Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC., Prodr. 1: 538 1824. (Syn: Chionotria monogyna Walp.; Chionotria rigida Jack; Glycosmis arborea (Roxb.) DC.; Glycosmis chylocarpa Wight & Arn.; Glycosmis madagascariensis Corrêa ex Risso; Glycosmis quinquefolia Griff.; Glycosmis retzii M.Roem.; Glycosmis rigida (Jack) Merr.; Limonia angustifolia Wall.; Limonia arborea Roxb.; Limonia pentaphylla Retz.; Murraya exotica Blanco; Murraya lobata Blanco; Myxospermum chylocarpum (Wight & Arn.) M. Roem.; Sclerostylis pentaphylla Blume; Sclerostylis timoriensis M.Roem.); . Indian Subcontinent to China (SW. & S. Yunnan) and W. & Central Malesia: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China South-Central, East Himalaya, India, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicobar Is., Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO; . Bhutan, Myanmar [Burma] (Bago, Magway, Mandalay, Yangon), India (widespread), Nepal, Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippines, Sumatra, Java, Sri Lanka, Australia (Northern Territory, Queensland), peninsular Malaysia (Langkawi Isl., Kedah, Kelantan), China (Yunnan), Vietnam, Laos, Andaman Isl. (North Andaman Isl., Middle Andaman Isl., South Andaman Isl., Little Andaman Isl.), Nicobar Isl. (Car Nicobar Isl., North Nicobar Isl., Central Nicobar Isl., Great Nicobar Isl., Little Nicobar Isl.) as per Catalogue of Life; . gly-KOS-mis — sweet-smelling … Dave’s Botanary pen-tuh-FIL-uh — Greek: penta (five) and phyllum (leaf) … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: gin berry, opal orange, orangeberry, rum berry, tooth brush plant • Bengali: আশশেওড়া ash-sheora, বন জামির ban jamir, মাতখিলা matkhila • Hindi: बन निम्बू ban nimbu, गिरगिट्टी girgitti, पोटली potali • Kannada: ಗುರುವಾಡೆ guruvade, ಜಂಗಮ jangama, ಮಾಣಿಕ್ಯನ ಗಿಡ manikyana gida, ಪಾಂಡೇಲು pandelu, ವಾಡೆಮಡಿಗೆ vadimadige • Khasi: dieng-kasiar, dieng-soh-sning • Konkani: मेनकी menki • Malayalam: കുറ്റിപ്പാണൽ kuttippanal, കുറുംപാണൽ kurumpanal, പാഞ്ചി panchi, പാണൽ panal • Marathi: किरमिरा kirmira • Odia: ଅଣାଚାରା anachara, ଚାଉଳଧୁଆ chauladhua • Punjabi: ਬਣ ਨਿੰਬੂ ban nimbu, ਪੋਟਲੀ potali • Sanskrit: अश्वशाखोट ashvashakota, वननिम्बूक vananimbuka• Tamil: அமுதம் amutam, காட்டுக்கொஞ்சி kattu-k-konci, கொஞ்சி konci, பாணாச்செடி pana-c-ceti, பூமிப்பழம் pumippalam • Telugu: గొంజి gonji, కొండ గొలుగు konda golugu • Tulu: ಪಾಂಡೇಲು pandelu . Grows up to 1.5 meter, leaves imparipinnately compound, alternate with entire margin and dotted glands, flowers white, axillary panicles; fruits globose. Uses: Against Arthritis and Jaundice; Even until 1980s the young stems were used as toothbrush cum toothpaste by majority of the villagers (NEEM also served the same purpose). Nectar plant for many more butterflies like this one, common five ring; . Keys at Flora of Peninsular India and BSI flora of India; . As per Flora of Peninsular India: Leaves crenate- serrate along the margin; ovary papilose glabrous ….. G.pentaphylla Leaves entire along the margin; ovary pubescent and not papilose … G.mauritiana . Diff. between the two species observed in Mah. as per efi thread: 1 Leaflets with subdentate margin; ovary ovoid, sessile; fruits glandular mammilate ….. G.pentaphylla 1 Leaflets with entire margin; ovary fusiform, stalked; fruits glandular pitted ….. G.mauritiana . GLYCOSMIS PENTAPHYLLA: identification no190411sn3: Kindly identify the plant date/time:march11 location:mulshi,Pune habitat:wild plant habit:tree may be height:about 8-9ft. leaves:– inflorescence:– fruits:redish ,in clusters This is Glycosmis pentaphylla, perhaps. Most probably Glycosmis pentaphylla of Rutaceae family I also feel that. The second picture give confidence, that is Glycosmis pentaphylla. The first picture is not clear. Probably Glycosmis pentaphylla 311011PD05 Glycosmis arborea Flora of Orissa: Family : Rutaceae Place of collection: Ranpur, Nayagarh, Orissa Altitude: 340 m above msl Habit: Shrub Habitat: wild in dense forests. Description: Grows