
Orchid for identification: please identify this orchid i got this in panchgani (Lingmala forest) in month of September last year.

Looks like Habenaria crassifolia

Yes this is also same.

Habenaria crassifolia.





Habenaria brachyphylla :: Purandar fort Pune:  Habenaria brachyphylla (Lindl.) Aitch., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 19: 188 (1882).
Syn. Habenaria crassifolia
Observed on Purandar fort Maharashtra last week Aug 2012
A terrestrial orchid. About 1.5 feet tall.
Leaves 2 opposite flat on ground.Ovate acute.
Fragrant white flowers.

Also observed on Kaas plateau.

 … you are showing us rare plants. Many many thanks.




Some plants pictures in and around KAAS Plateau.:   Some plants pictures in and around KAAS Plateau.

1> Habenaria panchganiensis Sant and Kapadia
2> Habenaria brachyphylla (Lindl.) Aitch
3> Impatiens minor-Rikhtoli
4> Impetiens oppositifolia
5> Habenaria rariflora

Nice pictures, … Habenaria brachyphylla and rariflora are rare finds.

Beautiful flower of Gloriosa superba L. near KAAS Plateau





Kas week : Habenaria brachyphylla SMP:  Habenaria brachyphylla (Lindl.) Aitch., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 19: 188 (1882).
Syn.Habenaria crassifolia?
Observed on Kas plateau
19 Sep 2010.
Terrestrial herb about 1 feet.



Kas Week: PKA16:: — Habenaria brachyphylla:

Bot. name: Habenaria brachyphylla
Family: Orchidaceae


Habenaria brachyphylla Syn. Habenaria crassifolia

Kas and Purandar fort. Sep

Wonderful pics.


Orchidaceae Fortnight:: Habenaria brachyphylla | Kaas :  Attachments (1). 4 posts by 4 authors.

Kaas, Maharashtra

Sept., 2013

Yes Habenaria brachyphylla
Drying up. 




Oechidaceae fortnight : Habenaria brachyphyla : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Habenaria brachyphyla

Purandar 2013 August
Kaas 2013 August

Very beautiful orchid.  Are they fragrant … ?

NO sir i Don’t know i didn’t take smell of this small beautiful orchid

Yes Habenaria brachyphylla.
Nice illustration



Orchidaceae fortnight :  Attachments (3). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Habenaria brachyphylla at Mahabaleswar in mid September 13.

Yes Habenaria brachyphylla

Came across this Orchid at Kas plateau near satara. 

Bot. name: Habenaria brachyphylla 

Yes Habenaria brachyphylla

Here I’m sharing my first post for Orchidaceae fortnight !! Glad to see the Orchid Flowers 🙂
Many thanks to all members for sharing there pictures !!
Botanical Name : Habenaria brachyphylla (Lindl.) Aitch.
Location: Purandar Fort, MH.

Very beautifully presented … thanks a lot.. waiting for more..

Wonderful illustration. Thanks for sharing. Yes Habenaria brachyphylla.




[EfloraofIndia_ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight]:19102013PD03_ Habenaria crassifolia A.Rich._Flora of Odisha : Attachments (2). 6 posts by 5 authors.
sharing the images of Habenaria crassifolia A.Rich. taken from 5000 ft above msl, Mahendragiri hills, Odisha

Yes Habenaria crassifolia. Beautiful habitat pic.

Thanks … for identifying this one which is very rare in Odisha and found from only one locality so far. 


 Fwd: Photographs of Habenaria , Ceropegia from department of botany ,SUK. 4 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1)

Photographs taken by Sandip Gavade, Research scholar, Dept. of Botany, SUK
