Common name: Intermediate Habenaria • Hindi: वृद्धि Vriddhi, रिद्धि Riddhi • Sanskrit: वृद्धि Vriddhi
Distribution: Pakistan to Assam and S. Tibet
As per efi thread :
Present below is a basic key to differentiate these four species, which we had prepared for Orchids of Uttarakhand.

Lip not trilobed……………… xxxxx
Lip trilobed:
Side lobe of the lip pectinate:
Mid lobe longer than side lobe………………………….…..…..H. pectinata
Mid lobe shorter than side lobe
Spur longer than ovary
Petals gibbous an outer edge.………………………………..H. arietina
Petals not gibbous……………………………………………. H. intermedia
Spur shorter than ovary…………………………………..….…..H. ensifolia
Side lobes of lip not pectinate ………………… xxxx

Plz help with identification : Attachments (3 + 1). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Once again i seek help in identification. I came across this plant in HP at a height of about 2200-2400

This looks like Habenaria pectinata ….  Please see this link to confirm

This is Habenaria intermedia for sure. Very common above 1500m onwards in western himalaya.
The link provided by dear … does has the same plant but misidentified.

Anyways, there are four associated species with Habenaria intermedia bearing pectinate lip, namely, Habenaria pectinata, H. arietina, H. intermedia and H. ensifolia. Present below is a basic key to differentiate these four species, which we had prepared for Orchids of Uttarakhand.
Lip not trilobed ….. xxxxx
Lip trilobed:
Side lobe of the lip pectinate:
Mid lobe longer than side lobe .….. H. pectinata
Mid lobe shorter than side lobe
Spur longer than ovary
Petals gibbous an outer edge… H. arietina
Petals not gibbous ……..  H. intermedia
Spur shorter than ovary ….. H. ensifolia
Side lobes of lip not pectinate ………………… xxxx
Present below is the key from: Deva, S. and H. B. Naithani (1986). The Orchid Flora of North-West Himalaya. New Delhi.
4 Side lobes of the lip deeply lacinate into filiform segments ….. 5
+ Side lobes of the lip entire, not lacinate, broad or very narrow to filiform………… 8
5 Flowers large, 2-6 in the raceme, distant, sepals 20-25 mm long,    spur 50-60 mm, ovary 40 mm or more in length, anther canal long,    stigmatic processes long, 10-15 mm long ……. H. intermedia
+ Flowers small, usually many, crowded in racemes, sepals 15 mm or less, spur 35 mm or usually much less, ovary about 25 mm, anther canals and stigmatic process long or short ……. 6
6 Petals narrower than the dorsal sepal, inner and outer margins curbed, nearly parallel, without any buldge (gibbous) near the base, side lobes of lip wit fewer segments, anther canals long, stigmatic processes long, 8 mm or lesser, spur laterally compressed, 30-40 mm long, much longer than the  ovary ……… H. arietina
+ Petals narrower than the dorsal sepal, inner and outer margins curved, nearly parallel, without any buldge (gibbous) on the outer side, side lobes of lip with many segments, anther canals short, stigmatic processes long or short ………. 7
7 Plants small, upto 30 cm tall, stigmatic processes 4-5 mm long, dorsal sepal 8-10 mm long, midlobe of the lip longer than the sidelobes, spur stout, apex curved outwards …….. H. pectinata
+ Plants taller, 60-70 cm long, stigmatic processes long, 10-12 mm, dorsal sepal 15-20 mm long, midlobe of the lip longer than the sidelobes ……………… H. ensifolia
I am attaching a better pic of Habenaria intermedia taken from Dhanaulti (40kms from Mussorie) area, few weeks back. Sorry for being so technical.
Hope this will clear your doubts.

Habenaria intermeda | Chakrata : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.

Habenaria intermedia

Chakrata, Uttarakhand
Aug., 2013

Habenaria intermedia
Observed in Pangot in last week of Jun.

where is this from, Himalaya or western ghats? Yes Habenaria intermedia.

Yes … All other Habenarias were from Western ghats. This one and next one is from Pangot. For those who don’t know:  Pangot is a village in Nainital district in Uttarakhand, India.