up to 1.5 meter, leaves imparipinnately compound, alternate with entire margin and dotted glands, flowers white, axillary panicles; fruits globose, Uses: Against Arthritis and Jaundice Rutaceae Week: Glycosmis pentaphylla from Hooghly: One of the most common wild shrub in villages in Hooghly is AASH-SHYAORA (ASH-SHEORA). Usually these shrubs are under 3 ft height and can be termed as undershrub, but they can grow as high 6 ft. The importance of this plant is given in a nutshell under some selected photographs. Species : Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. (syn. Limonia pentaphylla Retz.) Habit & Habitat : wild shrub, roadside, uncultivated area Date : 08-05-12 (today), Nov, 2011 to Jan. 2012 (butterflies) Place : Nalikul (Hooghly), WB ID help : 1) Even until 1980s the young stems were used as toothbrush cum toothpaste by majority of the villagers (NEEM also served the same purpose). nectar plant for many more butterflies like this one, common five ring . One of the most common wild shrub in villages in Hooghly is AASH-SHYAORA (ASH-SHEORA). Usually these shrubs are under 3 ft height and can be termed as undershrub, but they can grow as high 6 ft. The importance of this plant is given in a nutshell under some selected photographs. Species : Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. (syn. Limonia pentaphylla Retz.) Habit & Habitat : wild shrub, roadside, uncultivated area Date : 08-05-12 (today), Nov, 2011 to Jan. 2012 (butterflies) Place : Nalikul (Hooghly), WB ID help : 1) 2) Please, ignore this message. One useful link – As far as i can remember this Glycosmis pentaphylla, dated 08-May-2012, was my first entry to the Rutaceae week. Some days later while i was browsing the efI site Dinesh Ji’s post ( came to my notice. I noticed the comment of … in … post, stating G. pentaphylla & G. mauritiana are two different species. I thought both were same species and they were synonyms. I searched the net and the following websites supported me :- Yet, there is another ‘flowersofindia’ page that doesn’t mention Glycosmis mauritiana – Flora of China also supports this – . Moreover, GLycosmis page of Flora of China doesn’t refer any G. mauritiana species – On the other hand, according to KEW, G. pentaphylla ( and G. mauritiana ( are different species. This support … comment on … post. So, I wanted the latest report from India, or at least from Asia, and found that the full ‘pdf’ file available in the site states both G. pentaphylla & G. mauritiana are synonyms! And that report is published in 2011. Attaching the full ‘pdf’ file for your perusal. So many controversies in the collected data! Rutaceae Week: Glycosmis pentaphylla from near Rudrapur (UK): efloraindia:Glycosmis pentaphylla: yes Glycosmis pentaphylla, an rare plant This plant is common in Chennai and Kancheepuram dist. and I have seen in Nilgiris also. Is G. pentaphylla different from G. mauritiana? in search of Green pasture: Species : Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) Habit & Habitat : common shrub Date : 9/6/12, 9.20 a.m. Place : Nalikul (Hooghly) Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. from Kamrup district (Rural), Assam: Attached images are Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. Date :07.01.2013 Location: Kamrup district Family : Rutaceae Genus & species : Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. Habitat: Grows wild on waste Habit : Shrub Flower : Not seen Fruits : Seen SYMBIOSIS : 410 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. SYMBIOSIS : 426 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. SYMBIOSIS 427 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. SYMBIOSIS : 432 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Attaching an image of a Common Four ring butterfly on the flowers of Glycosmis pentaphylla. SYMBIOSIS : 433 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Attaching an image of a Wax Dart butterfly on the flowers of Glycosmis pentaphylla. Please identify this plant : (mixed thread): 5 posts by 3 authors. 1 correct image as above- 4 mb. Please identify this plant taken at Wildernest Resort, Goa. Locals say the fruit shown in the picture is used to treat diabetes. Glycosmis pentaphylla—–for sharing and validation : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4). Pic taken in march14, at ambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune Yes it is Glycosmis pentaphylla
