Habenaria longicorniculata J.Graham, Cat. Pl. Bombay 202 1839. (Syn.: Habenaria gracilis Rchb.f., Habenaria longicalcarata A.Rich., Habenaria longicalcarata var. viridis Blatt. & McCann);
Habenaria orchid, शेपुट हबेअमरी Sheput habe-amri (Marathi);
Distribution: India, Sri Lanka


Habenaria longicorniculata:
attaching the image of Habenaria longicorniculata J.Graham
Please validate..

– I assume it was taken long back during the rainy season. Yes this is Habenaria longicorniculata J.Graham.. As the name “longicorniculata” means “long spurred or tailed”. I have seen plants with almost more than 15 cm long spur. …..

John Graham (1805-1839) is already abbreviated as J.Graham and hence logically it shouldnt be abbreviated as ‘Grah.’. Some people have this habit of abbreviating it as ‘Graham’ which is also wrong owing to the fact that ‘Graham’ stands for Graham – Robert Graham (1786-1845).
Just one more example with my species:
Peristylus sahanii P.Kumar et al. is incorrect because that P.Kumar is not me but some one else who expertises in Mycology. The correct citation of my species WILL ALWAYS BE Peristylus sahanii Kumar et al.. In best case, you should write the complete names of the authors or in worst case dont give an author citation. This goes according to the ICBN Vienna Code Section III, Article 46, Recommendation 46A, Note 1.
The Code also says the following reference should be followed while abbreviating:
R. K. Brummitt and C. E. Powell, ed (1992). Authors of Plant Names: A List of Authors of Scientific Names of Plants, with Recommended Standard Forms of Their Names, Including Abbreviations.
Many of such abbreviations are available at IPNI as well as Wikipedia.

Long-tailed Habenaria flowering:
Also photographed yesterday. The Long – tailed Habenaria [Habenaria longicorniculata].


Some plants from KAAS:  1 correct image as above.
Some Plants from Beautiful KAAS,
1> Habenaria commelinifolia (Roxb.) Wall. ex Lindl.
2> Ceropegia media (Huber) Ansari
3> Ceropegia vincifolia Hook.

The first flower seems to be Habenaria longicorniculata and not H.commelinifolia.

yes …, first flower is Habenaria longicorniculata, thanks


ID-30082013-PR-1 Habenaria longicorniculata ? :  Attachments (7). 8 posts by 5 authors.
plant from gujarat
found about 3000 ft height
flower white
spur long
is this Habenaria longicorniculata ?

Looks like Habenaria longicorniculata
Wait for it to open fully…

My photographs for comparison are available at this link

Forgot to mention – it does not look like H. longicorniculata to me.

This looks like H. longicorniculata to me as well.
Please upload a fully open flower picture

Flowering and fruiting occurs in August and is over by early September. Sending a few photographs.

Orchids have one very strange habit. It depends on chance how much time is needed for a flower to get pollinated. Some can be pollinated on first day whereas some takes long time and hence the plant put in all resources to keep the flowers alive and active for long period. Long period can go sometime to longer than one month as per my observation in other genus. In habenaria it can go upto 2-4 weeks.
But yes the flower is not fully open and as it also seems deformed, it cant be confirmed. With length of spur and the stigmatic lobes, i cant think of anything else than longicorniculata.


Orchidaceae Fortnight: Habenaria longicorniculata : Talegaon :  Attachments (7). 4 posts by 4 authors.

Habenaria longicorniculata
Distinct feature: Very long spur resembling a very long tail.
Photographed at Talegaon – Maharashtra
from a location where a small piece of land was covered with several hundred plants.

Long tailed Habenaria… thanks so much for sharing.

It has very good fragrance and tuber is used for medicinal purpose in Jharkhand.

Very good to know the different places where this is being observed.

Habenaria longicorniculata
Near Kas and Near Mahabaleshwar


Habenaria for ID :  Attachments (4). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Habenaria sp. collected from Kerala.
Please help me for the ID

Habenaria longicorniculata.
Thanks for sharing wonderful pics.

