Givotia rottleriformis Griff. [in Calcutta J. Nat. Hist. 4: 88. 1844] ex Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5: 24, t. 1889. 1852; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 395. 1887; Radcl.-Sm. in Kew Bull. 22: 504. 1968. Croton moluccanus L., Sp. Pl. 1005. 1753, p. p. quoad spec. Hermann. Givotia moluccana (L.) Sreem. in Taxon 24: 696. 1975; Govaerts et al., World Checkl. & Bibl. Euphorbiaceae 3: 937. 2000.
Others Thali Maram, Bhuguthalai
Tamil Vellai Poothalai, Thaala Maram, Kottai Thanuku, Vendalai
Height Medium to large tree. Branchlets petioles underside of leaves and sepals densly clothed with white stellate tomentum.
Stem weak soft wooded.
Leaves 10-25 cm long and nearly as broad.Ovate to rotundate with cordate base. margin coarsely and irregularly dentate, or incised. Leaf palmately nerved. Nerves 5-7. Acute coriaceous green on upper surface white wooly on lower surface.
Petiole stout wooly tomentose 10-15cm.
Flowers dioecious in axillary paniculate dense or lax cymes at the end of branches. Pedicels jointed; bracts narrow linear.
Sepals 5 hairy. Petals 5 longer than sepals.
Male flowers : Disk of 5 orbicular glands. Stamens 13-25
Female flowers : Disk cup shaped. Ovary stellately hairy. 2-3 celled. Drupes 2-2.5 cm. Subglobose.
Field Tips


Bark smooth and brown, peeling off in circular scales, Bruised bark yields a blood red sap. Leaf fall in March.
In sub-terminal pendulous panicles. Flowering from April-July.
A drupe, subglobose or ellipsoid fulvous-tomentose. Seed 1, globose or ellipsoid with a bony testa. Fruiting from May-June.
Leaf Apices Acuminate
Leaf arrangement Alternate distichous
Leaf Shapes Chordate
Leaf Types Simple
Habit A moderate sized tree.
The white wood is used to carve toys and lacquered articles. The seed yields oil.
Commonly found along dry deciduous hills 400-900m. Peninsular India and Sri Lanka.
Attributions- Keystone Foundation)


Givotia moluccana (L.) Sreem. Syn Givotia rottleriformis Griff. ex Wight: Givotia moluccana (L.) Sreem. Syn Givotia rottleriformis Griff. ex Wight
This medium sized tree observed on the outskirts of Pune at some distance from Chandani chowk.
Family : Euphorbiaceae
Seems to be a rather uncommon tree.
Height Medium to large tree. Branchlets petioles underside of leaves and sepals densly clothed with white stellate tomentum.
Stem weak soft wooded.
Leaves 10-25 cm long and nearly as broad. Ovate to rotundate with cordate base. margin coarsely and irregularly dentate, or incised. Leaf palmately nerved. Nerves 5-7. Acute coriaceous green on upper surface white wooly on lower surface.
Petiole stout wooly tomentose 10-15cm.
Flowers dioecious in axillary paniculate dense or lax cymes at the end of branches. Pedicels jointed; bracts narrow linear.
Sepals 5 hairy. Petals 5 longer than sepals.
Male flowers : Disk of 5 orbicular glands. Stamens 13-25
Female flowers : Disk cup shaped. Ovary stellately hairy. 2-3 celled. Drupes 2-2.5 cm. Subglobose.


180612 BRS380:

Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. request.
Location: NBNP garden, Anaikatti, Coimbatore (640 MSL)
Date: 15.06.12
Habitat: Garden

Habit: Tree

Givotia moluccana, syn. G.rottleriformis.

What is the Tamil name for this sir?

Vandalai in Tirunelveli & Kanyakumari area


Givotia rottleriformis – Hills of Arsikere: the beautiful Givotia … growing in the large forested hill range of Nagpuri, Arsikere.

now all the trees were shedding their leaves and all that could be seen was the round fruits..


Sidharkal natham 110313 TBN 1 for id : 4 images. 8 posts by 5 authors.

