
Stem 10-40 cm high. Leaves to 12 x 2.5 cm, clustered towards the middle of the stem, linear-oblong, lanceolate, acute or acuminate. Scape to 25 cm tall. Flowers to 8, 2.5 cm across; bracts shorter than the 2.5 cm long ovary; sepals ovate, acute; petals linear-oblong, narrower; lip 3-partite; side lobes 1.2 x 0.5 cm, cuneate, apex obliquely truncate, fimbriate; midlobe linear, shorter; spur to 10 cm long, apex clavate.

Flowering and fruiting: September-October
Grasslands and moist deciduous forests
Peninsular India

542 ID wild Orchid: 16 high res. images.
Please ID wild Orchid,
Location: bloomed near Nadukani Hills, Kothamangalam Ernakulam Kerala INDIA
Altitude: 1200fsl
Flower date: 18AUG2023, 02.55pm
Habitat: wild moisture rock outcrop misty sloppy alpine
Plant habit: terrestrial Orchid, erect unbranched, soft fleshy cylindrical stem 04mm base diameter, rhizomatous, perennial
Height: 20cm
Leaves: alternate elongated acute smooth leathery glossy size upto: 17×3.5cm
Flower: terminally spike inflorescence, size:06×3.5cm, spur length: 10cm, white, non fragrant

Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Habenaria longicornu Lindl. !

Yes, it is Habenaria longicornu dear Saroj ji, thank you very much for ID my Orchid

Beautiful, Habenaria longicornu.

I imagine there is a second orchid in first few pics.

No, they’re all the same kind growing in same location.

Sharing Two Habenaria sp. :  Attachments (4). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Sharing two additional species of Habenaria apart from Pankaji Collection.
2) Habenaria longicornu

1 and 2 should be …..
3 and 4 I will have to recheck…..

I request you to check that the first plant is the one what I had been called as Habenaria foliosa and Habenaria gibsonii is a different taxa. Though may people have merged them together.

And yes 3 & 4 are Habenaria longicornu.
(Syn: Habenaria decipiens)


ID Please, Pic Taken in Parambikulam Tiger Reserve : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors.
This Picture I have taken in Parambikulam Tiger Reserve, Kerala. I didnt have any pic with leaves on it!!!

Flower posted by you looks like some “Habenaria sp.” (Orchidaceae family)??

for me it seems to be Habenaria longicornu Lindl..

ANOCT01 Habenaria longicornu : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5).
Nandi Hills
1st October 2014

Identified by …

Attachments (3)

Habenaria longicornu Lindl. SN Oct 03 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Habenaria longicornu Lindl. is a terrestial orchid from Coonor area of Nilgiris, collected during 1990.

Yes Habenaria longicornu.

Thanks, … for posting so many orchids from your old collection



Fw: {MNS:6119} (Ghost Like) Wild Flower from Lower Palani Hills : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.

I find this interesting wildflower on a hill slope, while birding in the lower Palani hills in the 2nd week of october.
This wild flower looks like a ghost image.

The pic looks like that of a Habenaria. Can the experts pl. help? Thanks a lot

So, finally got the protologue or the type description of this. I reads in latin as:
follis lanceolatis canaliculatis recurvis, racemo laxo paucifloro, bracteis membranaceis acuminatissimis ovario acuato, brevioribus, labelii tri-
partiti lacinia intermedia liari layeralibus falcatus crenatis obtusis breviore, sepalis lateribus riangularibus supremo erecto a petalis horicontalibus incurvis libero, calcare clavato compresso ovario longiore.
VIx 5 poll. altus. Folia radicalia 5, subito in squamis acuminatissimis mutata, Sepala patula, nulla reflexa. Calcar 1.5 p. longum. Bases
solute antherae elongati. Processus carnosi recurvi.
This may be translated as: Leaf lanceolate, channeled, recurved, raceme lax, less flowered, bracts membraneous acuminate sheathing ovary but shorter, labellum trilobed, middle lobe linear and shorter, lateral falcate, crenate, obtuse, lateral sepal triangular, dorsal erect, petals horizontal, curved inwards and free, spur clavate laterally compressed, much longer than ovary.
Barely (can reach upto) 5 feet high. Leaves radical, 5, abruptly acuminate.
Sepals spreading, not reflexed. Spur 1.5 —- long. Base od the anther free and elongated. Process fleshy and recurved.