Mollem National Park :: Glycosmis pentaphylla :: DVMAR11/11 : 1 post by 1 author. 3 images. Mollem National Park … Goa Date: 18 FEB 2012 … Altitude: 125 – 145 m asl Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. … (family: Rutaceae) Plant for id : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Please identify this Rutaceae plant photographed in Chintamani Kar Bird Sanctuary, April – 15 Larval Host plant for Common Mormon butterfly. It is most likely Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. But I would request to check the only other possibility (based on ‘Bengal Plants’ distribution) – Clausena heptaphylla (Roxb.) Wight & Arn. I have never seen this species. In fact I wouldn’t think of it if it was not in CKBS, I had been there only once and that was too for birds only! I didn’t notice vegetation there carefully! CKBS may host unknown/unusual species not seen in rural South Bengal. Glycosmis pentaphylla is a very common herb to sub-shrub, may attain height of an adult man, and common mormon butterflies very much like this species, as does quaker. I endorse … suggestion. The smell was not so strong, in fact saw several saplings nearby with Quaker butterfly females laying eggs on it. I think I have one more image of same sp. will upload soon, all plants were less than 2 fts in height. The biggest leaf was 15cms appx in length. Shrub/Tree (not sure) for ID from Kathgodam, Uttarakhand-GSMAY2016/15 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Shrub/ tree (not sure) for ID, photographed from Kathgodam, Uttarakhand. April 13, 2012 Finally identified as Glycosmis pentaphylla. Upper younger leaves appear compound. Possibly, it is a species of Glycosmis. May be Glycosmis The mature fruits exactly match with G.pentaphylla which is common in that are. It was the leaves which are confusing as G.pentaphylla have pinnately compound leaves. ID Requested AT JUNE 2017/06 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Kindly identify Leaves The isolated leaf pics present that they are opposite, which made me think again, otherwise I would have said Atlantia sp. On flowering twigs the leaves seem to be alternate, my guess is Atlantia… just a guess, not seen this plant.. I’ll check for fruits and will report back next week. Can it be Atlantia macrophylla??? Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. (Rutaceae) Habitat: Planted in garden Location: Chandigarh Date-3-3-2016 Is it Atlantia? I think, Atlantia macrophylla Is it not the same as identified by … as Glycosmis pentaphylla in another thread by Anil ji ? Yes, … I think, we have photographed it from the same plant.. Rutaceae Week: wonderful, I vaguely recall that it was supposed to have anti oxidant activities… very nice to see it Glycosmis pentaphylla of Rutaceae family…. Beautiful photo. Here are the names for this species I have found so far: . Names of Plants in India :: Bengali names of Glycosmis pentaphylla : 5 posts by 2 authors. Besides আশশেওড়া ash-sheora … Wikipedia and বন জামির ban jamir … ENVIS-FRLHT, a name matkhila is mentioned in NISCAIR’s Useful Plants of India. Please help with the name matkhila in Bangla script. Here …, Bengali script. Thank you very very much … Which software should I download to get Bengali keyboard? as well as Hindi. …, there is no need for downloading any software. There are many webpages which help in typing scripts with characters other than Roman. Yesterday, I used Lexilogos webpage for typing Bangla script. This page has choice of languages at the top- it may not have all the languages of India/ World. Names of Plants in India :: Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. : 3 posts by 2 authors. via Species > G > Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. … family: Rutaceae