Very good pictures. Habenaria longicorniculata

Rajmachi forest, Lonavala, Maharashtra
Sept., 2010

Yes Habenaria longicorniculata.


ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight: Habenaria longicorniculata J.Graham from Jharkhand, PKS-37 : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 4 authors.

Habenaria longicorniculata J.Graham, Cat. Pl. Bombay: 202 (1839).
Habenaria longecalcarata A.Rich., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., II, 15: 71 (1841).
Habenaria gracilis Rchb.f., Flora 48: 180 (1865), nom. illeg.
Habenaria longicalcarata var. viridis Blatt. & McCann, J. Bombay Nat.
Hist. Soc. 36: 20 (1932).
Distribution: India, Sri Lanka

Thanks for showing the illustrative photo.


Orchidaceae fortnight : Habenaria longicornuculata : Attachments (3). 6 posts by 5 authors.
Habenaria longicornuculata

2011 Ramachi
2012 Naneghat
2013 Kasara hills Maharashtra, India

Hope you didn’t miss a chance to smell this beautiful flower.
Its wonderful.

yahhhh sir i’ve smelled it awesome jasmin fragrance

Habenaria longicorniculata from Raigad Fort.
Common Names: Long-Tailed Habenaria, Sheput habe-amri..

Lovely Shots Dancing Doll like…..

The tall and handsome longicorniculata.

[EfloraofIndia_ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight]:19102013PD11_Habenaria longicorniculata_Flora of Odisha :  Attachments (1). 5 posts by 4 authors.
Fully opened flowers of H. longicorniculata taken from Mahendragiri hills

You must have opened it yourself 🙂

Thanks … for appreciation. Yes m … I always try to open the flower in field after your instruction.


Flora Picture of the Year 2013- J.M.Garg : 9 posts by 9 authors.
Possibly this is my first post after a dry year of 2013 (mainly because of paucity of time due to different priorities). It is Habenaria longicorniculata as I knew it from the first glance while moving on a narrow road through Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary on way to Kemmanagundi from Chikmaglur in Oct’2013.
I requested the driver to stop the vehicle & hurriedly got down to click it. I didn’t bother for anything else. I also took the pictures of the basal leaves and many other pictures from many angles, a few while almost sitting. After the photo session with this & a few other flowering herbs was over I returned back to the vehicle. As we moved a bit i could see blood on my pants. As I looked further I saw many leaches on my legs, shirt & on the vehicle. It was as if it was a great attack of leeches. I quickly removed them by heavily shaking my hands & legs one by one. Finally all of them (around six) were gone but not without leaving their temporary scars. I knew they did no long term harm. One of them was later found to have left a mark on the toes of my daughter. It certainly was a great encounter with Habenaria longicorniculata 

A very good experience shared …

I was unaware of such attacks by these tiny creatures until very recently (in 2011) when we first made a trip to Chakrata region in a post monsoon period, with leeches in their peak….
Even after warnings by locals, we were almost careless before we saw bleeding toes after reaching to our hotel… the itching started after a week and persisted for two or three weeks in worst affected areas, but I believe the cost is not too big…
This certainly shows your devotion to flora documentation, thanks for sharing nice images and experience…

Thanks … for sharing your experience. So leaches had made your Bhadra WLS visit memorable one. I remember … once narrating his close encounter with leaches at Amboli… As … has rightly mentioned, it shows your love and dedication towards documenting wild flora..

… fantastic find, beautiful picture, the find can never be forgotten!

Many pictures become very special because of memories associated with them. I can understand the situation when leeches are crawling over the body since I have faced it many a times in Himalayan forests. The fine wounds made by the leeches either remain bleeding for long duration or remain itching for many weeks, as I found them. But then, to see many species, we have to go through these experiences which makes them memorable.
It is a new plant to me as it does not grow in Uttarakhand; thanks for showing and sharing the experience.