So, most probably this is Habenaria longicornu Lindl. 😛

Re: [efloraofindia:52193] {MNS:6119} (Ghost Like) Wild Flower from Lower Palani Hills :  8 posts by 3 authors.

I find this interesting wildflower on a hill slope, while birding in the lower Palani hills in the 2nd week of october.
This wild flower looks like a ghost image.

:=) I thought I will take opportunity of ‘fastest finger first’ in absence of … but can’t take this further than H. plantaginea. … please come in…

Seems to be Habenaria longicornu

I had been thinking. It has to be Habenaria longicornu but unable to find a suitable description for this.
Not Habenaria plantaginea for sure as lip is totally different and spur it too long.
I will recheck and confirm.

So, finally got the protologue or the type description of this.

I reads in latin as:
follis lanceolatis canaliculatis recurvis, racemo laxo paucifloro, bracteis membranaceis acuminatissimis ovario acuato, brevioribus, labelii tri-partiti lacinia intermedia liari layeralibus falcatus crenatis obtusis breviore, sepalis lateribus riangularibus supremo erecto a petalis horicontalibus incurvis libero, calcare clavato compresso ovario longiore.
VIx 5 poll. altus. Folia radicalia 5, subito in squamis acuminatissimis mutata, Sepala patula, nulla reflexa. Calcar 1.5 p. longum. Bases soluti antherae elongati. Processus carnosi recurvi.
This may be translated as:
Leaf lanceolate, channeled, recurved, raceme lax, less flowered, bracts membraneous acuminate sheathing ovary but shorter, labellum trilobed, middle lobe linear and shorter, lateral falcate, crenate, obtuse, lateral sepal triangular, dorsal erect, petals horizontal, curved inwards and free, spur clavate laterally compressed, much longer than ovary.
Barely (can reach upto) 5 feet high. Leaves radical, 5, abruptly acuminate. Sepals spreading, not reflexed. Spur 1.5 —- long. Base od the anther free and elongated. Process fleshy and recurved.
So, most probably this is Habenaria longicornu Lindl. 😛 

Two things to point out from your text. First obvious error of translation.. Plant barely 5 feet? May be 5 inches. Secondly H. longicornu is shown (In Orchids of Nilgiri, BSI) with cauline leaves as against radical in your text. The shape of the lateral lobes of lip also does not tally (larger and divergent) wth the illustration of H.longicornu. There is a passing ref of H. decipiens Wight along with H. longicornu.

Thanks a lot for the correction. Yes missed, actually many references say that it is very much similar to Habenaria longicorniculata so I thought it must be tall as longicorniculata which can really go upto 5feet. Plant may be giving an illusion of having radical leaves owing to the fact that leaves are clustered on the ground as in plantaginea and longicorniculata, but once you take them out, there is presence of
proper stem below.  Lateral lobes are indeed larger and divergent (you are talking about the size and orientation) according to the pic and you, but the type description without giving much details just talks about the lateral lobes being falcate (Lindley is talking about the shape) as in the picture.
Whatever may be the case, we both of us are leading towards the same plant… WHY? BECAUSE
Habenaria longicornu Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 322 (1835).
Synonym: Habenaria decipiens Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5: 14 (1851);)).

Habenaria longicornu Lindl. is endemic to south India.
I would like to request, if possible … sir may put the endemic plants searchable under one heading if possible in FOI.

Orchidaceae Fortnight: Ground orchid SS_07 : Attachments (2). 7 posts by 5 authors.
Please identify this species, I guess it must be Habernaria sps.
Location: Nandi Hills, Bangalore, Karnataka

Do you have pictures of open flowers?

No the flowers were not open when I shot them.

This is strange. I will have to recheck. This cant be Habenaria longicorniculata!!!

Is this habenaria longicornu??

It can be Habenaria longicornu but I cant confirm without seeing the open flowers. Its not easy to guess either.
It can even be a dwarf deformed form of Habenaria longicorniculata.