gly-KOS-mis — sweet-smelling … Dave’s Botanary pen-tuh-FIL-uh — Greek: penta (five) and phyllum (leaf) ... Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: gin berry, opal orange, orangeberry, rum berry, tooth brush plant • Assamese: হেঙেনা পকা hengena poka, চেলংদি selongdi, শেঙুন পকা sengun poka • Bengali: আশশেওড়া ash-sheora, বন জামির ban jamir, মাতখিলা matkhila • Hindi: बन निम्बू ban nimbu, गिरगिट्टी girgitti, गुंजी gunji, पोटली potali • Kachari: serebilijira • Kannada: ಗುರುಪಾಡೆ gurupade, ಜಂಗಮ jangama, ಮಾಣಿಕ್ಯನ ಗಿಡ manikyana gida, ಪಾಂಡೇಲು pandelu, ವಾಡೆಮಡಿಗೆ vadimadige • Khasi: dieng-kasiar, dieng-soh-sning • Konkani: मेनकी menki • Malayalam: കുറ്റിപ്പാണൽ kuttippanal, കുറുംപാണൽ kurumpanal, പാഞ്ചി panchi, പാണൽ panal • Manipuri: ꯌꯣꯡ ꯀꯣꯝꯂꯥ yong komla • Marathi: किरमिरा kirmira • Mikir: chingchoi-arong, hiunmucha, jami-reng-reng-arong, pleg-ik-arong, theng-lokso-arong, theng-pitungmeng, wo-chora-a-anarong • Mizo: arpa til • Nyishi: tasung-changne • Odia: ଅଣାଚାରା anachara, ଚାଉଳଧୁଆ chauladhua • Punjabi: ਬਣ ਨਿੰਬੂ ban nimbu, ਪੋਟਲੀ potali • Sanskrit: अश्वशाखोट ashvashakota, वननिम्बूक vananimbuka • Synteng: dieng-kajat-ske • Tamil: அமுதம் amutam, காட்டுக்கொஞ்சி kattu-k-konci, பாணாச்செடி pana-c-ceti, பூமிப்பழம் pumippalam • Telugu: గిలుగు gilugu, గొడుగు godugu, కొండ గొలుగు konda golugu, గొంజి gonji • Tulu: ಪಾಂಡೇಲು pandelu • Urdu: گنجي gunji botanical names: Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. … homotypic synonyms: Limonia pentaphylla Retz. … heterotypic synonyms: Glycosmis arborea (Roxb.) DC. • Limonia arborea Roxb. … and more at POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ gin berry, orangeberry, rum berry opal orange
tooth brush plant
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~ হেঙেনা পকা hengena poka, শেঙুন পকা sengun poka
চেলংদি selongdi
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~ আশশেওড়া ash-sheora
আইডালি aidali, আটেশ্বর ateshwar, বনজামির banjamir, দাঁতমাজন dantamazan, দাঁতন dantan, কাওয়াটুটি kawatuti, মৌডাল maudal, মটকিলা motkila ~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~ बन निम्बू ban nimbu गिरगिट्टी girgitti, पोटली potali
गुंजी gunji
~~~~~ KACHARI ~~~~~ serebilijira
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ ಗುರುಪಾಡೆ gurupade
ಜಂಗಮ jangama ಮಾಣಿಕ್ಯನ ಗಿಡ manikyana gida, ಪಾಂಡೇಲು pandelu
ವಾಡೆಮಡಿಗೆ vadimadige
~~~~~ KHASI ~~~~~ dieng-kasiar, dieng-soh-sning
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~ मेनकी menki
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ കുറ്റിപ്പാണൽ kuttippanal, കുറുംപാണൽ kurumpanal, പാഞ്ചി panchi, പാണൽ panal
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~ ꯌꯣꯡ ꯀꯣꯝꯂꯥ yong komla ~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ किरमिरा kirmira
मेनकी menki ~~~~~ MIKIR ~~~~~ chingchoi-arong, hiunmucha, jami-reng-reng-arong, pleg-ik-arong, theng-lokso-arong, theng-pitungmeng, wo-chora-a-anarong
~~~~~ MIZO ~~~~~ arpa til ~~~~~ NYISHI ~~~~~ tasung-changne
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~ ଅଣାଚାରା anachara
ଚାଉଳଧୁଆ chauladhua
~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~ ਬਣ ਨਿੰਬੂ ban nimbu, ਪੋਟਲੀ potali
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~ अश्वशाखोट ashvashakota, वननिम्बूक vananimbuka ~~~~~ SYNTENG ~~~~~ dieng-kajat-ske
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ அமுதம் amutam, பாணாச்செடி pana-c-ceti
காட்டுக்கொஞ்சி kattu-k-konci
பூமிப்பழம் pumippalam
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~ గిలుగు gilugu, గొడుగు godugu, కొండ గొలుగు konda golugu (or గొలుగు golugu)
గొంజి gonji
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~ ಪಾಂಡೇಲು pandelu
~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~ گنجي gunji