Thanks … for this post, we missed the lip, which is so beautiful…

ORCHIDACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Terrestrial orchid from Chakrata- NS 24 : Attachments (5). 5 posts by 4 authors.
This one was recorded from Deoban area, Chakrata… please provide id..

This is Habenaria intermedia. Lip is missing.

Thanks for id …, we tried to find a complete flower but could not, thanks … for liking..



ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight: Habenaria intermedia from Deovan Road Chakrata BS 21 :  Attachments (5). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Habenaria intermedia from Deovan Road Chakrata

Yes, Habenaria intermedia

Late stage when middle lobe of lip eaten up by insects. Good pics of this large flowered orchid.

Habenaria intermedia D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal.: 24 (1825).
Kryptostoma intermedium (D.Don) Olszewski & Szlach., Ann. Bot. Fenn. 37: 299 (2000).
Ochyrorchis intermedia (D.Don) Szlach., Richardiana 4: 55 (2004).
Distribution: Pakistan to Assam and S. Tibet


Orchidaceae Fortnight:: Habenaria intermedia | Chakrata : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 4 authors.
Chakrata, Uttarakhand
Aug., 2013

Yes Habenaria intermedia not in good health.

ORCHIDACEAE Fortnight: Habenaria intermedia (?) from Uttarakhand DSR_15 : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Habenaria intermedia is a common rainy season ground orchid in temperate zones of Uttarakhand.
This species resembles to H. intermedia closely, but the structure marked in second picture are curious to me as these are not drawn in Deva & Naithani 1986 (The Orchid Flora of North West Himalaya).

Yes Habenaria intermedia a very important medicinal plant. 


AKNOV05 Habenaria intermedia from Mussoorie : 4 posts by 3 authors. 4 images.
A very beautiful Habenaria from Mussoorie, Aug 2014

Beautiful pics of this terrestrial orchid.

Beautiful capture. I remember observing it in Pangot near Nainital.

very nice picture and unique flower shape

Habenaria intermedia ABJUL01/08 : 5 posts by 4 authors. 3 images.

I spent a lot of energy on yesterday’s walk in the mountains fending off leeches but was rewarded by the discovery of a lone plant of this beautiful orchid. Here are some photos.
Habenaria intermedia
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
03 July 2016

Great effort and nice find..Thanks for sharing..

Very nice output of strenuous exercise…keep walking !!

Thank you … The effort was not great—leeches being only minor irritants—but finding the plant was definitely nice.


Habenaria intermedia ATJULY2016/04 : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)

Habenaria intermedia
Intermediate Habenaria
July 2016

It always attracts me. Looks like a FLYING LIZARD.


More photographs. Attachments (4)

FROM MY BLOG (16 July 2014)

It’s a lovely blog … and I look forward to reading more about the flora of Himachal.

Very nice. Thanks a lot for sharing.

If Habenaria intermedia is flowering then many more things would be flowering around. Please check.
By the way Habenaria intermedia is not on the red list and local red list produced unscrupulously is not good to be followed.
Infact as this plant is used in Chawanprash, it would be very nice to know, where the so called herbalist, dabur and patanjali gets this plant from, for their products?
This is surely a good plant if brought under cultivation. It can raise the economy of poor local people in the area if cultivated on large scale.


MEDICINAL USES OF Habenaria intermedia

Excellent Info


SK820 24 OCT-2017:ID : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Location:  Deurali, Dolkha, Nepal
Date: 6 September 2017
Elevation : 7700 ft.
This also a bit difficult one without incomplete plant, I guess.
By the way is it Habenaria atrietina Hook. ???

If I had to guess I would say this is Habenaria intermedia. But can’t confirm from this pic.



Habenaria arietina Hook. f.: 8 very high res. images.

Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur
Date:  18 July 2021
Elevation:  2700m.
Habit : Wild

I am not sure if this ID is correct. The spur is longer than the ovary, so it looks more like Habenaria intermedia.

I also got somewhat confused. You may be right …


Habenaria intermedia D. Don: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Dailekh,  West Nepal
Altitude: 2000 m.
Date: 28 June  2021 
Habit : Wild




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