Please identify this plant details of which are as follows:
Date :18/11/12                                                             
Location :Sidharkal Natham , Nagamalai hill near Madurai
Altitude :approx 500 ft to 700 ft
Habitat :wild
Habit :tree
Height :approx 20 ft
Leaves :large ? like maple leaves
Flowers :white
Fruits : as shown
Seems to be similar to Pterospermum acerifolium but fruits are different

Local name :do not know


This is Givotia moluccana (= G. rottleriformis) of Euphorbiaceae.

Agree with …

Agree with …

Thanks for the id.
I understand that germination of the seeds is poor. Any suggestions for improving germination?

Givotia rottleriformis from
Family : Euphorbiaceae.
Male and female flowers are on different trees.
According to Cook’e flora. It is found in some parts around Pune.
I had shared its pictures earlier on the group.
Good to know its occurrence near Madurai.

This species is fairly common in Tamil Nadu.
It is reportedly distributed in the Peninsular India and Sri Lanka.



Euphorbiaceae tree for ID 270212MK02 : Attachments (5).  8 posts by 3 authors.

Please help me to identify this tree of Euphorbiaceae. The tree was found along the ghat road of the RF, which was of 4-5 metres tall.
Location: Sathyamangalam RF, TN
Alt: c. 1000 metres

Date: 26 Dec 2011
Leaf: 12 x 10 cm

Fruit: 2.5 x 2.5 cm
I have not observed the flowers.

Me too think this to be a Trewia species … most probably T. nudiflora (syn. of Mallotus nudiflorus).

the very serrate margin is a bit confusing

This is not T.nudiflora for sure

This is Givottia mollucana

Euphorbiaceae fortnight : Givotia moluccana from Nagamalai hills, Madurai: TBN 1 : Attachments (4). 2 posts by 2 authors.

Sending photographs of Givotia moluccana, identified by … in my efloraofindia mail dated 11.03.13. This was photographed at Sidharkal Natham, Nagamalai hills, near Vikramangalam, Madurai.

Givotia rottleriformis Griff. [in Calcutta J. Nat. Hist. 4: 88. 1844] ex Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5: 24, t. 1889. 1852; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 395. 1887; Radcl.-Sm. in Kew Bull. 22: 504. 1968.  Croton moluccanus L., Sp. Pl. 1005. 1753, p. p. quoad spec. Hermann.  Givotia moluccana (L.) Sreem. in Taxon 24: 696. 1975; Govaerts et al., World Checkl. & Bibl. Euphorbiaceae 3: 937. 2000.





Euphorbiaceae fortnight : Givotia moluccana from Coimbatore BRS 007 : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.

Sharing the images of Givotia moluccana from Coimbatore.


Givotia rottleriformis


Givotia moluccana (L.) Sreem.

at Suttagatti on 22 APR 11

Beautiful composition…

The correct name is Givotia rottleriformis.

Thank you very much …

OK, …, thank you very much for the correct name.

Givotia rottleriformis  (As per Plant list Givotia mollucana)
Observed in only one patch of area around Pune.

Correct identification Sir,

Seen this Tree in a deciduous forest in Belgaum region. Leaves were white beneath and woolly.
Bot. name: Givotia rottleriformis
Family: Euphorbiaceae

Excellent photos.


a tree very near to my home : Attachments (3).  7 posts by 6 authors.

plant id is needed

please mention the place name.

i live in a place called siddara betta , which is 95 kms north to bangalore. 10 kms near to koratagere a small town.
this place is a reserved forest kind of place but most of them is dry land now.

some what related to Jatropha…..???

Givotia moluccana (L.) Sreem (= G. rottleriformis Griff ex Wt.); Fam: Euphorbiaceae

I prefer to call it Givotia rottleriformis Griff. [in Calcutta J. Nat. Hist. 4: 88. 1844] ex Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5: 24, t. 1889. 1852.


The name Givotia moluccana is based on Croton moluccanus L. which is a nomen confusum and to be rejected. Hence the next available name, Givotia rottleriformis is to be adopted.


