaya as per Flora of Pakistan;
Common name: Roundleaf Geranium, Round-leaved geranium, Round-leaved crane’s bill
Small-flowered species distinct from others by its circular to kidney-shaped leaves, flowers pale pink, 7-9 mm across, carpels not wrinkled.

Geranium rotundifolium L.
Small-flowered species distinct from others by its circular to kidney-shaped leaves, flowers pale pink, 7-9 mm across, carpels not wrinkled.

Photographed from Kashmir

Wow. The name appears to be apt. Wonderful series of posts of Geraniums.

Geranium sp SN 16March 12 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Wild herb from Jwalamukhi area of Himachal

Most probably Geranium lucidum ..

These are not good photos. One is not in focus. Neither is close-up nor shows the flowers. However, the foliage does not fit Geranium lucidum.

I think close to images at Geranium rotundifolium L.


Hydrocotyle for ID :: MAR2018 MK004: 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Please help me in identifying this small soft herb. The habit reminds me of a Hydrocotyle sp. Could this be H.sibthorpioides?
Habit: creeper
Habitat: shady moist places
Alt.: 350 m asl
Date: 24.01.2018
Place: Jammu (outskirts, rural), J & K

To me it looks close to Hydrocotyle tripartia

Without flowers Geranium rotundifolium cannot be ruled out..

Thanks, …,
Images are of small pixel size and it is very difficult to see details required for proper id.
However, to me also appear close to images at Geranium rotundifolium

Hydrocotyle tripartita R. Br. ex A. Rich. or Hydrocotyle tripartita Hook. fil. does not have distribution in India as per these links.

Apologies for poor quality pictures. I am attaching high resolution images of the same herewith.
Attachments (3) – 1 Mb each.

Id please..is it Geranium sp? from a scrub forest Punjab Pakistan…Thankyou : Attachments (3)

May be Geranium rotundifolium..

Thank you so much sir. IT resembles with G. rotundifolium.


Requesting id 19042012 ASP 05 J&K:  please find attached photos of flowering plant from Srinagar, J & K photographed during third week of March. Requesting id.

I hope Geranium rotundifolium


I’d request for this Geranium species
Location: kashmir

Geranium rotundifolium I hope

Yes …