~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at . Names of Plants in India :: Marathi name for Glycosmis pentaphylla : 3 posts by 2 authors. . Names of Plants in India :: Assamese name(s) of Glycosmis pentaphylla : 3 posts by 2 authors. . Names of Plants in India :: Punjabi names of Glycosmis pentaphylla : 3 posts by 2 authors. These are mentioned in Plants of the Punjab by Charles James Bamber, and in the Economic Products of India … by George Watt Will be glad if someone helps by validating the spellings typed in Gurmuhki and Devanagari scripts. ban nimbu … ਬਣ ਨਿੰਬੂ … बन निम्बू … OK girgitti …? … गिरगिट्टी … hoping someone helps with this name in Gurmukhi script. potali …ਪੋਟਲੀ … पोटली Not sure how the latter two names have got applied to the plant. . Names of Plants in India :: Gujarati name for Glycosmis pentaphylla : 5 posts by 3 authors. Glycosmis pentaphylla is distributed in Gujarat; any known local name ? I could not find any in the regular resources that I check. Can we go with naming it as વન લીંબુ van limbu, just as we have it as বন জামির ban jamir in Bengali, बन निम्बू ban nimbu in Hindi … Reference: ENVIS-FRLHT. Sorry I couldn’t write earlier. I am not acquainted with this plant and don’t know of any Gujarati names. Hope some other members would be able to comment. SYMBIOSIS : 1360 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Quaker butterfly visiting flowers of Glycomis pentaphylla. very nice. the leaves seems to have some “virus” may be? Attaching a collage of Common Grass Yellow butterfly visiting flowers of Glycosmis pentaphylla SYMBIOSIS 1362 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of wasp visiting flowers of Glycosmis pentaphylla
SYMBIOSIS : 1364 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Bumble bee visiting flowers of Glycosmis pentaphylla. Attaching a collage of Blue banded bee visiting flowers of Glycosmis pentaphylla. SYMBIOSIS : 1367 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Wasp species visiting flowers of Glycosmis pentaphylla. Attaching a collage of Wasp species visiting flowers of Glycosmis pentaphylla. SYMBIOSIS : 1368 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Common Silverline butterfly visiting flowers of Glycosmis pentaphylla. Attaching a collage of Carpenter bee visiting flowers of Glycosmis pentaphylla. SYMBIOSIS : 1373 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Mason Wasp visiting flowers of Glycosmis pentaphylla. SYMBIOSIS : 1383 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Chestnut Bob butterfly visiting flowers of Glycosmis pentaphylla. SYMBIOSIS 1409 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of common Pierrot visiting flowers of Glycosmis pentaphylla. thank you. looks like it was attacked. its wings are breaking up . AKDEC01 Requesting ID of this shrub. Glycosmis ? : 7 posts by 4 authors. 3 images. Glycosmis species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) Looks like Glycosmis pentaphylla ( Retz.) DC. It is Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. Only one species of Glycosmis is known wild in Uttarakhand. If wild it should be G.pentaphylla (Rutaceae). Yes Sir, it does look like Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. Thank you very much … . MS/MAY/2020/3/ ID – Bush : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Please ID this photograph received from Chennai. This is a bush in IIT Madras campus. Rutaceae. Tentative I D Glycosmis pentaphylla. Hoping you’re right … . 35 Identify weed plant Glycosmis pentaphylla: 6 images. Please identify the weed plant. Plant details as follows Name of plant: Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, Kerala PIN:686671 Date:. 