For ID 161012 NS3: The location details are here:

Location – Uttarkashi district (Uttarakhand)
Habitat – Forest – mostly Bhoj (Birch?) trees
Altitude – approx 12,000ft asl

Again leaves are important for any guess but could be Geranium sp.

For ID 171012 NS3: Last one here. I guess it is a variant of geranium?

Location: Uttarkashi district
Habitat: Birch forest
Altitude: 11000ft asl

Pl. upload leaves for species identification.

This is the clearest one I have of the leaf. It is not very clear. I’m sorry not to have more complete pictures. most of these were on the slopes so trying to get close for a photograph was a little difficult and due to the terrain and weather, I could not note these down either. My apologies.




Wild flower for ID: This is another picture where leaves do not co relate with the flower.
That was my mistake in those days.
Flower photographed in Bandhavgarh.
May I request for ID please. 

Its Pelargonium species but need more photographs 

I think Geranium, leaves needed for exact identification

Would think it to be G. collinum on the basis of flower.

Geranium sp, I have yet to fix the species. 


Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: Geraniaceae Yellowstone2: Another Geraniaceae from Yellowstone.