Habenaria barbata Wight ex Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 6: 133 1890. (Syn: Ate virens Lindl.; Habenaria virens (Lindl.) Abeyw. [Illegitimate]);


Today’s Orchid no – 2 NSD 25 : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 2 authors.

Photographed this orchid today (30.9.09) in Panchmari area of Satpura Tiger Reserve.
Sorry for poor light & photo quality


You must collect atleast one plant, and atleast 5 fresh flowers of it in 70 % alcohol. Take as many pictures as you can. Take some pics of dissected flower and closeup of inner part of the flower. I will have to work hard on this. But doesnt match with anything in my knowledge right now….!!!
I am sending u a mail, please check!!

thanks for your suggestion
day after tomorrow i will again visit the area and do the necessary action.

Fw: [indiantreepix:19871] Today’s Orchid no – 2 NSD 25 :  

Unfortunately this is not new orchid, this is
Habenaria barbata Wight ex Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 6: 133 (1890).

Reported from India and Sri Lanka. It sud be very rare in Madhya Pradesh but has been reported from MP before!!! may not be there in latest literatures.


Fwd: New record for Central India 4 posts by 2 authors.
Habenaria barbata Wight ex Hook.f.- a new record for Central India- P.K. Dash1 and P. Kumar2

Before this was recorded & published in 2012, it was posted by … on 30.9.09 at efi & identified by … as per the following thread
This once again proves that lot of different plants are reported by our members even before they are published.

Oh this is so sad. I really forgot about … finding. Otherwise I would have mentioned it in the article. 

Oh, Sorry. I did not realize that P. Kumar in the article is our own …


Orchidaceae fortnight : Habenaria digitata : Shimla : RVS3 Attachments (1). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Photographed this Habenaria digitata (I think) from Tirunelveli (TN).

This is Habenaria barbata…. not digitata
Wonderful find, a very rare plant. 

Oh, thanks Pankaj for the info as well as correct id.

I just read your recent paper in Zoos’s Print. Congrats to Prasad ji & you!

Very interesting! From your paper I understand that it was earlier collected only from Tamil Nadu (‘Madras’). Any idea when this species was collected previously from TN?