Nice Shot … In summer and rainy season Leeches are a big danger in Himalayas also

Garg sir beautiful picture…  such a lovely orchid
I think all ground orchids in monsoon come with leeches

Beautiful post …!  Encounter with leeches and ticks are almost unavoidable during trekkings and we never forget the places and interesting sightings of plants when such incidents are associated

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/mullaianagiri_20-8-2015_IMG_0049_1%20-20-.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/mullaianagiri_20-8-2015_IMG_0049_1%20-14-.JPGFloral view-2/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/mullaianagiri_20-8-2015_IMG_0049_1%20-28-.JPG

Habenaria longicorniculata_images shared. : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Sharing few images of Habenaria longicorniculata.
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Terrestrial, amidst grass.
Sighting: Mullaianagiri, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1500 msl
Date: 20-8-2015

Excellent images… thanks a lot !!


Orchid ID Please : 9 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (1)
Kindly help me for ID Attached orchids. It is collected from Madhya Pradesh India. In sept 2015. It is available on open grass lands. Flowers white.

Habenaria longicorniculata (Long- tailed Habenaria) ?

It is Habenaria longicorniculata….. …, you are right…


Habenaria longicorniculata J.Graham SN Oct 04 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Habenaria longicorniculata J.Graham, is a terrestrial orchid observed from Kolli hills of Eastern Ghats, Tamilnadu

Nice. It is one of my favourite Habenaria due to its fragrance.

My favorite  too because of its fragrance and form 🙂

Presenting few images of Habenaria longicorniculata (Orchidaceae 


Habitat:Wild.terrestrial,amidst grass in montane forest 

Sighting:Near,Chikmagalur,Karnataka,about 1600 msl 


Beautiful Habenaria longicorniculata.
very nice that it has been pollinated too. Did you smell the extraordinary flowers? It is really good. Thanks a lot for sharing.


Habenaria longicorniculata : 8 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (5)

Habenaria longicorniculata
Eravikulam WLS, 
near Munnar, Kerala, in the Nilgiris. First week of October 2018

Very beautiful. Did you try smelling the flower?

thank you… i didn”t try to smell it as it was pouring hard. i was busy trying to keep the camera dry. i wish i had smellled it though



Habenaria longicorniculata——-for sharing : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Pictures taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Off Lonavala, Pune in September 18.


Habenaria longicorniculata from Chikkmagaluru, Karnataka-GS25032021-1: 2 images.
Habenaria longicorniculata J Graham
Photographed along Mullayamgiri Road, Chikkmagaluru, Karnataka, 26-9-2015.

Very beautiful and this guy has a very nice fragrance.


ID 04/8/21: 1 image.
Please identify this herb from Kozhikode district of Kerala

It is an orchid. Pl. share image of the lower portion.

Habenaria longicorniculata. Thanks a lot for sharing.
Dont miss to smell the fragrance of this beautiful flower.


549 ID wild Orchid: 17 high res. images.
Please ID wild Orchid,
Location: bloomed near Vannappuram Thodupuzha Idukki Kerala INDIA
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 26JUN2023, 06.45pm
Habitat: wild moisture rock outcrop misty sloppy canopied windy alpine
Plant habit: terrestrial lithophytic Orchid, erect unbranched, weak fleshy cylindrical stem 03mm base diameter, annual
Height: 01 feet
Leaves: alternate rosette densely clustered elongated acute simple smooth fleshy flexible, size upto: 07×3cm
Flower: terminal inflorescence, size:06x4cm, white, the Queen of Fragrance (upto 04 meters surrounding area), spur length upto 01 feet
Fruit: capsule upright green into brown ovoid ridges size:05x1cm

Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Habenaria longicorniculata J.Graham

Yes, it is Habenaria longicorniculata dear Saroj ji, thank you very much for ID my Orchid

Yes Habenaria longicorniculata.