03.01.2021, 12.00pm Altitude: 1700fsl Habitat: wild moisture Plant habit: bush hard stem perennial Height: 03 meters Leaves: alternative aromatic oval long apex jaws Flower: diameter:3mm,white fragrant Fruit:. pink, aromatic, edible outer skin and sweet pulp (around seed) Rutaceae week: Glycosmis mauritiana at Bhairavgad, Maharashtra: I think this is Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC., as per keys at Flora of Peninsular India and BSI flora of India; I don’t know which features of the plant you are considering. According to the description at BSI, G. mauritania has “stigma truncate, persistent in fruits as an apical knob.” The apical knobs are clearly visible in … image, whereas berries shown in Glycosmis pentaphylla at FOI lack those knobs. Pl. check keys at Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. Pl. see the correct images of Glycosmis mauritiana at this link. One important characteristic is whether the ovary is sessile or stalked. It is difficult to see the differences in this set of images. However, for now I will remove these from the FOI page for Glycosmis mauritania.
PLANT FOR IDENTIFICATION – 1 – indiantreepix | Google Groups: Photographed at BHADRESHWAR, HOOGHLY, WEST BENGAL in July-2007. It is a common shrub in South Bengal, grows in partial shadow of tree. Would some one identify this plant. Here is a link to Glycosmis pentaphylla (Rutaceae): A shrub– Glycosmis pentaphylla belonging to Rutaceae, In Beng. Ashsheora, Hindi- Ban Neem. Village folk use its twigs for brushing teeth, like neem twigs, perhaps derives the Hindi name from that. Glycosmis sp – efloraofindia | Google Groups: Earlier I sent a photo with fruits, here is one with flowers Glycosmis pentaphylla
I too think this is Glycosmis mauritiana… Kindly wait for other responses from the members Glycosmis mauritiana for sure This shrub is indeed Glycosmis mauritiana (Lam.) Tanaka of Rutaceae. Commonly seen in Tropical Dry Evergreen Forests [Champion &Seth, 1936]. Tamil Name: Konji …, had you bruised the leaves and smelled? its more like a Chilly fruit [Capsicum] smell. I have not seen G. pentaphylla any one have pictures of it? the syn. of this plant is G. Pentaphylla. I think this is Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC., as per keys at Flora of Peninsular India and BSI flora of India;
Family: Rubiaceae Place: riverine shore, Mudumalai wls Date: 04 May 2010 Am I right, any possibilities of being other species? I think you are right, to me it looks very much like what I saw and uploaded a few days back. But of course await further validation of the same. i think this Glycosmis mauritiana indeed !! I think this is Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC., as per keys at Flora of Peninsular India and BSI flora of India;
gly-KOS-mis — sweet-smelling pen-tuh-FIL-uh — from the Greek penta (five) and phyllum (leaf) … Dave’s Botanary Feb 18, 2012 … Mollem National Park, Goa commonly known as: gin berry, orangeberry, rum berry • Bengali: আশ শ্যাওড়া ash sheora, বন জামির ban jamir • Hindi: बन निम्बू ban nimbu • Marathi: किरमिरा kirmira • Oriya: ଅଣାଚାରା anachara, ଚାଉଳଧୁଆ chauladhua • Tamil: காட்டுக்கொஞ்சி kattu-k-konci, கொஞ்சி konci • Telugu: గొంజి gonji Native to: Indomalaysia References: Flowers of India • Biotik • ENVIS – FRLHT • DDSA • Further Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar more views: Feb 18, 2012 … Mollem National Park, Goa Oct 15, 2010 … near Lion’s Point, Lonavala, Maharashtra New to me. Is supposed to be found on edges of jungles in Bengal… Many thanks …, … I must be wrong in my ID as per your keys. Attaching pics of what i know as Glycosmis pentaphylla. I can’t say about the authenticity of the ID but this plant is very common here and it is known as toothbrush-plant in English and AASH-SHAORA (আশ শ্যাওড়া) in Bengali. I am not adding any taxonomist name because –
I took these pics about 2 hours ago, except the last one (yesterday). Many thanks … ji for validating posted plant. Even a few months ago i would have easily said that it is G. pentaphylla. But the more i go exploring the plants the more i get confused. I hope the following table helps you. The key is from An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India by K.M.Matthew (1991).