ANMAY04/05 Givotia moluccana (L.) Sreem. : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (9)

Family: Euphorbiaceae
Date: 29th April 2015
Place: Tumkur-Hassan, Karnataka

Habit: Tree
Habitat: Scrub forest

Very good find.
I also observed this tree flowering again at the same place where I had observed last year on the outskirts of Pune city (Maharashtra)
Givotia mollucana Syn. Givotia rottleriformis

The flowers seem to be from male tree. Was there any other tree with female flowers/fruits?

It is okay, but we have to call this to be Givotia rottleriformisG. moluccana, based on Croton moluccanus may be referred here in part, quoad spec. Hermann and can not be adopted here. The next available name is G. rottleriformis Griff. ex Wight – see Radcl.-Sm. in Kew Bull. 22: 504. 1968.

The Kannar name is: Pubeer.

Givotia moluccana is a nomen confusum.


True Givotia rottleriformis Griff. (Euphorbiaceae) : 5 posts by 4 authors.
I am attaching herewith a few images of Givotia rottleriformis found by us as a deciduous tree, 8 – 10 m high, on a hillock in the outskirts of Pune, Maharashtra. Photographs by the courtesy of Mr. A. M. Gokhale.

My RAM is reducing day by day but it can not be replaced now!

Nice pictures … Thanks for sharing !!!

About RAM performance – inevitable for everyone; universal design !! 🙂

Thanks for sharing your nice pics …
As … have pointed out the design is universal and it keeps playing its roles at various junctures of time..!!
What is the white outstanding structure in the pics, a young densely pubescent ovary or something else??



Fwd: Jiuotia Rotteri Fromis : 6 posts by 2 authors.

Do we have any information about Jiuotia Rotteri Fromis tree?

The wood is used for making toys.

I think you are talking of this:

I think you meant

The name meant to be is Givotia rottleriformis.



Kindly examine and identify this tree. 

Habit:     A medium size tree 

Habitat:  Dry deciduous forest

Sighting: Near Arasikere,Karnataka 

Date:      30-08-2016




Givotia moluccana

The identity is okay but there is problem with regard to fixing the correct name.

Govaerts et al. in World Checkl. Bibl. Eubohorb. 3: 937. 2000 treated Givotia moluccana (L.) Sreem. as the accepted name and the treatment by Jarvis (2007) in the book Order out of Chaos supported this: 

Croton moluccanus Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 2: 1005. 1753.

“Habitat in Zeylona, Moluccis.”

Lectotype (Prain in Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1918: 67. 1918): Herb. Hermann 1: 33, No. 346 (BM-000594464).

Note: Specific epithet spelled “moluccanum” in the protologue. = Givotia moluccana (L.) Sreem.

However, Balakrishnan & Chakrabarty (2007) follower the treatment of Radcliffe-Smith as follows:
Givotia rottleriformis Griff. in Calcutta J. Nat. Hist. 4: 88. 1844] ex Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5: 24, t. 1889. 1852; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 395. 1887; Radcl.-Sm. in Kew Bull. 22: 504. 1968.  
They noted: Sreemadhavan (Taxon 24: 696. 1975) made the new combination Givotia moluccana (L.) Sreem. based on Croton moluccanum L., Sp. Pl. 1005. 1753, excl. ref. Burman.  Radcliffe-Smith (Kew Bull. 22: 504. 1968) rejected the name Croton moluccanum as nomen confusum, since the reference to Burman given by Linnaeus could not belong to this species.  Hence, the earlier validly published name is adopted here.
Now, an examination of the images of the type materials reveals that the designation of lectotype by Prain still contains more than one specimen and this may be treated as the First-step of lectotypification (Art. 9.17; Turland et al. 2018). However, as  the situation is indeed very complicated and the matter needs physical re-examination of all the original Linnaean materials, it is better for the present to accept the name suggested by Radcliffe-Smith and call this as Givotia rottleriformis Griff. ex Wight.


Thanks a lot, …, for the detailed inputs and analysis