2/10/2011/YRP/02/Chethalayam, Sultan Bathery, Wayanad.: 9 posts by 6 authors. Attachments(5). Identity of the plant please? Date & Time 12/10/2011 Location: Place, Altitude, GPS Chethalayam, Wayanad. Habitat: Garden, Urban, Wild Type: Wild Plant Habit: Tree, Shrub, Climber, Herb Shrub I think Glycosmis mauritiana I think … is right. Yes it is Glycosmis mauritiana (Lam.) Tan. I think it is Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. G. pentaphylla Small erect shrubs. Leaves 3-7-foliolate; leaflets subopposite, 7-15 x 2-5.5 cm, elliptic-lanceolate, attenuate at base, entire to minutely crenulate-serrate on the margins, acute to round at apex, glandular on both sides, glabrous; rachis 6-10 cm long; petiolule c. 2 mm long. Flowers in terminal or axillary, spiciform panicles. Sepals 5(4), 1-1.5 mm long, ovate-acute, ciliate on margins. Petals 5(4), white, 4-5 x 2-2.5 mm, obovate, surface gland-dotted. Stamens 8-10, longer and shorter filaments of longer ones c. 3 mm long, shorter, c. 2 mm long. Disc prominent, annular. Ovary 2-2.5 mm across, ovoid, 5-celled; stigma flat or obscurely lobed. Berry 1-1.2 cm diam., ovoid, white turning pink, 1-2-seeded. G. mauritiana Shrubs. Leaves imparipinnate, to 15 cm; leaflets 3-5, subopposite, to 10 x 4 cm, ovate-elliptic, apex obtuse, base cuneate, coriaceous, nerves 5-8 pairs; petiolule to 0.5 cm. Racemes axillary, to 3 cm, pubescent; flowers white; sepals imbricate, 3 mm, obovate, pubescent; petals 5 x 4 mm, obovate, filaments 2.5 and 4 mm, anthers 1 mm, elliptic, glandular at apex; ovary 2 mm, clavoid. Berry 1 cm across, subglobose; seed 1. Pls compare. I collected the material from coorg area (talacauvery) of Karnataka. In the regional flora Glycosmis mauritiana is reported. I know G. pentaphylla from Tamilnadu area. I am having images of G. pentaphylla also. The images given here are Glycosmis mauritana only. The leaves are larger, fruits also more dense and larger. The plant is with different look the leaf is larger in size. Going by the fruit KEY provided by Satish Sir in another thread I would vote for G. pentaphylla. ID PLS – found in Bongaon, North 24 pargana, West Bengal : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). ID PLS – found in Bongaon, North 24 pargana, West Bengal Probably Glycosmis sp Common Mime caterpillar found on the plant yesterday. Resembles Glycosmis mauritiana, because leaflets appearing 1-2 only, Going by the ovary character, it is Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. only as per keys herein, though details are not clear. . Nepali name(s) of Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC.: Sorry …, no Nepali name. . Regarding the identification of the sp. collected from Kandhamal on Oct 2023: 7 high res. images. Apocynaceae ? Looks like a Glycosmis sp Glycosmis pentaphylla. The spiny trunk is something else . . References: |
Glycosmis pentaphylla
Updated on December 24, 2024